Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4983 Re-promise

"What's wrong?" Seeing Zhang Yu's shocked look, Leng Lingxue asked curiously.

"Nothing..." Zhang Yu said directly.

He said this, but in his heart, there was an ominous premonition.

Zhang Yu begged in his heart: "Rat... another rat..."

His eyes then fell on the clothes and the small box, and his mind was buzzing again.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of a person - Liang Daji.

A conversation could not help but emerge in his mind.

"Actually... I just want to live in seclusion... and never care about the world again..."

"Isn't it good to live in seclusion underground? From now on, no one will come looking for you..."

"My...Second Uncle...well...if...if I can make the Earth Splitting Gloves, Sodium-shaped Clothes, and Eight Treasure Boxes, I can still accompany my Second Uncle on a trip..."

"You're kidding me... Where can I build it for you..."

"Lei Ge... the masterful Lei Ge... isn't he the apprentice of the master carver Liu Gongyan... These three things of mine were mainly made by asking Liu Gongyan to help with the carving, so they have such power... I can draw them here The graphics...please ask Lei Ge to carve them first, and then ask a master of weapon refining to help with the refining...When the time comes, I will naturally be able to help my second uncle..."

"Fart! Rego is already dead!"

" did he die..."

"I don't know exactly how he died. He said he was poisoned by his apprentice. You really make ramen every day and you don't know anything anymore..."

"She lives in seclusion... and has never paid attention to things in the world... That second uncle... Lei Ge must have an apprentice... If he dies, you can find his apprentice..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu shouted in his heart: "Gloves, clothes, boxes, ground-breaking gloves, sodium-shaped clothes and eight-treasure boxes..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu thought of another thing, and his head buzzed again, "Second Uncle, Liang Daji calls that person Ershu... If it is said that Liang Daji is the True Lord of the White Sun among the twelve astrology Disciple... then, then this old Taoist... isn't he the True Lord Yishan..."

Zhang Yu has played against the masters of the twelve horoscopes more than once, and the most powerful one he has encountered so far is naturally the One-Horned Master Yang Lin.

But according to the Great Protector, although Yang Lin is powerful, he is not actually that terrifying. The truly terrifying ones are True Lord Xiaolin and True Lord Naohai. Of course, this premise is that Bai Ri Zhenjun is already dead. The true king of Naohai, Shenlong, has never seen his head or tail, and almost no one has seen him. How strong Lord Xiao Lin is, and just based on the strength of Corporal Xiao Lin, it is not difficult to imagine that the master is definitely not someone to be trifled with.

It seems that the three corporals of the Xiaolin Sect that Zhang Yu met were like that, but you have to think about it. If you take out any of these people, they may not be able to deal with the strength of Zhenren Zhang and Zhenren Yuan, and then you have to think about it. Even if it's not good, it's just between the two.

Both Zhang Zhenren and Yuan Zhenren have become masters of ceremony, and the disciples of Zhenjun Xiaolin are also masters of ceremony. As a master, the greatest achievement is not how great you are, but how great the disciples you teach are. For a master to be able to teach one or two masters of ceremony in his lifetime, it is considered a great achievement.

The corporal of the Xiaolin sect is basically as strong as the leader of the sect. If the master doesn't act, how can it be possible?

Although the Great Protector did not say anything about Yishan Zhenjun's strength, he is ranked second among the twelve horoscopes. Even if the twelve horoscopes are not judged by ranking, he is probably not someone to be trifled with.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He didn't want to cause trouble, but trouble kept coming. I originally thought that after the major factions were resolved and the alliance was signed, nothing would happen, but unexpectedly, this trouble happened. Zhang Yu felt a little regretful. If he had known that a master of the twelve horoscopes came to Bishui Manor to find someone to carve, he should not have taken over this business.

It's so good now, even Shangguan Ning is hooked up.

The other party said nicely that he would be released after carving, but is it possible?

Zhang Yu believes that things should not be that simple. According to what the other party did, Zhang Yu was sure to complete the carving within seven days and could send the things away. What would happen then?

Soon, Zhang Yu realized that he couldn't just sit here in Bishui Manor, he needed some help. Don't think that I am not the only one in the Taoist temple. I, Zhang Yu, come and leave when you say, and arrest people when you say.

Of course, you have to discuss finding helpers with Grand Master Uncle. Nini, Xiaomei, Ye Fenghuang, and Meng Xinger are all quite strong. In addition, there is also a great protector. I think that after these days, he has regained considerable power.

You, a big-nosed old man, said you won’t let me find helpers, so I won’t find helpers.

Zhang Yu also didn't want Leng Lingxue to worry, so he asked her to go aside and make a call himself. Zhang Yu said it was okay, but Leng Lingxue couldn't tell that something serious had happened. The big-nosed old man must be unusual.

So, she followed Zhang Yu's instructions and went to the side to find a place to sit down.

Zhang Yu took out his cell phone, thought for a moment, and dialed Ye Linglong's phone number.

The phone was quickly connected, and Zhang Yu asked Ye Linglong to quickly hand over the phone to Grand Master Uncle. He had something to discuss with Grand Master Uncle.

After a while, Zhang Yu heard Sun Zhaoyi's voice, "You go out first, I will call you later... Hey, are you the sect leader..."

"Uncle Taishi, it's me." Zhang Yu said quickly.

"You called me suddenly. Did something important happen?" Sun Zhaoyi asked.

"As soon as we got here, we ran into trouble, but fortunately, I have solved it. I just didn't expect that today..." Zhang Yu immediately told the story of Shangguan Ning being robbed. Even his big-nosed and experienced appearance, He also described the object that the other party asked him to carve. Finally, he added: "Uncle Taishi, do you think I should find some help here? That big-nosed old man, I suspect he is probably the Yishan Lord in the twelve astrology."

"Such a thing has happened. It seems that you really shouldn't go down the mountain... Sect Master, among the twelve horoscopes, True Lord Yishan doesn't seem to be the top, but he is also not something you can match... But you don't have to worry, according to Jianghu Rumor has it that Lord Yishan is a man who values ​​his promises and hates people lying to him the most... As long as you carve the things well and send them to him, I expect that he will let Xiao Ning go and won't embarrass you... This You don’t need to let others go with you, otherwise you will violate his taboo and be more troublesome... With your current cultivation level, plus Xiaomei and Nini, you can fight with him, but the outcome is hard to say. The most important thing is... you can't kill him..." Sun Zhaoyi said seriously.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu took a deep breath unconsciously. With his own cultivation, plus Nini and Xiaomei, he was only able to fight without killing the opponent.

"Listen to me, that's right... give him the things, exchange Xiao Ning back, and return to Guangming Mountain immediately..." Sun Zhaoyi warned.

"Yes, Grand Master Uncle." Zhang Yu said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yu was relieved. After all, according to Uncle Taishi, as long as he gave the other party something, he would let Shangguan Ning go and would not continue to embarrass him.

But at this moment, Zhang Yu also had a doubt in his mind, "How can uncle Taishi be so sure that the other party will follow through on his word... The character of the twelve horoscopes doesn't seem to be very good..."

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