Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4205 Second Choice

Facing Nini's questioning, Zhang Yu knew clearly that unless he killed Nini on the spot and destroyed her body, his claim to be an Indian would be exposed.

However, facing this poor girl, Zhang Yu really couldn't do anything. This girl rescued him from the sea before. Although she once asked him to feed the snakes, she trusted him very much afterwards. I still remember Nini’s cheerful laughter while playing on the swing, and I still remember Nini’s sadness when she saw her father’s body. Especially when the two of them were in the Divine Prison, Nini said many things without going behind his back.

Do you really want to kill her?

Zhang Yu shook his head helplessly. He reached into his arms, took out the output device of the translation system, and directly connected it to the translation device on his ear.

Seeing Zhang Yu's actions, Nini was a little nervous. She lowered her head and saw the black chain that had fallen to the ground. She picked it up with her foot and grabbed it into her palm.

"Young Master Nini, I am not a bad person, please don't misunderstand me." After connecting the translation device, Zhang Yu opened the output system and said.

Hearing Zhang Yu speak Indian, Nini was obviously stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "You can speak our language, you... who are you..."

"I am the outsider in your mouth." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

"You are an outsider! You are the outsider who killed my father! I will fight with you!" Nini stared and was about to take action.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu hurriedly said: "Wait a minute... I was with you at the time, how could I possibly kill your father..."

"This..." Nini heard this and immediately realized the problem, but she still said sharply: "So what? It was all you outsiders who killed my father! Even though you and I went to Jingdong to settle down. , but the person who killed my father was your accomplice! You pretended to be one of ours, pretended to be drowning, tricked me into rescuing you, and then pretended to be mute, with the purpose of coming undercover and harming our family! "

"Young Master Nini, I fell into the sea, thank you for rescuing me from the sea. I pretended to be mute, but I am not here to be an undercover agent, and I have no intention of harming you!" Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"Then what do you mean? You're not an Indian like us, so why are you wearing our clothes? Why are you running into the sea again?" Nini asked loudly.

"Do you still remember what Barcelon said? Someone went to their tribe and pretended to be a member of your family. He first captured the young chief, then injured him, and finally fell into the sea." Zhang Yu said seriously.

" are the person that Barcelone was talking about..." Nini looked shocked when she heard this.

"A total of six of us went to the island at that time..." At that moment, Zhang Yu told the story of how he, Qingluan and others went to Island No. 1 to investigate, including capturing the young chief and entering the forbidden area, which resulted in a near-miss He lost his life and managed to escape by burning the sacred pavilion. Finally, he went to Heavenly Hell and rescued the mermaid and Shatyuka, but still encountered Barcelon. They condescendingly threw Barcelon into hell. Unexpectedly, Barcelon did not die. He fell into the water while escaping from the Hell. He thought he was dead, but he actually floated here and was rescued by Nini.

After hearing what Zhang Yu said, Nini couldn't help but look at Zhang Yu again, and suddenly said: "In this place, you can obviously kill me, why do you need to explain so much to me? It can be seen that you should be very powerful, I'm no match for you."

"You saved me, so I don't want to hurt you." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"What's the point of not wanting to hurt me? What about your companions? You outsiders, your purpose is to kill all the people in our tribe. First you came to harass me, and then you killed my father. What's next? We're going to launch a massive attack!" Nini said sadly.

"Young Master Nini, to be honest, the mission I received was not to kill people, but to find someone. Why the situation turned out to be like this, I don't know. But there are two things I can be sure of. One is that I promise not to It will hurt you and your tribe; the second point is that your father was not killed by outsiders like us." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"If it wasn't you outsiders who killed him, then who could it be?" Nini obviously didn't believe it.

"I still remember that when I helped Chief Bisibon get up, I saw the knife wound on his back. At that time, I made a sound to remind you that you said it was an injury caused by a magic weapon used by an outsider, and these magic weapons are still with you. There is nothing wrong with this about my father, right?" Zhang Yu said.

"Yes, I did say that. Doesn't this further prove that the people who killed my father were outsiders like you?" Nini said seriously.

"Since it is a magic weapon, it must be very precious. Young Master Nini, I want to ask you a question. After you kill someone with your magic weapon, will you leave your magic weapon on the corpse instead of taking it away? "Zhang Yu said seriously.

"This..." Nini obviously hesitated for a moment, then shook her head and said: "I will not leave my magic weapon behind, I will definitely take it away."

"Then the question is, why did the other party leave the precious magic weapon on your father's body after he killed your father? Don't you think it's suspicious?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Maybe... maybe after the murder, the murderer... was worried that we would be discovered and was in a hurry to escape... In a hurry, he didn't have time to take away the magic weapon..." Nini explained in a guessing tone.

Because it is a guess, it is inevitable that there will be some hesitation in what I say.

"Okay, let's assume that the murderer was in a hurry to escape and didn't have time to take the magic weapon away from your father. Then let me ask you another question. The two of us picked up your father's clothes together. You What I’m taking is your father’s crown, and what I’m taking are his clothes, right?” Zhang Yu said slowly.

"Yes." Nini recalled it and nodded.

"After I picked up Chief Bisibon's clothes, I didn't find any blood stains under his body. Young Master Nini, I want to ask you a question. After a man was hit by ten knives on his back, why was there no blood after he fell? A little blood flowed from the wound to the ground?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"This..." Nini looked obviously confused. She recalled it carefully, and it seemed that she did not see any blood at that time. Nini said in confusion this time: "I really didn't see any blood... Then tell me... why..."

"Because your father did not die in the Divine Prison, but in another place. He was carried back to the Divine Prison after his death, so that by that time, the blood of the corpse had already coagulated, so it did not flow to the Divine Prison. On the ground. Not only your father, but also the four guards outside the Divine Prison died elsewhere, and their bodies were dragged back to the outside of the Divine Prison. At that time, I heard from your people that the four guards He was killed with carved feathers..." Zhang Yu said with great certainty.

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