Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 490: Robbed instead (seventh update)

"The money has been received, a total of 200 million, let's get started! I used to scare you, don't say you don't dare anymore!"

After checking all the things and money, the woman shouted loudly, as if she was afraid that Zhang Yu would regret it, so she said another irritating sentence.

"I'm afraid, who are you looking down on? Come on, come on," Zhang Yu said, but he put his hands on his thighs, and his palms seemed to be pointed at the woman opposite him unintentionally.

A translucent stream of air shot out at once, directly sweeping away the career, wealth, and love luck above the woman's head.

Except for hers, Zhang Yu didn't let anyone else go either. He would absorb everyone else's luck one by one.

"Then let's start! Let's deal the cards!" The woman sat down, and the previous people also sat down, and they were about to continue dealing the cards on the spot.

Zhang Yu has not sucked everyone's luck yet. When he saw them and was about to deal the cards, Zhang Yu immediately shouted: "I alone bet 200 million, you four people together bet 200 million, or how to calculate it?" ?”

As soon as these words came out, other people secretly said in their hearts, this kid is not confused at all.

That's absolutely true. Who do you think is the bet?

After Zhang Yu said this, his hands were not idle and he continued to absorb the luck of these people.

Gambling has a lot to do with wealth. This was confirmed last time on the gambling boat.

Several people looked at each other, and finally the woman said loudly: "It's just the two of us betting, okay!"

"That's okay." Zhang Yu nodded, and then said: "It's still the same way as before. I'm bored, don't talk about that, just deal three cards, and whoever has the bigger one will take the money!"

"No problem!" the woman said, directly picked up the poker and washed her hands twice.

Needless to say, this woman's skills are really good. She hid three aces in her sleeves. No matter how she dealt them, she would win by herself.

Then she was ready to deal the cards.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yu suddenly said: "Why do you hair your hair directly after you wash it?"

"Then if you want to wash it, you can wash it," the woman said nonchalantly.

Zhang Yu took the poker, shuffled it twice, and then said: "Who among us will deal the cards, or rock, paper, scissors."

How could a woman be afraid of Zhang Yu when she had three aces in her hand? To her, it didn't matter who made the wrong move. So, she said carelessly: "Otherwise, you can do it!"

"Okay." Zhang Yu nodded, and then said: "Then you can cut the cards, so you won't be dissatisfied after losing."

"Okay." The woman cut it casually.

After cutting, Zhang Yu said: "We just agreed to show the cards and compare them. Is that okay?"

"No problem," the woman said.

"Then I'll deal." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he directly picked up the cards and showed the first card in front of the woman.

"What are you doing?" The woman asked eagerly when she saw Zhang Yu directly showing his cards.

"I've already asked you, don't you agree to show the cards directly to compare the cards!" Zhang Yu said, showing himself another card.

He then showed another card to the woman and then to himself.

As a result, the woman was immediately dumbfounded, and her companions were also dumbfounded. The card is revealed directly, so how can I change it?

At this moment, Zhang Yu sent her the third one, and finally sent one to himself.

Zhang Yu's cards were a pair of 4s, and the woman's cards were three miscellaneous cards. Obviously, Zhang Yu won.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly, stood up, and said, "I'm sorry, I won, and the two hundred million are mine."

As he spoke, he pointed to the ten suitcases containing money.

The woman immediately stood up and said loudly: "This one doesn't count!"

"Why doesn't it count?" Zhang Yu asked sharply.

"The fighting cocks don't deal the cards with their hands on!" the woman shouted angrily.

"I asked you before, and you said yes! Do you want to cheat now?" Zhang Yu's eyes widened, and he glanced at the other people with his peripheral vision.

He knew in his heart that this was not a casino, and these people would not let him take the money away directly.

"It's really not played like this!" "There's no way to show your cards directly in a cockfight!" "This one definitely doesn't count!" The woman's accomplices all shouted. How could there be so many of them afraid of Zhang Yu? They were playing together Become a scoundrel.

"You want to cheat because of the large number of people?" Zhang Yu's voice turned cold and he said, "I won all this money, and it's mine now."

"What's wrong with cheating! You bastard!"

The people who came with the money earlier were thugs to avoid accidents. In their view, although they are sure to win, they must be cautious in sailing the ship forever. Qianguang Zhang Yu has the best money directly. If something goes wrong, so many people will beat Zhang Yu to death. A man shouted, and the crooks immediately got out of the way.

Immediately afterwards, other men also pressed towards Zhang Yu, shouting: "You bastard! If you want to survive, keep your money and things. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to you!"

"You don't need to lie now, you can steal it instead!" Zhang Yu shouted angrily, grabbed the man and punched him directly in the face.

"Ah!" The man cried out in pain, fell to the ground, and fell unconscious.

Zhang Yu's internal strength has now greatly increased, and his fists and kicks are much more ruthless than before. Ordinary people simply couldn't withstand his punch.

"Bang bang bang bang." Before the other men could react, Zhang Yu knocked them all to the ground with his fists and kicks.

When the crooks saw this, they were immediately stunned. When they tried to run away, it was too late.

"Bang bang bang bang." Zhang Yu hit and kicked several crooks one after another, knocking them to the ground one after another. Even the female crook was not immune. At this moment, only the young woman who first came to Wudangzhai Qian Zhangyu was still lying down.

When Zhang Yu looked at her, the young woman was already trembling all over. She couldn't run even if she wanted to. Her legs were trembling. She had never seen someone so capable. Her legs went weak and she collapsed on the ground. .

"You" Zhang Yu raised his fingers towards the young woman and said, "Come here."

The young woman got up tremblingly and came to Zhang Yu tremblingly. Now she didn't know what to do?

Zhang Yu asked coldly: "How many people have come to challenge me?"

"Everyone, everyone is coming up." The young woman said fearfully.

She really didn't expect that Zhang Yu would see through it.

"Who asked you to come?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"No, no one. We just knew you were rich, so we decided on you," the young woman said.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Zhang Yu asked in a deep voice.

The young woman bit her lip and said, "It's true that no one asked us to come."

"So, you are quite rich, and you can use 200 million to bribe me. If you are so rich, why are you being a pawn?" Zhang Yu asked coldly.

"Don't we want to make more money?" the young woman stammered.

It can be said that even if she was beaten to death, she would not dare to tell the truth.

"Okay." Zhang Yu said one word, then raised his hand and pressed it on the top of the young woman's head. The young woman immediately fell to the ground limply and fainted.

After she lay down, Zhang Yu followed suit and pressed on the heads of the others.

Some people were knocked unconscious just now, and even if some people were not unconscious, they were gritting their teeth in pain and couldn't get up at all. As soon as Zhang Yu pressed his head, he lost consciousness on the spot.

After everything was settled, Zhang Yu took out his cell phone and dialed Brother Biao's number.

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