Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4528 Inconvenience

"Why it still hurts...I'm not sure about this...but I'm thinking that you must have lied somewhere...otherwise, you can first recall what lies you have told before...and then correct them. , see if it works..." Zhang Yu said deliberately and calmly.

"I, I never lied again..." the fat man said with a grimace.

Zhang Yu shrugged his shoulders, turned his face away, and stopped looking at Lele.

"I...I...I don't know what I said...otherwise, please don't hurt me first...let me recall...what I said before..." Lele was in pain again. said.

Zhang Yu still didn't say anything and still didn't look at Lele.

Seeing this, Lele couldn't help but grit his teeth and cursed in his heart, "Boy, just wait for me... If I don't die, you will die..."

He cursed in his heart, but the pain in his stomach was really unbearable. He said with difficulty: "Brother... you must have been on the road in Canada..."

Zhang Yu remained silent, as if he didn't hear him at all.

Lele was already gritting his teeth in pain, and could not hold on any longer. He could only say bitterly: "We did meet at the gym in Edmonton, and...she does have a good figure... I didn’t lie about this you want to ask...I, I said..."

"Then tell me what your girlfriend looks like..." Zhang Yu asked the previous question again.

"She has blond hair..." Lele didn't dare to hide it this time. He immediately described his girlfriend Lunyi's appearance and figure honestly.

At this moment, the elder in Tang suit and Du Tianjiao were standing at the corner of the stairs. Although they could not see what was going on below, they could hear clearly.

Du Tianjiao had already heard Lele introduce himself to his family, and now seeing Lele being so useless, he couldn't help but whisper: "This guy is such a loser, he is a disgrace to our Black Gloves family!"

"Miss, it's none of our business to be embarrassed or not... This kid suddenly ran here, I think there must be a reason..." said the elder in Tang suit.

"There must be a reason, otherwise, let's go down and interrogate him." Du Tianjiao whispered again.

"This can't be done. It's not convenient for us to come forward in this matter." The elder in Tang suit said.

"Why?" Du Tianjiao whispered in confusion.

"That guy named Lele, I don't know if he has met you, miss. What if he recognizes you and calls for help on the spot?" said the elder in Tang suit.

"It seems...also..." Du Tianjiao nodded.

"For the current matter, I think it is better to just let this kid come forward and let us leave him alone. In this way, even if Thomas' family asks for an explanation in the future, it is impossible to blame our family. Taking a step back, to At worst, the Thomas family will take it out on this kid..." the elder in Tang suit said calmly.

"Take it out on him..." Upon hearing this, Du Tianjiao couldn't help but take a breath.

Unconsciously, she became worried about Zhang Yu.

The elder in Tang suit glanced at Du Tianjiao from the corner of his eye and said nothing.

According to Lele's description, Zhang Yu was able to determine that the woman who died in the swimming pool was Lunyi who Lele said was the hostess of the villa.

Zhang Yu nodded slightly, and then recited the headache-relieving spell. Lele's stomach pain instantly disappeared, and the guy also let out a sigh of relief.

"Brother... I have told you everything I know... I would never dare to lie..." Lele said pitifully again.

"I never like to make things difficult for others. Look how good it is now. Come on, let's go upstairs for a walk." Zhang Yu said with another smile.

He was not in a hurry to let Lele see Lunyi's body, because in this case, Lele would definitely be even more nervous.

Therefore, Zhang Yu decided to ask Lele to open the door of the owner's house on the second floor and go in to check it out.

Anyway, what he said was out loud, and Du Tianjiao and the elder in Tang suit upstairs could also hear it. When the time comes, it's up to them to decide whether to hide or show up.

"Go upstairs...Okay, okay..." Lele didn't know what Zhang Yu meant, but he didn't dare to disobey and agreed honestly.

The man just nodded, but didn't stand up immediately.

Zhang Yu looked at him and said: "Then get up quickly, are you still waiting for me to help you..."

"No, no need..." Lele agreed, holding on and getting up from the ground.

This guy's leg still hurts, but he doesn't dare to say anything nonsense.

Zhang Yu turned around and just walked towards the stairs. The two black men lying on the ground have not gotten up yet, because they were hit on the head with a copper coin and are still in a coma.

He walked past the two men and came to the stairs, and reluctantly followed him. Seeing that the two men were still unconscious, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart, "Trash! You two are such trash! What a waste!" You’ve grown so big!”

When Zhang Yu saw him following him, he strode upstairs, followed closely by Lele, not daring to make the slightest move.

Lele could naturally see that Zhang Yu was so powerful that he was definitely not something he could handle. If you dare to move around, you may be in trouble. He was even worried about whether Zhang Yu would kill him in the end.

The two people went up to the second floor one after another. Along the way, Zhang Yu did not see the shadow of Du Tianjiao or the elder in Tang suit. See what this means, these two people are not planning to show up.

Come to think of it, they are all black-gloved people, maybe they actually know each other. To be honest, if we don't meet, everything will be fine, just let Zhang Yu take the blame. Once you meet, you can't fight your own people.

Zhang Yu's guess was exactly the same as what the elder in Tang suit meant.

He didn't waste any time, turned around and walked towards the right side of the corridor until he reached the innermost room of the corridor.

Standing at the door of the room, Zhang Yu turned to look at Lele who was following him and said, "This lock is a fingerprint lock. I can't open it. Please help me..."

"Okay, okay..." Lele nodded in agreement, stretched out his right thumb honestly, and pressed it on the fingerprint authentication screen.

The screen then turned green, and there was another "click", and the door lock opened.

Lele opened the door and said flatteringly: "It's open, please come in."

"Please go in first and turn on the light." Zhang Yu raised his hand to indicate to Lele.

Lele walked in obediently. He was indeed very familiar with this place. He turned on the switch on the wall and the room became very bright.

Zhang Yu walked into the door and looked around. This room was a large suite, and the outer room was a living room. In addition to the bathroom, there were also sofas, coffee tables, refrigerators, TVs and other furnishings.

Seeing nothing special, Zhang Yu's eyes fell on the door inside and said: "This should be the bedroom..."

"Yes, yes..." Lele agreed hastily.

"Let's go in and take a look." Zhang Yu said, pointing to the door of the back room.

Lele did not dare to neglect, and walked quickly to the door. This door was not locked by fingerprints. He grabbed the handle and just turned it, and the door opened.

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