Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4543 Commitment

"Yes, this is indeed just my inference, because I really can't see any other possibility. Of course, if you want to continue the investigation, then I have nothing to do with it..." Zhang Yu said here, He looked at Niu Bond, who was sitting in the middle, and then said: "Your Excellency, the Chief Adjudicator, you asked me to find out the mastermind within three days. I have found out now..."

New Bond nodded and said, "You did a great job. I really didn't expect that what seemed like a headless case could actually be solved in your hands."

"Thank you for the compliment from the Chief Judge..." Zhang Yu continued: "At this moment, Zhang Long plans to ask for a favor in front of the Chief Judge..."

"What favor?" Newborn said gently.

"Previously, the general adjudication said that within three days of the investigation, everything would be decided by me. Therefore, during the investigation, that is, last night, I made a promise to Qiu Zhenzhen, that is, as long as she says If the truth is revealed, I will let her son go. It is because of my promise that she tells the truth as it is." Zhang Yu said solemnly.

Qiu Zhenzhen on the side couldn't help but look at Zhang Yu gratefully after hearing this.

However, before New Bond could speak, Wenlix shouted directly: "What's the use of your promise! What Qiu Zhenzhen did was to destroy the family! Moreover, what qualifications do you have to ask for this favor from the general judge!"

When Du Tianjiao, who was sitting on the sofa opposite Wenlaixi, saw Wenlaixi say this, he quickly looked at the middle-aged man sitting next to him and said with a flat mouth: "Dad...I was also there at the time...Actually, the child was Innocent……"

"It's none of your business!" the middle-aged man said directly in a deep voice.

"I..." Du Tianjiao lowered his head angrily and said no more.

But Newband turned his head and looked at Dili, who was already standing behind the sofa, and said, "Dili, was this like this last night?"

Di Li quickly said: "BOSS, Mr. Zhang did make a promise to Qiu Zhenzhen at that time, and Qiu Zhenzhen just told everything..."

Newbond turned around, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Weinlux, let Zhang Long investigate, that was my intention at the time, and I told him that during the three days of the investigation, everything would be up to him. In order to investigate , the promises made should naturally count..."

Niu Bondang said this not because of Zhang Yu or Du Tianjiao, but to protect his own position.

Although the General Judgment election is coming soon, and he will definitely not be re-elected as General Judgment, he is still the General Judgment after all. I made a promise to Zhang Yu at the beginning, and Zhang Yu had the final say within the three days of the investigation. Now that the truth has been found out, in the process of the investigation, in order to get the results quickly, I also made a promise. I can't always say You won't admit it when you look back.

There are a lot of people in the big living room. In full view of everyone, if I do this kind of thing, will I have any credibility in the future? How can I convince everyone? If you let people go out to do things in the future, whether the promises you made when arranging tasks are effective or not will not count.

As the boss, whether it is the general decision-making or returning to the decision-making position after the election, Niu Bond has the power of life and death. For a person like him, the most important thing is no longer gold and silver, but his own face and authority. What you have said must be counted, especially what you say in public.

Wenlix instantly realized what New Bond meant, and he really couldn't bear to let New Bond break his promise. Wenlix immediately smiled and said: "The general ruling is right, and didn't Tianjiao just say that the child is innocent... Then... spare her son's life..."

"Thank you to the general judge, thank you to the four judges..." After hearing this, Qiu Zhenzhen immediately choked up and thanked her.

New Bond ignored Qiu Zhenzhen, glanced around, found Debi Adro, and said: "Debi, come here."

"Yes, General Judgment." Debi Edro immediately walked to the sofa and stood down.

"Whether it's the mastermind or the coercion, basically all the damned people are dead, and only Qiu Zhenzhen is left. I will leave her to you, and you can take her down." Niu Bond said calmly.

"Thank you, President, for avenging my father!" Debi Edro said gratefully.

He then called for people to take Qiu Zhenzhen down.

After Eddro and Qiu Zhenzhen went out, Niubandang looked at Jule and Mueller who were kneeling on the ground, and said slowly: "The truth has been revealed... Jason has also regretted committing suicide... Tell me, what should I do? How to deal with the Thomas family..."

"I think...Jason is dead...and this incident was mainly done by Lele...Jason only found out later and was helplessly involved...Although he was at fault...but he has also changed. Are you dead...can the Thomas family be saved..." Wenlix took the lead and said slowly.

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate!" The middle-aged man who had always just scolded Du Tianjiao finally said this time.

"Yilei, what did you say..." Wenlaike never expected that the first person to oppose him would be this old man.

Du Yilei said calmly: "Jason died and committed suicide by writing a letter of repentance, but what happened before that? After knowing that his son had done something wrong, why didn't he tie his son up and confess, instead of continuing to Kill people to cover up the truth. If I hadn't had people secretly protect Tianjiao, Tianjiao would have been killed along with Qiu Zhenzhen... If Tianjiao had something wrong, who would I ask for an explanation... Now the truth has been revealed Dabai, is it too late to think about repenting at this time to save the family... If everyone follows suit in the future, wouldn't it be chaos..."

"Mr. Du, please spare my life." "Mr. Du, my father is dead...please show mercy..." As soon as Sule and Muller heard Du Yilei's statement, they cried immediately and hurriedly begged for mercy.

After Du Tianjiao heard what her father said, she immediately looked at her father with emotion. Her father always scolded her before and never spoke for her. But when the critical moment came, his father was the first to stand up.

"Yilei... Jason did indeed go too far... But neither Zule nor Mueller knew about it... In addition, the Thomas family has always been an inner force... and they also made great contributions... to destroy the family directly, I'm afraid It's inappropriate... Let's discuss it again..." Wenlix also knew that he was wrong, so when he spoke, he didn't dare to speak loudly and boldly like he did when talking to Zhang Yu, and everything was done in a discussion tone.

"I think there is nothing to discuss! Wein Lakes, I know the relationship between the Thomas family and you, but no matter what the matter is, we must discuss it as it is, and everything cannot be separated from the word 'reason'. Even if Jason didn't know it before, he didn't know it later. Did he also know about it? After knowing it, he sent out many masters to kill people and silence them. If he directly admitted his mistake, I wouldn't say anything more, but now it's too late to regret and admit his mistake..." Du Yilei said seriously.

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