Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4550 Why are it just the two of you?

Next to the island where Nini's tribe lives, a giant cruise ship is parked there.

It is now afternoon, and Tian Dun is having afternoon tea in the restaurant of the cruise ship. The people who drank tea with him were naturally training members. However, there are really not many training members left, and only four members of the Xuan group are the angry lion, white fox, Suzaku and Cancer.

Tian Dun's current mood didn't seem very good. He said he was drinking afternoon tea, but he only drank half a cup of tea. There were several cigarette butts in the ashtray on the table.

This training session was attended by all secret elite experts from the Special Branch of the Zhenhai Confidential Investigation Bureau. At this moment, there were only four people left. I didn’t know what was going on with Zhang Yu and Kunpeng and others who were in charge of the response. How could it not make people anxious? .

Tian Dun used to smoke, but then he quit. But this time it turned out that he picked it up again and smoked harder than before. At this stall, Tian Dun lit up another cigarette, and after just two puffs, someone entered the restaurant and hurried towards him. The visitor shouted while running: "Director! A ship is coming! A ship is coming towards us!"

When Tian Dun heard what the person said, he stood up and asked, "What kind of ship is it?"

"It looks like a large cargo ship." The person said, already walking to Tian Dun's side.

"Let's go and have a look!" Tian Dun was so energetic that he put out the cigarette he had only taken two puffs of in the ashtray, and then walked towards the door.

Furious Lion and others followed suit, followed Tian Dun out of the restaurant, and came to the deck.

There were already more than a dozen special operations team members standing on the deck. When they saw Tian Dun and others coming, they immediately greeted each other, and then someone presented the telescope to Tian Dun.

In fact, without a telescope, if you look at the sea, you can see the shadow of a ship, heading towards them. But looking at the distance, it's really not that close. But the ship is traveling very fast in the sea. It seems that the distance is far away, and it will almost come over in a while.

Tian Dun took the telescope and looked carefully. It was true that what was coming was a large cargo ship. Zhang Yu had previously said that he needed to buy some daily necessities for the island, as well as livestock and seeds.

Since the freighter has arrived, it means that Zhang Yu and others should have returned safely. Tian Dun breathed a sigh of relief and handed the binoculars to the others. He stood on the deck and continued to wait.

As time passed, the approaching freighter could be seen very clearly with the naked eye.

"It's abalone!" At this time, Suzaku, who was watching with a telescope, shouted loudly. But she continued: "Why are there only two people, Abalone and Peacock... Where are the other people..."

"What? Just Abalone and Peacock..." Tian Dun was surprised when he heard this, and immediately said: "Give me the telescope!"

Suzaku immediately handed the telescope to Tian Dun, and Tian Dun started watching with the telescope again.

This time, because the distance between the two ships was much closer, the situation on the opposite deck could already be seen with the high-power telescope.

On the deck of the incoming ship, there were several people standing, four of whom Tian Dun knew. One is Zhang Yu, one is Peacock, one is Nini, and the other is Yunjier. These four people also held telescopes in their hands to look at them. Zhang Yu and Peacock both raised their hands to greet them.

Tian Dun also waved his hand, but he was also shocked in his heart. He went to two groups of people one after another, but why only two came back. At this moment, an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

"Why are there only Abalone and Peacock, and where are the others?" Tian Dun said worriedly.

Furious Lion and others were also watching with binoculars. Upon hearing what Tian Dun said, Furious Lion quickly said: "Boss, are the other people resting in the cabin?"

"I hope so..." Tian Dun said weakly.

Both ships could already see the people standing on the deck through telescopes. At such a close distance, even if someone was resting in the cabin, they should have come out.

Not only Tian Dun didn't believe it, but Furious Lion and others didn't believe it either, so they could only think of the best.

After a while, the freighter came closer. It was obvious that the freighter was planning to dock on the shore of the island. After all, it contains cargo and needs to be unloaded. It cannot be parked in the sea like a cruise ship.

Sure enough, semaphores were also played on the incoming freighter. Someone on Tian Dun's side knew the semaphore and quickly said: "Director, the freighter has a semaphore saying it will dock at the island."

"Have someone tell them in flag language that there is no problem. I will wait for them on the island." Tian Dun said directly.

After saying that, he then asked people to prepare a speedboat and head to the island.

When they arrived on the island, Tian Dun and others could see many Indians descending from the mountains of the island. Obviously, these Indians also came to check because they saw a boat coming.

Of course, the Indians kept a considerable distance from Tian Dun and the others, and they seemed to be on separate sides and did not offend each other.

Tian Dun did not intend to have anything to do with the Indians. He must not cause any unexpected friction. He was just waiting for Zhang Yu's freighter to dock.

In just a few minutes, the freighter arrived at the island and stopped. It is said to be next to the island, but in fact it is still a certain distance away. If it continues to get closer, the freighter will inevitably run aground. It can be said that this is the closest distance we can get. There is no dock or anything on the island.

However, this freighter is still very advanced, and an iron bridge immediately stretched out from it. This is something specially prepared for unloading. This is required for loading and unloading cargo at any port. Especially after learning about the situation on the island, a longer iron bridge was prepared on the freighter, but it was more troublesome and took time to assemble.

The workers on the ship began to work on this, and a lifeboat drove towards the island first. Soon, the lifeboat came directly to the shore, and people got off it one after another.

Tian Dun and others came over to greet them. Tian Dun was the first to say: "Abalone, Peacock, why are you two the only ones back? Where are the others?"

This was what he was most anxious about. He had gone to a dozen masters and only came back with these two. What a big deal.

A total of four people got off the lifeboat, namely Zhang Yu, Nini, Peacock and Yunjier.

They walked to Tian Dun together, and Zhang Yu followed and said: "Boss, everyone else is dead."

"They are all dead..." Tian Dun couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. Although he had foreseen that the others might have died when he saw only Zhang Yu and Peacock on the deck. But when he heard Zhang Yu say this with his own ears, it was still a bit unbearable.

"How come they are all dead? What happened?" Suzaku asked immediately.

"We encountered a typhoon on the way to Canada. When we were looking for an island to take shelter, we unexpectedly encountered an old castle..." Zhang Yu said exactly what was about to happen.

Naturally, there are several important links that cannot be discussed. One is the matter of Angel Instructor's death, the other is the reason why Bai Ying was killed, and the other is the matter of Corporal Xiaolinmen. Zhang Yu and Peacock also agreed on these three matters.

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