Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4569 Purpose

In the Mercedes-Benz car, Zhang Yu was sleeping soundly in the passenger seat, while Li Mingyue was responsible for driving. When encountering traffic lights on the road, Li Mingyue would sometimes glance at Zhang Yu subconsciously. When Zhang Yu fell asleep, he had no consciousness, and his hands were naturally placed on his legs.

On his left wrist, the red rope was inevitably exposed. Although not all of them were exposed, about five or six were exposed.

Seeing this, Li Mingyue couldn't help but wonder, and secretly wondered why the master suddenly had a red string on his hand.

Unknowingly, the car got on the highway and headed to the service area. After arriving at the service area, Li Mingyue saw that Zhang Yu was still sleeping soundly in the car, so she did not disturb him. He took out his cell phone, dialed Wang Chunlan's phone number, and asked about Wang Chunlan's situation there. I learned that Wang Chunlan's car had just entered the highway and was coming towards them. It would take about half an hour to arrive.

Li Mingyue sat in the car and waited. After about forty minutes, Wang Chunlan and the others arrived at the service area. Wang Chunlan drove an Audi sedan, and there were five people in the car. In addition to Wang Chunlan and Zhao Qiuju, there were also Allardyce, Sherrill and Alugao.

After meeting each other twice, Zhang Yu woke up when he heard the noise. Zhang Yu hadn't had breakfast yet, and now he was a little hungry, so he took his disciples to the restaurant in the service area to eat.

During the meal, Li Mingyue was also the fastest and asked: "Master, I see there is a red rope tied around your wrist. I wonder what it is for?"

As soon as he said this, the other disciples all looked at Zhang Yu's wrist, and sure enough they saw a red rope exposed.

Being asked like this by his disciple, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He didn't have the nerve to tell the truth.

Zhang Yu said bravely: "This is used to ward off evil spirits."

"To ward off evil spirits..." Wang Chunlan followed up and said, "Master, don't you have evil talismans to ward off evil spirits... Moreover, with Master's strength, why do you still need to wear something to ward off evil spirits..."

Isn't it? With Zhang Yu's strength, it's almost enough to say that he is immune to all evil. His explanation really doesn't make sense.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu also had a way and said: "I just refined this. I need to wear it on my wrist to cultivate the spiritual energy. In this way, it won't take long for even ordinary people to wear it and ward off evil spirits."

"Did I say that? So that's what it is..." This time it was Zhao Qiuju who nodded.

Then, Elugao said: "Master, can you give me this red rope to ward off evil spirits?"

As soon as she said these words, Cheryl also said: "Yes, Master, can you give me one too."

"Master, I want it too." Li Mingyue followed.

The disciples all looked expectantly, which made Zhang Yu secretly frown again. He secretly said in his heart, these are all proofs of debt, what are you doing here?

However, even if the disciples said so, Zhang Yu couldn't say no, as this would make him look too stingy as a master. Zhang Yu could only bite the bullet and said: "No problem, it's just that the evil-proof red rope has just been refined and has not been completed yet. When it is completed, I will give one to each of you."

"That's great." "Thank you, Master." "Thank you, Master." Li Mingyue, Wang Chunlan, Elugao and others immediately said happily.

After a simple meal, they set off on their journey again. Also in order to have a more comfortable seat in the car, Elugao got into Zhang Yu's car this time.

The two cars left the service area. Zhang Yu lay down on the chair again, closed his eyes, and quickly fell asleep.

There was no talking all the way, and at eleven o'clock in the evening, their car finally arrived at Yingtan. Wang Chunlan was responsible for booking a room at the Sheraton Hotel. After arriving, she checked in directly and stayed here that night.

Early the next morning, Zhang Yu asked Li Mingyue and Wang Chunlan to accompany him to the Tianshi Mansion, and asked Zhao Qiuju to take the others to Hongdu first.

After the arrangements were made, Zhang Yu, Li Mingyue, and Wang Chunlan set off for Longhu Mountain.

When he came to Yingtan yesterday, Zhang Yu was wearing casual clothes. Now heading to Longhu Mountain, Zhang Yu, Li Mingyue, and Wang Chunlan had to put on Taoist robes. The two apprentices wore apricot Taoist robes, and Zhang Yu wore white Bagua fairy clothes.

The car arrived at Longhu Mountain and stopped in the parking lot outside the mountain gate.

Zhang Yu led his two disciples and went straight to the mountain gate. This was not the first time for him to come to Longhu Mountain. When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, a disciple of Zhike recognized him at a glance and immediately greeted him, "Wuliang Tianzun, you are Master Zhang of Wudang Taoist Temple."

"Wuliang Tianzun, he is a poor Taoist. Please tell my Taoist friends that Zhang Yu from Wudang Taoist Temple has come to worship the mountain and see the Celestial Master." Zhang Yu said gently.

"Master, please wait a moment." After the Zhike disciple finished speaking, he immediately walked to the side, took out his cell phone, and dialed a phone number.

Tianshi Mansion, in the back hall.

At this moment, Zhang Tianshi was sitting cross-legged in the hall. On the left and right sides of his hands were two middle-aged Taoist priests.

At this time, the cell phone in the arms of the middle-aged Taoist priest sitting on Zhang Tianshi's lower left rang.

"Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

Hearing the ringtone of the cell phone, the middle-aged Taoist priest said first, "Master Tian, ​​let me answer a call."

"Yes." Zhang Tianshi nodded in response.

The middle-aged Taoist priest took out his mobile phone from his pocket this time. After reading the caller ID, he answered the call, "Infinite Heavenly Lord... Oh... Okay, I understand... I will report to the Heavenly Master later, please wait for my call... "

After hanging up the phone, the middle-aged Taoist priest looked at Zhang Tianshi and said, "Tianshi, the Zhike from Shanmen called and said that Zhang Yu, who is not a Taoist temple, wanted to see him."

"Oh?" Zhang Tianshi hesitated for a moment, then said: "It is said that he has mastered the Five Thunder Palms and reached the realm of a majestic master. He must have been promoted to seal script when he came this time..."

"I don't think so..." said the middle-aged Taoist priest sitting on Zhang Tianshi's lower right hand.

"Ling Feizi, why do you say that?" Zhang Tianshi asked.

"This time, the disciples went to supervise the seal script teaching at Baimei Palace in Zhenhai. Under the circumstances, Zhang Yu was not here, and Yuan Daoyou only taught Chuzhen disciples to the disciples of Wudang Taoist Temple, and did not even teach the Zhengyi League's prestige seal script. From this, it is not difficult to see that fellow Taoist Yuan is probably deliberately suppressing the Wudang Taoist temple. Zhang Yu's coming this time is probably just one of them, and more importantly, he probably wants to seek justice." Middle-aged Taoist priest Ling Fei Zi said.

"Seeking justice..." Zhang Tianshi hesitated for a moment, then looked at the middle-aged Taoist priest on the left and said, "Ling Renzi, what do you think of this matter?"

"Tianshi, this matter... Although there is something wrong with Yuan Daoyou, but... she must have her own considerations in doing this... Wudang Taoist Temple is too popular in Zhenhai, so it is not unreasonable to suppress it a little... It's just that Taoist friend Zhang Yu suddenly went to the Tianshi Mansion to seek justice, which somewhat embarrassed us... The disciple thought that otherwise, it would be said that the seal awarding ceremony has ended, and it is impossible to say that it will be held again until next year. In the Seal Script Ceremony, all disciples of Wudang Taoist Temple are allowed to be promoted, and there is no need to wait for another three years..." said the middle-aged Taoist priest Ling Renzi.

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