Zhang Yu looked around, and there were only a few ordinary people left standing there, looking at a loss. Zhang Yu immediately said to them that they can all leave now and there is no need to stay here.

To be honest, for these ordinary people, they are a little wary of letting them go outside by themselves. But Zhang Yu had said so, and they were worried about making Zhang Yu unhappy and would kill them all directly, so they left very obediently.

Paris watched these people leave and said with some confusion: "Aren't you planning to take away all these swords and other things? Without the help of these people, you would never expect the two of us to be able to take all these away." Take it out."

"The mountain man has his own clever plan." Zhang Yu just smiled, and then took out a two-fold talisman paper from his arms.

He just shook it slightly, and the talisman popped out, and immediately a yellow scarf warrior appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this, Paris was immediately startled. This was the first time she saw Zhang Yu using the Yellow Turban Warrior, and she didn't know what kind of trick it was.

Zhang Yu directly ordered the Yellow Turban Warriors to take away the two pieces of plate armor and the two big swords. To Zhang Yu, these things were very heavy, but to the Yellow Turban warriors, they were nothing. He folded the plate armor very easily, placed the two swords on top, and then held them up directly. Naturally, Zhang Yu would not leave the corpses here. He threw the corpses together, lit a fire talisman, and burned all the corpses directly.

The battlefield was completely cleaned, and Zhang Yu and Paris returned the same way with the Yellow Turban Warriors.

On the way back, there was nothing special, everything was a familiar road. After leaving the castle and going down to the foot of the mountain, everyone gathered here.

Zhang Yu asked He Yunshuai how the situation was, and He Yunshuai told him that the signal had been sent and he was waiting for the ship to come to respond.

Not to mention, after waiting for more than 20 minutes, you can see lifeboats coming one by one, roughly a dozen.

The lifeboats that came over were very cautious and did not dock immediately. Instead, someone used a loudspeaker to make a call to confirm He Yunshuai's condition. He Yunshuai shouted loudly that he was fine and allowed people to dock.

After receiving his orders, the lifeboats came over in one piece and stopped at the shore.

Zhang Yu, He Yunshuai and others plus the La Masia Star Sect and a few ordinary people, that is, about 30 people, so many lifeboats are enough for everyone to get on and leave at once.

They got on the lifeboat, and following He Yunshuai's order, the lifeboat left the desert island and headed towards the sea.

After a while, you can see two cargo ships and two yachts parked on the sea ahead. These were all ships that were responding to He Yunshuai. After seeing the signal, they all rushed over.

He Yunshuai asked the driver to drive towards a cargo ship. When the lifeboat arrived under the cargo ship, naturally many rope ladders were lowered, allowing everyone to climb along the rope ladders all the way to the deck.

Everyone climbed up one after another. Shao Weige climbed the same rope ladder as Zhang Yu and others, and he was farther back. As he climbed up, the originally strong rope ladder suddenly broke.

There was a "chi" sound, followed by a "puff thump thump" sound.

Shao Weige and a man following him fell into the sea together.

When the people above heard the sound, they all looked down. As soon as they saw Shao Weige falling into the sea, Zhang Yu immediately shouted: "Hurry and save him!"

On the deck, there were many sailors under He Yunshuai, and He Yunshuai also ordered people to go into the sea to rescue people. The sailors on the boat were all good at water. Six of them jumped in at once, quickly fished the people out of the water, and then climbed up a new rope ladder.

When they came to the deck, the sailors immediately carried out rescue operations, because at the time of the fall, the man was fine and just choked a few mouthfuls of water. But Shao Weige had already passed out. The sailor was busy, but Shao Weige still didn't open his eyes.

The sailor quickly checked Shao Weige's breathing and heartbeat, and immediately shouted: "He is dead!"

"Dead!" Hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help being shocked. He immediately rushed to Shao Weige's side, grabbed Shao Weige's wrist and checked.

It's absolutely true, Shao Weige has no pulse. If he checks with his inner eye, Shao Weige's three souls and seven souls are also gone.

Upon discovering this, Zhang Yu took another breath and couldn't help but said: "What's going on..."

Shao Weige suddenly fell into the sea, which was really puzzling. Zhang Yu and Nini climbed up along this rope ladder. Zhang Yu could conclude that the rope ladder was relatively strong.

If someone was up to something and broke the rope ladder, with Zhang Yu's ability, he could be sure that none of the people here could hide it from his eyes and ears.

Judging from Shao Weige's appearance, he must have choked to death after falling into the sea.

To be honest, this is too coincidental.

At this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly thought of something, that is, he had found a jade pendant in Nini's mother's room. This jade pendant had aura on it, with a Bagua pattern engraved on the front and a Bagua pattern on the back. There is a card slot, and there is a piece of talisman paper in the card slot. On the talisman paper, a birth date is written.

This definitely cannot be something from Indians, because Indians don't know how to use Taoism.

Zhang Yu also calculated the birth date at that time, but he didn't know whose birth date it was at the time, so the calculation was not necessarily accurate. At this moment, Zhang Yu couldn't help but combine Shao Weige's name with this birth date to calculate.

With just one extrapolation, Zhang Yu couldn't help but be shocked again and took a deep breath.

It turned out that based on the time of birth and Shao Weige's name, it was deduced that this person was destined to die in the water, and he should have died long ago.

After deducing this, Zhang Yu glanced around and found Shao Weiping. Shao Weiping was just a little surprised by Shao Weige's sudden death, but he didn't feel the least bit sad.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "Shao Weige, when is your brother's birthday?"

"Ah?" Shao Weiping was stunned when he heard this.

"I want to ask when your brother Shao Weige's birthday is?" Zhang Yu said again.

"It's X month XX day..." Shao Weiping immediately announced Shao Weige's birthday.

As soon as he heard about the birthday, Zhang Yu was convinced that this birthday was completely consistent with the birthday in the horoscope. In this way, Zhang Yu understood that Shao Weige should have died long ago. To be precise, he should have died when he was in danger last time at sea.

It was also because the jade pendant was a magic weapon, and the talisman inside was also an amulet, that it helped Shao Weige avoid the disaster. But later, the amulet jade pendant was taken away by Jisha, and Shao Weige lost its protection. However, it was destined that Shao Weige would die in the sea, so he persisted until now, and then suddenly fell into the sea, and choked to death, which was regarded as fulfilling Shao Weige's fate.

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