Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4551 The outside world

There was nothing embellished about Zhang Yu's narration, but Tian Dun and Nu Shi were stunned and felt their hearts go up and down. It can be said that Zhang Yu and the others were in danger this time in the castle, and they could lose their lives at any time.

After Zhang Yu finished speaking, Tian Dun and others took a few more breaths before they finally recovered.

Zhang Yu also paused, and then said: "Boss, Shao Weige is dead. Shao Weiping and Shao Weixian are both on the ship. I don't know what to do here, so I can only hand him over to you. The specific process , I also said what role their brothers played in it."

"This..." Tian Dun also frowned slightly, this matter was somewhat hot. But what Zhang Yu did was right. Who said he was Zhang Yu's superior? If you don't leave it to him, who else can you leave it to?

Tian Dun hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, just leave the person to me later. That's all for now. Let's see if we can return in the near future."

"No problem." Zhang Yu said: "I have already transported everything needed on the island, and they can finish it on the same day. Then, we can return at any time."

"That's it...I'll leave the affairs on the island to you. I'll take the others to the cargo ship first and take the Shao brothers away. When you're done here, come find me on the cruise ship... ..." Tian Dun said.

"Yes, boss." Zhang Yu said immediately.

Tian Dun followed the others and left. When he returned to the ship, he only took one more peacock with him and no one else.

Zhang Yu stayed on the island with Yunjier and Nini. After Tian Dun and others left, the Indians on the island suddenly swarmed over.

"Chief!" "Chief, you are back!" "Chief!" "Chief, Yun Kil..."...

They also saw a boat coming, so many people came down. The people running at the front are, of course, Basilon, Rice, Jingdong An, Wu Sutai, Aisha Dongkong and others.

Seeing these familiar faces, Nini was also very excited. They chatted with each other for a long time. People on the island rarely ask what the outside world is like. When Nini told this, she seemed very excited.

Although she didn't stay in Vancouver for too long, He Yunshuai's hospitality was very good. In addition to eating and drinking, he also took Nini and others for a walk around.

Compared with the dullness and boredom at sea, the short time in Vancouver left a very deep impression on Nini. After listening to her story, the natives on the island couldn't help but yearn for the outside world.

Many natives of Nini's tribe, like Quilin, couldn't help shouting: "Chief, when can you take me outside to see." "Chief, I also want to go out and see something." Chief, I also want to go out and see something.”…

When Nini heard what everyone said, she couldn't help but look at Zhang Yu. She wanted to take the people in the tribe outside, but Nini couldn't do it, so she had to rely on Zhang Yu.

Even for Zhang Yu, it was not easy to bring these natives back home. After all, these people are different from the villagers in Xiaomei's village. The villagers are Chinese and have identity documents. However, once these natives arrive in the country, they are black households, and they have no language foundation. After they go there, God knows what kind of trouble they will cause.

Zhang Yu did not dare to make the decision on this matter without authorization, and said: "It is not impossible to see the outside world, but it will definitely not be possible in a short time. It will take a while. And even if you go, it will not be possible. There are so many people going all at once. I think so, I will think of a way to let you go and see it in batches."

"Okay!" "Okay!" "Great!"... The natives cheered immediately.

It can be said that the indigenous people here are also simple, and Zhang Yu's words actually have a certain perfunctory meaning. If you really want to take the indigenous people to travel domestically, it is definitely a very troublesome thing. Even Zhang Yu himself doesn't know when it will be possible.

While they were talking, the workers on the cargo ship had already completed setting up the iron bridge. There is a direct connection from the boat to the island's mainland.

Then, workers began to move the goods off the ship one after another. Among the goods, boxes and boxes of seeds were the main items, as well as pots and pans, clothes, quilts, shoes and other daily necessities. Likewise, tools such as axes, nails, saws, etc. are also available. Finally, there are livestock and poultry such as cattle, sheep, rabbits, and chickens.

The workers on the ship are only responsible for unloading the goods to the land and cannot carry them up the mountain. This errand must naturally be completed by the indigenous people on the island.

Although it was work, the natives were very happy. On their island, they only saw rabbits and chickens, but not cattle or sheep. The guys excitedly moved things, livestock and poultry up the mountain.

Zhang Yu, Nini, Yunjier, Basilon and others also went up the mountain together. When we went up the mountain this time, the environment on the mountain was obviously different from when we left. There were many more houses on the mountain.

They arrived at Nini's chief's residence, sat down in the main room, and held a meeting first. The content of the meeting is nothing more than the distribution of these things. Livestock, poultry, crops, etc. must be managed uniformly. The island has specially arranged people to take care of it, herding cattle and sheep, feeding chickens and raising rabbits. Production tools and other things are handed over to the warehouse, and quilts and clothes are distributed to everyone.

After making these arrangements, almost all the cargo on the ship was moved to the land, and the remaining work was basically done by the indigenous people on the island. Zhang Yu also felt that time was almost up, which meant he had to go back to the ship.

As soon as she heard what he said, Nini immediately jumped up and said, "I'll go too!"

"You just came home, why can't you get together with the big guys? I can't run away by myself..." Zhang Yu said quickly.

He also understood what this girl was thinking, she was definitely worried that he would run away. And Zhang Yu also knew that Nini had made up her mind to go with him. As for the chief of the tribe, Nini didn't take it seriously at all.

"You must say yes and never run away by yourself!" Nini said with a flat mouth.

"I promise, I won't run away by myself!" Zhang Yu said firmly again.

After Zhang Yu's assurance, Nini felt confident. She followed and led others to send Zhang Yu down the mountain. When we arrived at the foot of the mountain, it was already dark. All the cargo on the ship was unloaded, but there was no intention of leaving. It seemed that it was going to be anchored for the night.

Zhang Yu got on the speedboat he came on and headed for the cruise ship. When he arrived on the cruise ship, he learned that Tian Dun and others were having dinner in the restaurant, so he rushed to the restaurant to have dinner together.

During the meal, he didn't say anything. When dinner was over, Tian Dun said, "Bao Yu, come with me. I have something to tell you."

"Yes, boss." Zhang Yu nodded in agreement.

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