Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4544 Replenishment

Seeing how serious Du Yilei was, Wenlix knew that there was no discussion with Du Yilei. More importantly, the family's precious daughter was almost killed, and Du Yilei also wanted to save face.

Therefore, Weinlakes could only look at Newband and make a last-ditch effort, "The general verdict...I think...Süle and Mueller are indeed innocent...Killing the family would be too cruel for them... ...Can we choose a compromise method...which can not only serve as a deterrent and serve as a warning to others, but also preserve the Thomas family's past merits..."

Newbond didn't answer immediately, because he really couldn't answer such a thing. The current situation is that Wenlix and Du Yilei are one-on-one, and I still need to listen to what others have to say.

He glanced left and right, waiting for the other verdicts to speak.

Lyman finally said: "I also agree with Du. Everyone knows that if Tianjiao, the precious daughter of the Doula family, dares to attack Tianjiao, it is nothing more than a challenge to the Du family. Of course, Dili is the general judge. His confidant was also injured last night and almost lost his life. This is simply challenging the general ruling... Could it be that, after everything failed, Jason chose to commit suicide, can we just pretend that this never happened..."

I have to say that what Lyman said was harsher than what Du Yilei said. Point out directly that the Thomas family is challenging the general ruling and the Du family.

Although Dili is not a child of New Bond, she still represents the Islade family. It depends on the owner when it comes to beating a dog. Now even if the master's messenger dies, it can't be over once and for all.

Seeing Lyman say this, Wenlix couldn't help but sweat broke out on his forehead. He could fully realize that it was almost impossible to save the Thomas family.

But he still tried to look at the man in his thirties and the woman in his fifties who were sitting next to him, and said: "Badongen, Mrs. Juser... I don't know what your Yousi family means..."

The man in his thirties did not speak, but looked at the woman in her fifties.

Mrs. Juser smiled and said: "Jason has done a great job... His death really cannot solve all the problems... I think the final decision should be made by the general judge..."

This means that no one can be offended.

Weinlakes could only look at Newbond again, waiting for Newbond's final summary.

New Bond also knew that it was really time for him to make the final decision at this time. He said very calmly: "When it was time to rein in, Jason didn't stop. After falling, he only thought about regretting it. There was no time..."

Having said this, he raised his hand and said, "From now on, the Thomas family will be eliminated from the inner circle of Black Gloves!"

"General Judgment..." "General Judgment, spare your life..." Upon hearing this, Sule and Mueller, who were kneeling on the ground, quickly kowtowed because they understood what these words meant.

However, there was no use in kowtowing. Someone in a black suit immediately walked up, pulled up the two people kneeling on the ground, and escorted them out of the villa.

At this moment, there was no one in front of the Five Judgments, only Zhang Yu was left.

New Bond looked at Zhang Yu and said gently: "Young man, you are welcome to come to Italy as a guest..."

"Uh..." Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and said quickly: "Didn't the General Judgment... agree... that the mastermind behind the scenes could not be found within three days, so... I went to Italy with you... I found them all...well...I still have a lot of things to do here..."

"Hmph!" Du Tianjiao, who was sitting next to him, heard Zhang Yu say this and immediately snorted.

"Haha..." Newborn smiled gently and said, "I didn't say I would take you back to Italy right away. I only said that you are welcome to come to Italy as a guest. It doesn't matter if you have something to do now. You can go and do your business first. After everything is done, , it’s not too late to come to Italy again…”

"I see, thank you, General Judgment... When I finish what I'm doing, I will definitely go to Italy..." Zhang Yu said quickly, licking his face.

"It won't take too long. Within this year, isn't He Yunshuai your good friend? If you don't come, I will ask him to invite you..." New Bond said gently again.

"He doesn't need to invite me... I will definitely go..." Zhang Yu said.

He also knew that he could not toast without eating and would be punished with a drink.

"That's good..." New Bond nodded with satisfaction.

At the stall, another young man from the outer circle said: "General Judge, I have a few words, I don't know whether to say them or not..."

Upon hearing this, everyone looked over and immediately discovered that the speaker was none other than He Yunshuai.

"But it doesn't matter, come over." Newbond said calmly.

"Thank you, General Judgment..." He Yunshuai immediately walked to Zhang Yu and stood next to him.

He first greeted them one by one, and then said: "The General Judgment... How should I put it... So many things happened in Canada this time, our family was also deeply affected, and we were almost wiped out... Now the truth is revealed, and our family has been given justice... But in order to find out the real culprit, I almost lost my life... So I was thinking, after the Thomas family was expelled, could our family make up for it, so that we did not suffer unjust injustice or sacrifice in vain..."

"You have a beautiful idea!" before New Bond could say anything, Weinlakes said angrily: "It's just a daydream for you to want to join the inner circle!"

"Wenlix, I don't think you need to be so impulsive... I do think what He said is reasonable..." Lyman said directly.

The Aedro family is the backer behind He Yunshuai, and Lyman is the backer of the Aedro family. Everyone is of the same lineage. At this time, Leman naturally wants to speak for He Yunshuai.

"What's the point?" Wenlix said coldly: "The rules have been set long ago. Black Gloves only has so many inner forces, and it will not absorb any more forces into the inner circle. Just because of He Yunshuai, Are we bound to break the rules?"

"I didn't say I wanted to break the rules. Isn't this one less thing..." He Yunshuai immediately licked his face and said.

"You have no right to speak here!" Wenlix said in a deep voice.

He Yunshuai just shut up and stopped talking.

However, even if he didn't speak, someone would still speak. It was Du Yilei who spoke this time. I have to say that Du Yilei really talked a lot today.

I saw Du Yilei saying with a smile: "Wenlix, actually I think what He said is reasonable. Isn't there one less inner force? The Thomas family was not forcibly exterminated by someone, but You are seeking death. Now that the inner circle of forces is missing one, I think we still need to replace it with one."

"This..." Wenlix saw that Du Yilei also spoke, and it was indeed not easy to object now. However, this guy was not given for nothing. He immediately came up with a countermeasure and said: "Even if it is a replacement, why should He Yunshuai and his family come to replace him? There are many external forces who have made great contributions to our Black Gloves. If He Yun is allowed to Shuai and his family are here to take over, I’m afraid other peripheral forces won’t accept it!”

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