Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4568 Liquidation

"Master, it seems like you haven't slept all night..."

Zhang Yu came to the parking lot to meet Li Mingyue. As soon as the two met, Li Mingyue said this.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Last night, he was really tired. He really didn't sleep all night in order to pay off his debt.

"Is it possible for me, my teacher, to be like you and spend a whole day without energy and energy, and to be able to eat and sleep? This time we go to Tianshi Mansion, the success or failure is unpredictable. Because of this, my teacher, I didn't even sleep well for a whole night." Zhang Yu said , dozed off, and then said: "Let's leave now. You call Wang Chunlan and ask them to leave directly. Let's meet at the service area on the highway and have dinner together."

"Okay, Master, get in the car and rest first." Li Mingyue said immediately.

He pulled open the passenger seat of the Mercedes-Benz, and Zhang Yu got in first, closed his eyes, and fell asleep in a moment.

Li Mingyue took out her mobile phone and dialed Wang Chunlan's phone number. According to Zhang Yu's instructions, she told them to set off directly and meet at the service area on the highway.

After finishing the explanation, Li Mingyue got into the car, started the car and left.

Seeing that Zhang Yu had already fallen asleep, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Master is really worried about us. He must practice hard in the future to repay Master.

Zhang Yu just slept in the car, while Li Mingyue drove the car, turned on the navigation, and rushed all the way to the nearest highway entrance.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Luo Chen was the first to come to the restaurant on the first floor of the villa to have breakfast. She seemed very energetic. The nanny at home had already prepared breakfast, which was very delicate.

Luo Chen was eating while waiting for Yang Ying, Xiao Jiejie and Fang Tong. It was just that I waited until around ten o'clock to see Yang Ying enter the restaurant. Yang Ying's face was very rosy and she looked in high spirits. A few minutes later, Fang Tong also entered the restaurant, and Fang Yatou's face was also very rosy. Finally, Xiao Jiejie entered the restaurant. Like Yang Ying and Fang Tong, she had a rosy face and was full of energy.

After meeting, several women said hello one after another. The four women’s right wrists were all tied with red ropes. When they saw each other's red string, they not only couldn't laugh or cry, but also blushed a little.

They looked at each other's red strings. Suddenly, Fang Tong suddenly said: "That's wrong. Why is there so much missing from the red string on Jiejie's wrist..."

The little girl's words immediately attracted the attention of Yang Ying and Luo Chen, and the two girls also carefully looked at Xiao Jiejie's right wrist.

Xiao Jiejie's face turned even redder instantly. She quickly pressed her right wrist with her left hand and said awkwardly: "You, all of you, look at what I am doing..."

Yang Ying and Luo Chen all had knowing smiles on their faces, but they didn't speak. It was Fang Tong who said: "There are only two missing pieces on my wrist, and I can't even see them on my little aunt's wrist, but on your wrist...the missing ones are particularly obvious..."

"" Xiao Jiejie blushed and didn't know what to say for a moment. What Girl Fang said was really embarrassing.

Luo Chen and Yang Ying, on the other hand, subconsciously looked at other people's wrists at this time, as if counting how many red strings they had on their wrists.

Last night, the number of red strings on everyone's wrists was all twenty. Because they all know the rules, so from the number of red strings on their wrists now, we can completely judge what happened last night. matter.

Soon, Luo Chen counted out that there were two red strings missing from Yang Ying's wrist, and now there were eighteen. Of course, Fang Yatou couldn't lie, and there were only eighteen red strings left on her wrist. Xiao Jiejie was still blushing, pressing her right wrist with her left hand, but she couldn't tell how many red ropes were left on her wrist.

But obviously, Fang Yatou was right. The red string on Xiao Jiejie's wrist must have been taken off a lot last night.

In this way, five minutes were spent with their eyes intertwined. Seeing that Xiao Jiejie was still in the same posture, Fang Tong couldn't help but said curiously: "Jiejie, why are you so mysterious? We all show it to others openly, why are you so secretive? Is there something wrong with you?" What kind of ulterior secret... If this is the case, everyone will no longer be one of our own..."

Xiao Jiejie secretly glanced at Fang Tong, Yang Ying, and Luo Chen. Seeing that these three women were still staring at her wrists, she finally blushed and said, "I just want to know how much I took off last night...last night... Is it a red rope... Just see for yourselves..."

After saying that, she pursed her lips and took back her left hand.

Fang Yatou immediately started counting, counting at the same time, "One, two, three...ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen..."

Listening to Fang Yatou's counting, Xiao Jiejie's face became even hotter. When Fang Tong clicked "fifteen", Xiao Jiejie puffed up her cheeks and said: "Okay, okay... there are five missing... I admit it myself." Bar……"

"Your fighting ability is pretty good... you've lost so much all of a sudden..." Fang Tong curled his lips and said.

"What should I do? Mainly... Mainly because that guy is shameless... In order to repay the debt, he is just desperate..." Xiao Jiejie said aggrievedly: "I, I..."

At the end of the sentence, she said "I" for a long time without saying the next words. It was obvious that she was extremely embarrassed, and she really couldn't say the next words.

"You came up with the idea, and now you've got an advantage and you're acting like a good boy..." Fang Tong pouted and stared at Xiao Jiejie.

"You!" Xiao Jiejie was scolded by Fang Yatou. She wanted to defend herself, but she couldn't. Her pretty face turned redder and redder.

Seeing this, Yang Ying felt even more funny in her heart, but she still took the initiative to help Xiao Jiejie and said: "Tongtong, actually Jiejie's method is also very good. After all, it is related to the welfare of all of us. Wait until Zhang Yu finishes this When he comes back next time, let's let him continue to pay off his debts..."

Seeing Xiao Jiejie say this, Xiao Jiejie was relieved and said quickly: "Auntie is still fair. My method is also for the welfare of everyone. Fang Yatou doesn't even appreciate it and always makes fun of me..."

"I'm not making fun of you, I'm just curious. Let's count how many red ropes you are missing." After Fang Tong finished speaking, he deliberately made a face at Xiao Jiejie.

"What's there to be curious about? When that guy comes back next time, I will ask him to settle the score with you. Wait until the next morning, and I will take a closer look at how many red ropes you are missing! By then, you will Don't blame me for being curious!" Xiao Jiejie puffed her cheeks and said.

"Just click, who is afraid of whom..." Fang Tong said carelessly.

But after saying this, Fang Tong's pretty face turned red. Not only that, her little heart started to jump around unconsciously. It seemed that he was worried about Xiao Jiejie counting the red ropes, and seemed to be looking forward to this day.

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