Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4982 Gloves

"The reason why the five elements harm each other is because of the nature of heaven and earth. Many are better than few, so water is better than fire. Essence is better than hardness, so fire is better than metal. Hardness is better than softer, so gold is better than wood. Expertise is better than loose, so wood is better than wood. Earth. Reality wins over emptiness, so earth wins over water. Fire can overcome metal, and if there is too much metal, fire will be extinguished; if metal is weak and meets fire, it will melt. The extremes of matter must be reversed. If metal is too strong for fire, fire will be overcome by metal. Therefore, the five elements Tao, there is no certain limit to the so-called mutual generation and mutual restraint. The five elements are mutually interdependent and must be balanced, otherwise it will be counterproductive. The two swords of Youlong are made of wood, wood generates fire, and fire overcomes gold. However, real gold is not afraid of fire refinement, and the more refined it becomes, the more refined it becomes. pure……"

While Shangguan Ning had mixed feelings in his mind, the big-nosed old man began to talk to himself again.

Shangguan Ning paused for a while, then unconsciously sat cross-legged again, and according to the old way, he started to circulate his Qi.

This time, it takes a week to circulate Qi, and it takes obviously longer than before. After waiting, Shangguan Ning once again found that his true energy had only increased slightly, but his true energy was much purer than before.

She stood up again with her swords in hand, separated them, and took them out.

Immediately afterwards, the two swords turned again, but this time, as the two swords turned, the two swords turned into two circling fire dragons. The red flames also exuded golden light, which looked extremely biting.


However, before Shangguan Ning could activate the two fire dragons, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and he stumbled and fell to the ground. The two fire dragons were extinguished immediately, and the two peach wood swords fell to the ground.

"Huh...huh..." Shangguan Ning couldn't help but gasp heavily, her body seemed to be detached, her head and body were covered with sweat, and she knew that it was all sweat.

"Haste makes waste, but your improvement speed is really beyond my expectation. It seems that you are really anxious to leave. But in your current situation, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave even if you want to. You need to rest for two days to calm down. Slow down." The big-nosed old man said without looking back.

"Thank you...senior for your advice...junior, junior, I'm very grateful..." Shangguan Ning lay on the ground and said sincerely.

She didn't understand something in her heart. This was an old Taoist guiding her. Although she did not take the old Tao as her teacher, the old Tao did teach her her true skills.

It is estimated that even if you practice in Baimei Palace for a lifetime, you may not be able to achieve your current level of cultivation.

The old Taoist had previously dismissed Baimei Palace, saying that it was just a sign, and even Yuan Zhenren, who had reached the level of a master of ceremony, did not take it seriously. At this moment, she saw that she did have this capital, and just this little bit of advice in less than one night was enough to benefit her for a lifetime.

It can be said that Shangguan Ning can't even imagine what level the old Taoist's cultivation is. The old Taoist said before that Zhang Yu cannot be defeated with only two or three successes. If he goes all out, he is worried that Zhang Yu will be beaten to death with one attack and no one will do the work for him. At that time, Shangguan Ning still felt that he was bragging. If he was really capable, he could force Zhang Yu to submit, so why would he do such a kidnapping thing?

However, after receiving the advice from the old Taoist, Shangguan Ning clearly realized that the old Taoist was not bragging at all. With a strength of 20% to 30%, he may really not be able to defeat Zhang Yu. If he hits hard, Zhang Yu may be seriously injured even if he is not killed. I really can’t work for others anymore.

"Haqie..." At this time, the big-nosed old man suddenly dozed off, stretched out for a long time, then lay back and closed his eyes.

In less than two minutes, the old man started to snore, "Snoring... snoring... snoring..."

Good guy, this snoring is really unique. The sound is only on one side, but on the other side, it's like being out of breath. Every snoring was a bit earth-shattering, and echoes were echoed in the cave.

Shangguan Ning was lying on the ground, thinking wildly. She couldn't sleep in the first place, but when she heard the snoring, she didn't even need to sleep.

She slowly raised her head, looked at Lao Dao, and said to herself, "Is he really asleep or is he pretending to sleep... If he is pretending to sleep, it doesn't look like it, and his snoring is not artificial at all... If If he really sleeps, he can rest assured that I am by his side like this. Even if he is injured, it is easy to sneak attack when a person is asleep... Also, you said you want me to have a good rest, you are the one snoring, How can I rest..."

Shangguan Ning propped himself up and sat up cross-legged. He felt that he couldn't sleep anyway, so he had better meditate to relieve his qi first. I'll go back to sleep when you wake up, and I'll make peace with you now that I'm here. With my little ability, you have the final say whether you want to kill or behead you. Besides, it seems like you can't kill me.

In the villa courtyard behind Bishui Manor.

After meeting Zhang Yu, Leng Lingxue told Zhang Yu exactly what happened. Even the old Taoist's appearance and every word he said were not spared.

After listening to Leng Lingxue's description, Zhang Yu remembered that this was the old man with a big nose that he saw at the last table at the lakeside when inspecting goods.

The old man didn't say anything about making friends with him at that time, and he never showed up again. He really didn't expect that he would suddenly appear, go to the manor, snatch Shang Guanning, and force him to submit.

The baggage is still lying on the ground, and it is said that the objects were carved according to the drawings.

Zhang Yu simply squatted down and opened the revenge, wanting to see what was inside.

When the furoshiki was opened, there were three things inside, a pair of gloves, a piece of clothing, and a box.

"What is this?" Zhang Yu muttered, then picked up a glove and looked at it.

The style and material of this glove are really weird. Although the whole thing is made of leather, there are a total of nine pieces of gray-black jade inlaid on the palm and back of the hand. The back of the hand is five pieces, and the palm is four pieces. The tips of the five fingers of the gloves are inlaid with black metal, but you can't tell what kind of material they are made of. It's just that the end is sharp. Although it doesn't have a sharp edge, its sharpness can be determined at close range. Every piece of jade and black metal has spiritual energy and evil energy on it, and it is obviously a magic weapon. It's just that there is no ancient atmosphere on it, and it doesn't look very old. Based on Zhang Yu's experience, it can even be determined that this should have been recently refined and should still be considered a semi-finished product.

"The semi-finished product seems to be for me to carve...the drawings...let's see what's carved..." Zhang Yu muttered and immediately started looking for the drawings.

He quickly found an envelope, opened it, and took out three drawings.

When you unfold it, you will see that the first picture is a drawing of a glove. There are no words written on it, but there are patterns drawn on the front and back of the glove where the jade stones are.

The four jade stones on the palm of the hand are engraved with mouse patterns. The five jade stones on the back of the hand, the four at the four corners, are also engraved with mouse patterns. Only the middle one is engraved with a pattern that looks like lightning. It's the shape the earth took when it cracked.

"Rat..." Zhang Yu's heart trembled when he saw the pattern of eight rats, because the rats on it were exactly the same as the rats on the wheel of the wheelchair.

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