Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4640 Reason

"What Butler Guan said makes sense, but what do you want?" Xinglizi said calmly.

"I also understood just now that you Maoshan sent here not to ask our boss to do carving, but to have other plans. Our boss was killed at exactly this time. I don't know if there is any connection here. . If the Maoshan sect is here for fair and aboveboard things, what should they not say to others?" Guan Ying said with a serious face.

Seeing what Guan Ying said, Zhou Qingyun, who was about to leave, gained some courage and said: "Yes... If you come to my master, it is an honest matter, and why are you afraid of others hearing it..."

Gao Xiaomeng and other Lei Ge's disciples who were standing in the corridor have now realized their reaction. They all feel that they should argue with reason at this time. After all, this is Bishui Manor. No matter how powerful the Maoshan sect is, they still have to be reasonable and cannot do such a thing of making noise and seizing the master.

So, these people also said: "Yes, everything must be done truthfully. What is the purpose of coming to our master?" "If it is an honest matter, why not tell us?" "That's right!" "Is there anything I can't say openly and honestly!"...

These people coaxed together, and Xing Lizi looked at Xing Xuzi subconsciously. After all, Xing Xuzi was his senior brother, and he came here to ask Xing Xuzi to make a decision.

Xing Xuzi hesitated for a moment and said: "Okay! What you said is right. Since it is an aboveboard matter, there is no need to carry people behind your back! But this room is, after all, the first scene of Mr. Rego's murder. We are here Noisy is not a problem, and it can easily damage the scene. I don’t think it’s better, let’s talk in the corridor first!”

The corridor of the small building is also quite wide. Seeing what Xing Xuzi said, everyone came to the corridor one after another.

Xing Xuzi, several veterans, Guan Ying, and Zhou Qingyun were standing closest to the door, while the others were scattered on both sides of the corridor.

When everyone stood up, Xing Xuzi said: "Come here, open all the boxes you brought and put them away!"

"Yes, Master." "Yes, Master."...

The Taoist priests carrying the boxes quickly agreed, followed Xing Xuzi's instructions, put the boxes on the ground, and then opened the lid of the box.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the box. When the lid of the box was opened, they found that all the items inside were jade and wooden items. And each piece of it is exquisitely carved and looks very much like it came from their Bishui Manor.

"These things..." "They seem to be carved here..." "It looks like it, I don't know if it is..." "What's wrong..." "I don't know..."... Disciples of Bishui Manor , everyone murmured curiously, not knowing what it meant.

Xing Xuzi immediately looked at Xing Lizi and said, "Junior brother, let you speak."

"Okay." Xing Lizi nodded, and then said: "That's right, these things are all the work of Mr. Lei Gelei of your Bishui Manor. Our Maoshan sect paid a lot of money to ask Mr. Lei to help carve it. Naturally, it was for Mr. Lei. The objects outlined by Mr. can be used as the carrier of the magic weapon, so that the magic weapon can play its maximum role. However, our Maoshan sect suddenly discovered a few days ago that many of the magic weapons that have been blessed have lost their true energy. Even the true energy poured into them is gone. There are still some, although the formation is still there, most of the true energy has dissipated. Especially those objects where the true energy has disappeared and the true energy has also disappeared, and they can no longer be used. Blessed, it has become an ordinary handicraft. If you just ask someone to carve a handicraft, there are many people in the world who can do this work. Even though the craftsmanship may not be as good as Mr. Lei, after blessing the formation, it is still the same. A real one-time magic weapon. But the objects carved by Mr. Lei are not only extremely expensive, but after being turned into a one-time magic weapon, within a few years, if there is no further activation, it will become An ordinary object is really unjustifiable. Our Maoshan faction came here this time just to ask Mr. Lei, what is going on? "

After hearing Xinglizi's words, Lei Ge's disciples were basically confused and seemed not to understand what was going on.

After Zhang Yu heard this, he couldn't help being shocked.

He believed that Xing Lizi's words could not be false. After all, how could the huge Maoshan sect do such a thing out of thin air.

But if this is true, Rego is too good at deceiving people. Although these objects are all used as disposable magic weapons, it cannot be said that these objects will have a validity period.

You must know that most disposable magic weapons are defensive magic weapons, and there are very few offensive magic weapons. Most offensive magic weapons are refined and have a heart-to-heart connection with the owner who uses them. It's like Zhang Yu's money sword. Once you get used to it, you can do whatever you want. If the Money Sword is a one-time magic weapon, then before you get used to it, the formations and spiritual energy on it will be gone, and you will no longer need to use it.

Therefore, this one-time magic weapon will only react and malfunction when it is attacked. Just like the jade Ruyi in Mr. Pan's house is a disposable magic weapon, but it can shake Guan Hu out.

This kind of one-time magic weapon often completely fails after being severely damaged. If it is not severely damaged but fails on its own, then this problem will be huge.

Now according to Xing Lizi, the object carved by Maoshan Sect by Lei Ge could have withstood stronger formations and contained more infuriating energy, but it ended up ineffective after a few years. What happened was really puzzling to Zhang Yu.

After Xing Lizi said this, he glanced at everyone present. Seeing that no one said anything for a long time, he said: "Everyone, you don't think that our Maoshan sect is lying. We, the Maoshan sect, don't do this kind of thing." You can talk nonsense. The thing is right here. If anyone doesn’t believe it, you can come forward and check it out! It can be said that our Maoshan sent all the troops to come to Mr. Lei for this matter..."

Seeing what Xinglizi said, Zhang Yu walked directly to a suitcase and took out a jade gourd from the suitcase.

The gourd is a common magical weapon in Taoism. It is often made of ordinary gourds and then blessed. Of course, if the jade gourd is outlined correctly, there will definitely be more formations and infuriating energy on it, and it will have a stronger ability to withstand than an ordinary gourd.

As soon as Zhang Yu picked up the gourd, he could feel the inherent coolness of jade on it. As for the formations and spiritual energy on it, Zhang Yu did not feel it.

However, the carving of this gourd was very exquisite. Zhang Yu took a cursory glance and realized that it could not be easily carved.

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