Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4468 Paladin

Paris is having troubles that she can't express, and it's a worry in her heart.

In the eyes of others, it was a great thing, but she didn't care about it at all. On the contrary, she felt that she didn't know what to do.

There is no other way now. Seeing everyone being submissive, Paris shouted angrily: "Okay, okay... hurry up and move the bodies away... Those who don't have anything to do, come and help... …”

There were a lot of corpses on the ground. Originally, some of these people with a slightly higher status were still instructing others to work. Now when they heard Paris say this, they all rushed to move the corpses.

For a time, only a few ordinary people were left alive. All the men in black robes have errands on their hands.

Some people even said: "Sect Master, should we move the corpse out first?"...

"Go on, go on..." Paris said angrily.

As if they had been granted amnesty, these men in black robes carried the corpses and left, leaving a few ordinary people standing there, at a loss.

Paris glanced at them, then looked at Zhang Yu and said, "What should we do next?"

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then looked at the giant sword on the ground and said, "I'll take a look first. The ship can't come so fast anyway."

After saying that, he squatted down and looked at the giant sword that had fallen to the ground.

Zhang Yu's fingers touched the giant sword, but he didn't find anything special about it. There was no aura or anything, it was just like a very ordinary long sword.

Of course, Zhang Yu might think so if he hadn't seen Saladinge use this big sword. But he has seen the power of this sword, so he will never underestimate this sword.

He was completely sure that there must be some secret hidden in this sword, and that some special means were needed to control this sword and make it exert its power.

Zhang Yu tried to penetrate the true energy into the long sword. After the true energy penetrated, there was no more. He did not feel that there was any aura in the long sword to hinder the penetration of his true energy, nor did he feel that there was any aura that echoed his own true energy. After the true energy enters, it is like a stone cow entering the sea, just like the true energy seeping into ordinary metal.

"What's going on..." Zhang Yu muttered, and then looked at the big sword carefully.

The giant long sword was covered in gold, and only on the blade was an iron cross symbol. This symbol is just like the golden iron cross displayed by Saladinge.

Zhang Yu tried to pick up the sword. This time it could be said that he was fully prepared, but he still couldn't pick up the sword with one hand. Zhang Yu was absolutely certain that the sword weighed hundreds of kilograms. Not to mention him, even a domestic weightlifter would not be able to lift the sword with one hand, let alone fight with it. .

Paris was watching next to him. Seeing that Zhang Yu had been studying for a long time and didn't seem to figure out the reason, she asked, "What are you busy with?"

"There's something wrong with my sword now. Not only does it have no spiritual energy, it doesn't even have your western magic power. It seems to be a very ordinary weapon. But... I watched helplessly as Saladinge was able to control this sword... And it's very powerful... So I'm wondering what kind of secrets there are on this sword..." Zhang Yu expressed his doubts.

Paris looked at the sword for a few times and said, "The symbols on this sword and Saladin's skills seem to be the moves of the legendary Iron Crusaders."

"Iron Crusaders..." Zhang Yu asked curiously: "What kind of army is that... and what are their tricks..."

"The Iron Crusaders were the main force in the early Crusades and an important part of the Crusades. They have hundreds of privileges granted by the Pope, so they also have a name, called the Knights Templar. Every soldier has They were called the Holy Knights. According to legend, they were invincible in all battles, across the European continent, and were invincible. Perhaps because of their great achievements, or for some other reason, the French Emperor Philip IV suddenly ordered that the Saints be killed. The Paladins were all captured in one fell swoop. Because of the sudden incident, Philip IV mobilized a large number of astrologers and magicians, so that all the scattered Paladins were arrested within one day, or were killed on the spot. That day, that is, The famous Black Friday. It can be said that the crimes listed by the Paladins were all kinds of. Some people were even accused of spitting on the cross. But since then, the Knights Templar have completely disappeared, and the European continent There are no more Paladins. I have not really seen the techniques of the Paladins. I can only judge by the symbols on their weapons, or the iron cross among the few... But the armor on this person, It does look a lot like the armor worn by the Paladin back then..." Paris said slowly.

"Paladin..." Zhang Yu said even more puzzledly: "This person should be a member of Black Gloves... Why is there even a Paladin inside Black Gloves..."

"The Black Gloves organization is all-encompassing, with all kinds of people and all kinds of masters. The Paladin has long been extinct on the European continent, and all that remains are legends... This person may be the descendant of the Paladin... ...But after so many years, no one knows how the Paladin was created...As time goes by, what is left to future generations is just one legend after another about the Paladin..." Paris Po Wei said with emotion.

"This sword is indeed interesting, but regardless of whether it can be used or not, his belongings should not be left here." Zhang Yu said and walked to Saladinge's body again.

Saladinge's head was blown open, and the plate armor on his body was also untied. This was a good thing He Yunshuai did, and he took the black dragon gloves from Saladinge's body.

Zhang Yu completely pulled off Saladinge's plate armor and then examined it.

The material of the plate armor is similar to that of a giant long sword. It should be made of the same material. Moreover, this plate armor is also very heavy. Zhang Yu even has a feeling that if he wears this plate armor, he probably won't even have to walk. .

Like the giant sword, there is no aura on the plate armor, and no clues can be seen. Zhang Yu could only find out what the plate armor and giant sword were made of. There must be gold in them, but not all of them were gold.

After checking Saladinge's plate armor and giant sword, Zhang Yu went to check out Saladingue's junior brother Fisher. Fisher's giant long sword and plate armor have no aura on them, but the long sword and plate armor are both silver. Zhang Yu can generally conclude that part of the material used to make the long sword and plate armor is silver. . Also, Fisher's plate armor and long sword are obviously much lighter than Saladinge's, but they are not something that ordinary people can handle.

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