Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4529 Subtle

Lele opened the door to the back room. There was no light in the room. He then pressed the switch on the wall and the lights inside came on.

"Please come in." Lele made an invitation gesture to Zhang Yu very honestly.

Zhang Yu stepped into the room. There was a bathroom on the right side of the door. When I first entered the outer room, I passed by a bathroom. When I got inside, there was one there.

The bathroom door was closed, so Zhang Yu opened the glass door and looked inside.

The bathroom is quite large, with wet and dry areas separated inside, a washbasin outside, and a bathtub and shower inside.

Zhang Yu originally had no interest in other people's bathrooms. After taking a look, he planned to leave. But at this stall, he suddenly discovered that there was a trail of dragging on the floor of the bathing area inside.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu's eyes lit up. You know, the traces of mopping the floor often don't stay for a long time, and they will dry out after a while. Now there is a drag mark here, which can completely indicate that someone cleaned it here not long ago.

So, Zhang Yu walked directly into the bathroom. When Lele saw Zhang Yu entering here, he wanted to stop him, but he didn't dare. Zhang Yu entered the bathing area in the bathroom. It was very clean inside. The reason why there were drag marks on the ground was probably because there were no windows in the bathroom. Otherwise, the marks would have dried long ago. In fact, if the door had been opened, it would have been done long ago.

Zhang Yu looked at it a few more times and soon discovered that there were water drops in the bathtub. There are not many water droplets here, they just stay at the bottom. See what this means, water should have been released into the bathtub, and the remaining water traces should be left after the water was released.

"Before this, someone took a bath here... Who could it be? Could it be the dead Lunyi..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, but he soon realized that something was wrong. That is, how can a person take a shower before swimming? Even if he takes a shower, it should be after swimming.

Before this, Zhang Yu had not found any clues in the villa. At this moment, he finally discovered a little bit of a problem.

He looked around in the bathroom again, but found nothing else except the trace of water left in the bathtub.

Zhang Yu turned around and walked out of the bathroom. Lele was waiting outside. When he saw Zhang Yu coming out, he quickly showed a flattering smile and said, "Just visit..."

Zhang Yu nodded and walked into the room again. There was no TV in the room and the furnishings were very simple. Seeing this, Zhang Yu said with some confusion: "Your girlfriend doesn't even have a wardrobe."

For women, clothes, bags, etc. are all essential. As the hostess's room, there isn't even a wardrobe, so it makes people suspicious.

"Here..." Lele said, walking behind Zhang Yu and arriving at a position parallel to the bathroom.

There was a sliding door at this location, and Lele opened it directly.

Zhang Yu turned around and looked at it, and he suddenly became enlightened.

What he saw was a huge cloakroom with a dressing room, which was filled with clothes and other things.

Zhang Yu walked into the cloakroom and carefully looked at the clothes hanging inside. Inside, clothes for the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter are hung clearly, underwear and underwear are also in a special area, and sportswear, shoes, etc. are all arranged very neatly.

He could soon see all kinds of fitness clothes in the sportswear area, some loose, some tight, and everything. But then, Zhang Yu discovered a problem, that is, there was no swimsuit among the sportswear.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu suddenly recalled the appearance of the deceased in the swimming pool. Lunyi was wearing a swimsuit, but there was no swimming cap or goggles. This regulation of swimming caps is generally only found in swimming pools. When swimming at home, you just have to wear it or not. However, swimming goggles provide certain protection for the eyes. If they are not worn, it seems inappropriate.

Zhang Yu did not notice any swimming goggles around the swimming pool. Of course, Zhang Yu didn't pay attention to check whether it was under the swimming pool. Now he was vaguely aware that finding swimming goggles was really the key.

After a brief look, Zhang Yu didn't show the slightest concentration. He walked to the dressing table, took another cursory look, and then said casually: "By the way, I found that there is a person in the basement below. It's a big swimming pool. Do you and your girlfriend often swim there..."

"I've never seen her swim...Besides, I can't swim either..." Lele said directly.

Hearing this, Zhang Yu secretly took a breath and muttered in his mind, "It seems that there is really something wrong with this matter..."

Zhang Yu did not continue to talk about this topic, and then said: "By the way, what are you doing here so late?"

"Come and see her, what else can you do..." Lele immediately said, licking his face.

"Did you contact her before coming here?" Zhang Yu said, turning around and staring at Lele with his eyes.

When Lele saw Zhang Yu's sharp gaze, he didn't dare to look at it. He quickly turned his face to the side and stammered: "Of course...of course I contacted..."

"What did you say?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"I just came to have dinner with you tonight..." Lele said.

"At this point, it's already past dinner time, right?" Zhang Yu said lightly.

"It's indeed passed... This is not temporary... There was something temporarily delayed..." Lele stammered.

Seeing that he was stuttering, Zhang Yu asked: "What's going on? Even such a big thing as having dinner with a beautiful woman can be delayed?"

"It's just that...a friend came to discuss a business took some time..." Lele stammered again.

How could Zhang Yu not see that Lele's words were somewhat untrue. However, Zhang Yu did not expose it directly, but said: "Then you have something urgent, did you call her to inform her..."

"I called her...but...but she didn't answer..." Lele said.

"No answer, what time was the call?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Around six-thirty in the evening." Lele said honestly.

"Take out your phone and show it to me." Zhang Yu stretched out his hand directly.

Seeing Zhang Yu like this, Lele obviously hesitated for a moment, but finally took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu took the phone and after pressing the button, he found that he needed to enter a password. He then asked: "What is the password?"

"707755..." Lele said.

Zhang Yu pressed the password, turned on the phone, and found the call records. Sure enough, he found that there was an outgoing call record at 6:42 pm.

"Is this your girlfriend's phone number?" Zhang Yu said to Lele.

"Yes." Lele nodded quickly.

Zhang Yu immediately pressed the phone number, then put it to his ear and listened. Soon, a message rang out, "Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off. Please call again later..."

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