Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 489 Counterattack (sixth update)

When Zhang Yu heard what the young woman said, he couldn't help but curse in his heart, you girl, you have very poisonous eyes, you can recognize my Jianyan Yuanbao at a glance. Trying to win this against me is just a daydream!

But he still pretended to be stupid, showed a competitive image, took out a string of Jianyan Yuanbao from his pocket, and shouted: "Is this what you are talking about?"

"That's it." The young woman's eyes were shining.

Several other people also looked over, some of them knew him and some didn't.

The woman smacked her lips and said, "What is this?"

Zhang Yu said proudly: "I don't even know this. How valuable is Jianyan Yuanbao?"

"Is it valuable?" The woman looked at the other people.

A man next to her said: "If it's true, it's worth money. The key is that we can't be sure."

"Who are you looking down on!" Zhang Yu shouted: "Can I use a fake one? Otherwise, let's find a place to identify it now!"

With that said, he wanted to go downstairs again with Jianyan Yuanbao.

Generally, people who take gambling drugs are competitive and cannot stand the provocation of others.

From Zhang Yu's appearance, everyone can conclude that this Jianyan Yuanbao must be real.

Of course, the young woman couldn't let him go. She quickly grabbed him and said with a smile: "I believe you are telling the truth. Let's continue playing."

"That's pretty much it." Zhang Yu sat down again.

Others started to place bets. They played with a minimum of 100 yuan and a maximum of 2,000 yuan. Look at what they have in front of them, each of them has tens of thousands of dollars. Zhang Yu just lost 20,000 dollars.

Everyone had played the bottom. Zhang Yu looked at the Jianyan Yuanbao in his hand and said, "How can I play this?"

"Why can't you take it off? Just take it apart one by one. I'll give you ten thousand for this one," the woman said.

"It's ten thousand! You said ten thousand, it's ten thousand! My string of Jianyan Yuanbao is worth two hundred million! Ten thousand each, you can look for whoever you like!" Zhang Yu shouted carelessly.

When she heard that it was worth 200 million, the young woman was not surprised. Anyone who knows antiques knows that it is indeed worth it. Those who didn't understand were surprised and looked at each other.

To be honest, people who take gambling drugs will indeed lose their rationality, become competitive, and cannot stand the provocation of others. But this does not mean that people who take gambling drugs become fools and do not even recognize money.

At this time, Zhang Yu grabbed the mineral water on the table, opened it, took a sip, and shouted with dignity: "Are you scared?"

Seeing that Zhang Yu had taken gambling medicine again, the woman immediately said, "I don't think you dare to gamble!"

"Why don't I dare!" Zhang Yu shouted immediately.

"Then place your bet!" the woman shouted.

"I'll bet 200 million, how much can you bet!" Zhang Yu's voice was even louder.

This sentence makes a woman dumb. If someone bets 200 million, if you tell them that I will bet 100, then you can play with the fool.

"Don't be anxious, you can take it apart and play slowly. It's not about winning the house or the land. Are you really afraid of losing?" The man in the woman seems to be trying to smooth things over, but in fact he is still aggressive.

"She looked down on me first! I'll bet her 200 million! Do you dare to bet?" Zhang Yu shouted again.

After saying that, he picked up the mineral water and took a sip.

People who usually drink poison do not drink so much. Obviously, everyone understood it, and this should have completely aroused Zhang Yu's gambling instinct. Now it’s impossible not to gamble 200 million.

But where can these people get 200 million to gamble with him?

Everyone looked at each other. The gambling medicine worked. They really tried their best and spent 200 million on gambling. But people are not stupid. If you bet 200 million, you have to shell out 200 million.

Zhang Yu was still shouting, "I'll bet you 200 million. Do you dare? Who are you looking down on!"

He shouted, and was also not idle. He picked up the mineral water and took a sip. Now a bottle of gambling medicine was almost gone.

The woman stood up suddenly and shouted loudly: "Who are you scaring? Just wait for me."

After saying that, she went downstairs directly.

When she came downstairs, the woman took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected, and a middle-aged man's voice rang, "Hello."

"Hey, Brother Qian, it's me." the woman said.

"How is the situation? Didn't you take action against Qian Zhang Yu? Was it successful?" Tu Shangqian asked.

"Half success, but we ran into some trouble." The woman said a little embarrassed.

"What trouble did you encounter?" Tu Shangqian was curious.

"Zhang Yu has drunk almost a bottle of gambling drugs now, and his gambling instinct has been completely aroused by us, but he doesn't have much cash with him, and we can't let him go to the bank to withdraw money in person. He does have a bunch of copper coins with him. It's Jianyan Yuanbao, worth 200 million. He said that we looked down on him and insisted on gambling all at once, but we are not fools after taking gambling drugs, so where can we get 200 million to bet with him." The woman was truthful said.

"Are you sure he drank gambling drugs?" Tu Shangqian asked.

"One hundred percent sure, everyone is there watching," the woman said.

"Is the Jianyan Yuanbao real?" Tu Shangqian asked again.

"What they say is true, and people who take gambling drugs usually don't lie." The woman said.

"That's true..." Tu Shangqian hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I will find someone who knows antiques to go there now. I will report to the boss here and give you 200 million. Win this Game, and then bet all the money in the bank card with him, and I will win back all of it! But you must remember, never let me down."

"Okay! Brother Qian, please rest assured, we will definitely complete the task!" the woman said respectfully.

After hanging up the phone, she walked up swaggeringly. Zhang Yu was still shouting, saying that you looked down on me and dared to bet 200 million.

And he drank up the bottle of mineral water in front of him. He opened another bottle of drink. People were betting on both ends. There were gambling drugs in the drinks and mineral water, but Zhang Yu didn't care. It was just like drinking boiled water.

Now no one doubts that Zhang Yu is faking. Who can take gambling drugs like this and endure it?

Listening to Zhang Yu's non-stop bluffing and shouting, these people all had a headache. But it can be seen that the string of copper coins in Zhang Yu's hand should really be worth 200 million.

The woman looked at Zhang Yu and shouted, "Just wait for me, I've already sent money! You don't need to be proud!"

Zhang Yu immediately retorted, "Who are you afraid of? If you give me 200 million, I'll bet you that I have nothing but money!"

The young woman and others quickly looked at the woman and glared at her, as if to say, please stop provoking him. We have been listening to his bragging for a long time, and our heads are hurting now. As he is, there is no need to provoke him any more.

Not long after, six people came from outside. Five of them were carrying two suitcases each, and the other one asked to inspect Zhang Yu's Jianyan Yuanbao. Zhang Yu was not afraid of being robbed by them, because Jianyan Yuanbao was spiritual and could communicate with his mind. What's more, there are just a few of them, and they are not enough for Zhang Yu to fight.

The other party checked the Jianyan Yuanbao, and Zhang Yu also checked the money in ten suitcases, which was fine. But Zhang Yu could tell that if he lost, that would be fine. If he won, these people would take action.

What the other party thinks is that as long as he wins this hand, he can directly gamble with Zhang Yu's bank card. At that time, all the casino’s losses will be recovered in one go.

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