Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4741 Confirmation

Zhang Yu stopped and looked at the middle-aged woman who had fallen asleep, feeling very happy in his heart. Because as long as he felt the bones of this woman, Zhang Yu could basically determine whether she was related to Xihong.

Zhang Yu didn't waste any time, and then lifted the quilt covering the middle-aged woman.

Good guy, as soon as the quilt was lifted up, the charming scenery inside was revealed. Zhang Yu never thought that the middle-aged woman would take off her clothes so cleanly before. With just one glance, Zhang Yu could see that the middle-aged woman had a red birthmark on the same position as Xi Hong.

The two birthmarks were almost identical. There was no such coincidence in the world. The skin of the two people looks similar, both are white jade and smooth. But Zhang Yu had no intention of caring about this, and immediately reached out and turned the middle-aged woman over so that her back was facing up.

Zhang Yu then began to touch the back of the middle-aged woman's head, continuing down the back of the skull and touching the woman's back.

After touching her for a while, Zhang Yu already had a general understanding of the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman is indeed a cultivator. Of course, it is impossible to tell which sect it is. The middle-aged woman has a son and a daughter, and they are both still alive. This is completely consistent with Xihong's fate. Also, there are two men in the middle-aged woman's life, one of whom is already dead.

According to Xihong's fate, she and her brother have the same mother and father, and their mothers should undoubtedly be middle-aged women. The only difference is that they were born by women and different men. In addition, Zhang Yu had already found out before that Xihong's father was no longer there, which meant that the man who died in the middle-aged woman's life was Xihong's father.

Who is the man who is still alive and who is Xihong's brother? This is impossible to figure out. As for the future fate of the middle-aged woman, Zhang Yu has not yet figured out the fate of the middle-aged woman. It seems that like Xihong, she has reached a turning point in her life. At this turning point, no one can predict what the outcome will be.

Everyone's life has a turning point. Generally speaking, this kind of turning point is often nothing more than two possibilities, one is between great wealth and mediocrity; the other is between life and death. At this turning point between being rich and ordinary, the outcome is sometimes difficult to predict, because it cannot be said that being rich is good and being ordinary is not good. This turning point between life and death is even more difficult to determine, and even human intervention cannot be final. It is very likely that due to the appearance of a certain person, this person could have been alive, but ended up dead; he was supposed to die, but ended up not dying.

Zhang Yu was proficient in this art, so he knew these things very well.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was absolutely certain that Aunt Hua, a middle-aged woman, was Xihong's mother. Through all Xihong's reactions, Zhang Yu was able to conclude that Xihong probably didn't panic. She didn't know that the parents who raised her were not actually her biological parents. Her own father is dead, and Xihong also doesn't know that her mother is Aunt Hua.

But the question is, does Aunt Hua know that Xihong is her biological daughter? Maybe Aunt Hua doesn't know either; or maybe Aunt Hua knows. Everything may be a game.

"Wogyin Villa is really a mist-like place... I originally thought that this place was just a place where evil and evil people hide evil. The owner of the village only plans to use these people for something in the future... Now it seems that it is really more and more..." It's getting more and more complicated... Who is Aunt Hua? With her strength, she shouldn't be like this... Even if she can't live in a superior room here, she should have no problem living in a medium-sized room. Why should she suffer? Bullied, allowed to be used as a mermaid... It can be seen that although she is in this place, she is very reluctant to be played by men..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart again.

Although he still couldn't figure it out in his heart, he finally knew something about it.

Zhang Yu then turned the middle-aged woman over, letting her lie face up in her original position, and then covered her with the quilt. Zhang Yu then reached out to touch the middle-aged woman's head.

He can make people fall asleep, and he can also make people wake up. However, just when Zhang Yu's hand was placed on the middle-aged woman's head, a voice suddenly came out of the middle-aged woman's mouth, "Xiu Qi... I'm sorry for you... I caused you trouble..."

Zhang Yu was stunned when he heard the woman's voice. He looked at the middle-aged woman carefully and was sure that she was not awake. Look at what it means, he must be dreaming about something, and he is gibbering.

Zhang Yu originally wanted to wake the woman up, but now he changed his mind and retracted his hands.

Soon, the woman opened her red lips again and said softly: "Our daughter... I don't know where she is now... He just promised me that he would not look for our daughter... and would not kill him... here I have really had enough of this life... I regret it so much... I might as well have died..."

Zhang Yu listened carefully and stopped talking when the woman finished speaking. Zhang Yu waited for a while, but still no woman continued to talk in her sleep. Zhang Yu understood that when people dream and talk in their sleep, it is often the things they miss most that they can't help but say out loud. Generally speaking, it's just a few sentences and no more.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu stretched out his hands again and started massaging the middle-aged woman's head.

After a moment, the woman let out a soft "hmm", and Zhang Yu took his hand back and looked at the other person.

The middle-aged woman opened her eyes faintly and saw Zhang Yu at first sight. She then said: "I...I seemed to have fallen asleep just now...I'm sorry..."

"It's okay. This is mainly a normal reaction after the silver needle pricks the acupuncture point. You can look in the mirror later and see how the effect is?" Zhang Yu said calmly.

"Thank you..." the middle-aged woman said, closed her eyes again, and then said: "You can do it now..."

Of course Zhang Yu knew what this meant, but Zhang Yu smiled and said: "Well... I suddenly don't have this idea anymore... Otherwise, forget it this time... By the way, can you owe me first... …”

"I owe you first..." The middle-aged woman was obviously stunned and opened her eyes. It seemed that this was the first time she had encountered this kind of thing. The middle-aged woman said: "This... this kind of thing... I am not talking about..."

"Forget it... I won't miss a few words... I'll come back to you when I think about it next time..." As he spoke, Zhang Yu stood up calmly, turned around and walked outside.

He passed through the moon door, came to the door, opened the door, and walked out. After leaving the room, he closed the door.

The middle-aged woman looked at Zhang Yu's leaving figure with a puzzled look on her face. This is nothing. After giving myself acupuncture, I didn’t do anything else and just left.

After a while, the middle-aged woman pulled back the quilt, sat up, and then got out of bed.

In the bedroom, there was a dressing table. She walked to the dressing table and looked at the mirror placed on the dressing table. In the mirror, her face looked much better.

"It's really good... I didn't realize that he still has such a method... But what does he mean..." The middle-aged woman muttered in her heart.

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