Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4742 Falling Star Money

After Zhang Yu went downstairs, he left Liufang Tower directly.

Zhang Yu has now been to all the places he can go inside Wuyin Villa, leaving only two forbidden areas that he is not allowed to go to. One is the front yard of the young village owner, and the other is the backyard of the village owner.

Zhang Yu walked to his residence, constantly thinking in his mind, what should he do next?

As he walked, Zhang Yu entered the garden, walked along the garden's corridor, and soon arrived at the moon gate leading to the courtyard of the superior room. When Zhang Yu saw the Moon Gate, he saw a man standing in front of the Moon Gate.

This person, wearing a black robe and a black mask on his face, is not the shadow.

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment when he saw the shadow, but continued to move forward. The shadow also saw Zhang Yu. He took two steps forward to meet him, then clasped his fists and said politely: "Master Zheng, you are polite."

"Hello, Mr. Shadow, what's the matter with?" Zhang Yu also raised his fist.

"Our village owner asked me to invite Master Zheng to come to his place." Shadow said.

"Oh?" Zhang Yu was surprised and said, "The owner of the village asked me to come over. What can I do?"

"I don't dare to ask if there's anything wrong. The village owner only said that layman Zheng should go, and I'm just here to convey the message." Shadow said calmly.

Zhang Yu nodded, then made a gesture of invitation and said, "Then please lead the way."

"Principal Zheng, please!" Shadow also made a gesture of invitation and immediately walked towards Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu followed the shadow, turned around and walked back the way he came. As he walked, Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, "Why are you looking for me all of a sudden..."

He couldn't help but become a little worried. This morning, he taught a bearded man a lesson in Liufang Tower. He might have complained. Of course, this should be a trivial matter and would not alarm the owner of the village. Zhang Yu was worried that he would fall into someone else's trap for no apparent reason and have his identity revealed.

On the surface, it seems that he is going to see the owner of the village, but in fact, he may have set up an ambush and kill him directly when the time comes.

In a place like this, nothing can be said for sure.

After a while, Zhang Yu followed the shadow out of the garden and came to the courtyard of the restaurant, gambling house, and brothel. The shadow walked along the courtyard wall to the left, Zhang Yu just followed, walked to the end of the courtyard wall, and walked to the right again.

Not long after walking, a moon gate appeared in front of us. In front of the Moon Gate, eight young men in gray clothes stood. According to the mark on the map, the courtyard behind the Moon Gate was the residence of the village owner.

Shadow came to the door and said directly: "The owner of the village ordered me to invite layman Zheng here."

"Go in." A young man in gray clothes said.

The shadow stepped towards the Moon Gate, and Zhang Yu followed in. After passing the Moon Gate, what he saw was a large garden.

The scenery of the garden is very beautiful. Through the gardens here, it is not difficult to see that the owner of the villa should be an elegant person.

The shadow led the way through the garden, and a large flower hall appeared in front.

Outside the flower hall, there were four middle-aged men in gray clothes. Zhang Yu had seen these four people before, and they were all following the man in purple robes.

The door of the flower hall was closed. Shadow led Zhang Yu to the door. Shadow bowed and said, "To the owner of the village, layman Zheng has arrived."

With a "click", the door of the flower hall opened, and you could see from the outside that there was a chair in the front of the flower hall, and a purple-robed man was sitting on the chair.

"Principal Zheng, please come in." Shadow made an inviting gesture towards Zhang Yu, but he did not move.

Zhang Yu understood that this was to allow him to enter by himself. Zhang Yu stepped into the flower hall. After entering, he heard another "click" and the door closed automatically.

With Zhang Yu's current level of cultivation, he can certainly determine that the door's closing is completely different from the golden hand used by the old man of the Tao family. It is not done by infuriating energy at all, but there should be a mechanism on the door.

Naturally, Zhang Yu would not expose this kind of thing, but instead raised his hand to the purple-robed man and said, "The owner of the village is polite."

When he said this, he couldn't help but take a look at the situation in the flower hall. There are rows of chairs on the left and right sides of the purple-robed man, and some of the chairs are already occupied.

Zhang Yu has seen all the people sitting here before. The first one on the left is the young village owner; under the young village owner is an old Taoist in red robe; behind the old Taoist in red robe sits a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek.

The first position on the right hand of the purple-robed man is empty. At the lower hand position, there is an inch-head figure in a red cassock. Next to the inch-head figure in a red cassock, Kong Yi, wearing a black cassock, is sitting.

"Jushi Zheng, you are here. Please take a seat quickly." When the man in purple robe saw Zhang Yu, he immediately said enthusiastically.

Moreover, when he made a "please" gesture, he pointed to the first position of his upper right hand.

Zhang Yu was confused as to what this meant and why he was given a position in the upper hand. But Zhang Yu went ahead and said, "Thank you, Master."

After saying that, he stepped forward, walked to the upper right hand position and sat down.

When Zhang Yu walked over, he didn't look at Kong Yi, but just looked ahead. His heart was full of suspicion, wondering if something was going to happen.

When Zhang Yu sat down, the purple-robed man spoke again: "Everyone is here, let's get down to business..."

At this point, he paused deliberately, glanced at the six people present, and then said: "You must be wondering, what do I mean when I suddenly invite you here? In fact, the matter is very simple, I just want to invite you Please do some small things to help the villa."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu understood instantly. It seemed that it was exactly what he had said to Kong Yi before. Wuyin Villa was not a charity, so why should it support so many desperate people. The village owner here who dares to do such a big thing must have a plan.

"Master, you said it's a trivial matter, but I don't know what it is?" The red-cassocked man sitting under Zhang Yu was the first to say.

"According to my inquiries, there is a treasure called Falling Star Coin hidden in the treasure tower of Shushan Sect. This treasure can knock down any magic weapon in the world. I would like to invite you to take a trip to Shushan Pai, help me steal the Falling Star Money." The man in purple robe said slowly.

As soon as Zhang Yu heard that the owner of the village asked them to do something, he could immediately think that this so-called trivial matter could never be trivial. But when he heard the words "falling star money", his mind immediately buzzed.

The Falling Star Coin is one of the seven treasures of the True Dao. Among these seven treasures, Zhang Yu got the golden book, jade plate, colorful clothes, jade rope, seven-star sword, and Huangtian Seal, leaving only two pieces that were not found.

I really didn't expect that I would learn the whereabouts of Luo Xing Qian here today. And this Falling Star Money is actually still in the Shushan Sect.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel a little excited. At this moment, Hong Kasao followed up and said: "Master... you said you went to Shushan Sect to steal things... it's a small matter..."

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