Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4204 You are not mute


Zhang Yu had just emerged from the fishing net when he heard a voice coming from beside him. Zhang Yu, who was still lying on the ground, didn't even need to look up to confirm that someone had jumped down from above.

Zhang Yu didn't have time to check who was chasing him. Besides, this was under a cave and there was no firelight at all. There was firelight above, but how could it illuminate the bottom clearly? Zhang Yu hurriedly kicked off his right foot and rushed toward the person coming down. His hands immediately hugged the legs of the person coming down, and with a strong force, he directly pulled the person down to the ground.

There was another "pop" sound. After the man fell, he did not hesitate and immediately retracted his legs to struggle. Zhang Yu couldn't give the other person this chance, so he pounced on the man again and stabbed downward with the seven-star knife in his hand.

The man's reaction speed was also fast. When he saw his opponent acting like this, he hurriedly moved his head to the side to avoid it. With a "chi" sound, the Seven-Star Sword was too sharp. In his desperation, Zhang Yu struck hard. With just one thrust, the entire blade of the Seven-Star Sword was completely buried in the stone layer on the ground.

Seeing that Zhang Yu had stabbed him in the air, he was about to pull out the knife, but how could the person below him give him such a chance? He punched Zhang Yu in the head with his right hand.


The distance was too close and it was too late to parry. Zhang Yu could only subconsciously raise his left shoulder when he heard the wind. The opponent's fist hit his left shoulder firmly. Zhang Yu felt pain and unconsciously turned to the right. The person he was pressing rose up, fell on Zhang Yu, raised his fist, and hit Zhang Yu's head again. Zhang Yu hurriedly parried and grabbed the opponent's fist. Then there was a back and forth. The two of them were tossing and turning on the ground, fighting each other.

Looking at it like this, Zhang Yu doesn't have the slightest pretensions to be a great mage. It's clearly no different from a fight in the market.

By this time, the fire above the entrance of the cave had gone out, and it was even darker below, making it almost impossible to see. Neither of them seemed to notice this, and continued to struggle below. At this moment, Zhang Yu finally gained his position and pushed the opponent to the ground with a sudden force. He pressed his right hand towards the opponent, trying to stop him, but when he pressed his hand like this, the tentacle turned into a soft ball.

As a result, Zhang Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. In the darkness, he couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Immediately afterwards, he felt a pain in his wrist, and the neck of his right hand was bitten hard. The sudden pain made him scream in pain, "Ouch!"

Zhang Yu quickly raised his right hand, and hit the opponent's head with the fist of his left hand. With a "bang" sound, the fist hit the opponent's head, causing the opponent's teeth to loosen, and at the same time he let out a cry of pain, "Ouch..."

Zhang Yu heard this sound clearly, it was definitely a woman's voice. And this voice was a bit familiar to him. As a result, Zhang Yu's raised right fist did not come down immediately.

The woman who was hit by his punch, with the help of a moment's effort, swooped down, pushed Zhang Yu down, and then punched Zhang Yu's head. After Zhang Yu was overwhelmed, he realized that he didn't care who the opponent was. If he was soft-handed, he might be beaten to death first.

He also exerted all his strength and continued to fight with the other party. Between the two of us, you hold me and I hold you. You hold me down and I hold you down. You punch me and I punch you back.

Zhang Yu wanted to reveal his magical weapon or use Five Thunder Palm, but his opponent didn't give him a chance. It takes time to use any magic weapon. If you react a little slower, you will easily be hit by the opponent and die on the spot. For example, if you are hit in the throat, you will basically die.

Similarly, Zhang Yu could not give the opponent a chance to reveal his magic weapon, which would lead to such an embarrassing situation.

Melee combat is often the most wasteful of physical energy, because it requires not only strength, but also a high degree of mental concentration. It was as if Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment by the sound he heard before, and then was knocked over.

I don’t know how long the fight lasted, but Zhang Yu’s breathing was a little rough, and the same was true for the opponent. He would gasp for breath from time to time during the fight. At this time, Zhang Yu finally gained the upper hand. The five fingers of his right hand clasped the five fingers of the opponent's left hand, the five fingers of his left hand clasped the five fingers of the opponent's right hand, and his legs were riding on the opponent's waist. However, Zhang Yu didn't dare to get too close to the other person's face because the other person liked to bite.

The two people's hands were tightly clasping each other's fingers, and they were constantly competing. Suddenly, the person pressed by Zhang Yu suddenly said: "Who are you?"

As soon as he heard this voice, Zhang Yu was startled. This voice was so familiar to him. Isn't it the voice of the young master Nini?

When he was startled, the strength on his hands was inevitably a little lighter, but Nini below could not help but exert force, and her hands suddenly stood up. Nicole didn't mean to be soft, she used her upper body to use strength, and then her head hit Zhang Yu's chin.

With a "bang", Nini's head hit Zhang Yu's chin, which also knocked Zhang Yu to pieces. Fortunately, Zhang Yu reacted quickly and quickly pushed hard with both hands. Nini's strength must have been used in the scuffle, and she was pushed back to the ground by Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu withdrew his fingers, jumped back, and ran towards the back.

After only running a few steps, I heard a soft "click" under my feet, and then there was a "crunch" sound from above. Zhang Yu knew that he had stepped on the mechanism, and the top buckle was about to close. He groaned in his heart, he didn't want to hurt Nini, but what should he do in this situation.


At this moment, fire appeared in the darkness. Zhang Yu did not dare to neglect, five-color runes appeared on his right hand, and he immediately turned around. He followed and saw a fireball shooting towards him. Zhang Yu hurriedly slapped it with his palm, and with a "boom", the fireball was hit by the five-color rune palm print just a few centimeters in front of Zhang Yu's palm, setting off endless sparks. .

With a "dang" sound, a flaming marble fell to the ground. The blast was too close. Zhang Yu's body trembled, and sparks splashed onto his body. Fortunately, his clothes were not ignited.

Finally there was light in the darkness, and the two people could see each other.

When Nini saw Zhang Yu, she was obviously shocked and couldn't help shouting: "Why is it you!"

"I'm not..." Zhang Yu explained subconsciously, but he only said three words. He immediately reacted and hurriedly shouted "Uh-huh".

Nini was sitting on the ground. Seeing Zhang Yu like this, she immediately jumped up, pointed at Zhang Yu, and shouted angrily: "Stop pretending, you are not mute! What did you just say? It's not the language we speak here!"

Although she lives on an island and has never seen anything outside, she is not a fool after all. Especially now, with the island in such troubled times, and the two of them had just fought again, who would be so foolish as to think that Zhang Yu would be an honest and docile mute.

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