Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4641 Jade Unicorn

Zhang Yu took the jade gourd into his hands and was immediately sure that the gourd was not a legal weapon. It was not even a one-time magic weapon. It could only be regarded as a handicraft.

According to what Xinglizi said before, this jade gourd was previously blessed as a one-time magic weapon, but now it has become an ordinary jade gourd. Now it is no longer even possible to provide blessings, and the heavy money spent at the beginning was wasted.

Such a situation is inevitably a bit incredible. Zhang Yu measured the gourd in his hand for a while, then looked at Xing Lizi and said: "Taoist Master, I just heard you say that the objects here were previously blessed to become disposable magic weapons, but now the formations and spiritual energy on them are all It’s gone, and I want to bless it again, but I can’t succeed. Is this what it’s like?”

"That's right." Xinglizi nodded and said.

"Then can you let me try it?" Zhang Yu said.

"The reason why I invite you here, Master Zheng, is to ask Master Zheng to help you be a witness. If Master Zheng wants to give it a try, it would be a good idea. In this way, the right and wrong will be clear. Master Zheng, please." Xing Lizi Said very politely.

Zhang Yu didn't need to put on too much of a posture. He immediately sat down cross-legged, took out eight copper coins, and arranged them on the ground according to the Bagua directions. Then, he took out another amulet, placed it in the middle, and pressed the jade gourd on top of the amulet.

With a "pop" sound, the amulet ignited automatically.

This is a Bagua protective formation casually blessed by Zhang Yu. People who wear the jade gourd can turn danger into good fortune when encountering danger. The effect of the formation on the jade gourd is definitely stronger than simply wearing the amulet.

However, Zhang Yu unexpectedly discovered that the eight copper coins on the ground did not react at all after the amulet was lit. Under normal circumstances, the eight copper coins will definitely start to rotate and add the formation to the gourd. It's fine now, as if nothing happened without them.

In an instant, Zhang Yu confirmed what Xing Lizi said. It was indeed impossible to continue to support the formation on this jade gourd.

Zhang Yu collected the copper coins, stood up with the jade gourd, and said: "Taoist Master, this is really strange. It is true that the formation cannot be blessed on the jade gourd... Logically speaking, this shouldn't be..."

"It stands to reason that it really shouldn't be the case, but at the moment, such a situation has indeed occurred. If it weren't for this, how could we, the Maoshan Sect, have mobilized a large number of people to come here to seek an explanation from Mr. Lei." Xinglizi said seriously.

The magical instrument carrier carved out at a high price suddenly became a waste product. Who can stand still?

Zhang Yu was also extremely curious and said: "Taoist Priest, are all objects like this?"

"That's not true. There are some objects that have no problems, but they are very few, just a few. In addition, there are also objects that have been weakened by the array and dissipated. Look at that. The true energy that was poured into it at the beginning will not last long. It will also dissipate." Xinglizi said.

"Then I wonder if the Taoist priest can show me all these objects." Zhang Yu said.

"Since Master Zheng wants to see it, there is no problem. The objects are all in boxes..." Xinglizi said, glanced at several boxes, then pointed to a box and said: "The three items in this box The object is normal..."

He then pointed to another box and said: "The five objects in this box are dissipating...the other ones are all waste..."

Zhang Yu was relatively close to the second box pointed by Xing Lizi. He took a step over, squatted down, put down the jade gourd, and looked at the items in the box.

In this box, there are two wooden products, a jade Ruyi, an agate bracelet, and an emerald green cow.

Zhang Yu picked up the jade Ruyi inside, and he could immediately feel the cool air contained in the jade Ruyi and the aura on it. However, the aura on the jade Ruyi was not much. Zhang Yu could tell that the jade Ruyi was in good condition. The formation on it should be for house-building purposes, and the aura of the formation was not strong.

Everything is as Xinglizi said. It seems that the formation has indeed weakened, and the aura on the objects has also weakened a lot.

Zhang Yu put Yu Ruyi back into the box and walked to the first suitcase pointed by Xing Lizi.

Inside this box, there is a white jade dragon jade. As soon as Zhang Yu saw this piece of white jade, he was sure that it was definitely the best Hetian jade. There is also a jade seal and a jade sword, both of which seem to be made of extremely high-quality materials.

Zhang Yu picked up the jade sword. The jade sword was green and round, with a dragon carved on it. The texture of this dragon is well-proportioned, and it seems to complement the jade sword, as if it was born with it. On top of the jade sword, there is a formation. The formation has a strong aura and is definitely made by an expert. Zhang Yu felt it for a while and was sure that the jade sword was filled with rich spiritual energy.

Zhang Yu was able to quickly determine that the formations blessed on the jade sword had many effects such as house control, warding off evil spirits, and body protection. Hanging this sword in your home will definitely protect you from all evil. Not to mention that it can benefit ordinary people a lot, even for some cultivators, it is a good thing that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

This time, Zhang Yu's eyes were opened. The Maoshan sect was worthy of being a powerful family and had all kinds of good things. Not to mention that these objects are all blessed. Even if they are not blessed and are purely handicrafts, they are still valuable.

Not only that, Zhang Yu believed that he had received some inspiration from it, and would learn from it in the future to bless some good objects himself.

He put down the jade sword and reached out to pick up the jade seal in the box. The jade seal is yellow, it definitely belongs to Hetian jade, and it is relatively high-quality. In particular, it is relatively large. In addition to the seal below, there is also a unicorn handle on the top. This unicorn and the seal are connected together. From this, it is not difficult to see how big this piece of Hetian jade could have been.

On top of the jade seal, there is a blessing formation and rich spiritual energy. Zhang Yu was absolutely sure that this was a magic weapon that could gather not only wealth but also other kinds of luck.

It is not difficult to imagine that the person who can invite this jade seal from the Maoshan sect in the future must have a good background and be either rich or noble. After all, not everyone in this world can control offensive magic weapons, and this kind of disposable magic weapon is enough to just keep at home. Therefore, the required quantity often exceeds the offensive magic weapon.

A jade seal like this is not only valuable for its quality, but also blessed by masters of the Maoshan sect, which shows how precious it is.

Zhang Yu held the jade seal in his hand mainly for reference. But soon, his attention was attracted by the unicorn handle on the jade seal.

This Qilin looked very familiar to Zhang Yu, as if he had seen it somewhere. He instantly realized that this jade unicorn was very similar to the two jade unicorns he saw in Lei Ge's study.

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