Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3979 Great Shaman

"He has such a loud tone!" The elder on the phone seemed to be extremely angry. He shouted angrily: "This Zhang Yu is simply arrogant. He thinks of himself as something. He really thinks that our Hua family is afraid of him. Well! Well, since he is so shameless and dares to talk to me like this, then don’t blame me for being rude! Go tell Zhang Yu, I will mobilize people to Zhenhai and fight with him openly. Let’s see who wins in the end!”

After hearing this, Hua Yunong's heart tightened, and she quickly said: "Father, please think twice, the eldest brother is still in their hands, and there are also black gloves watching in the dark. If we really mobilize a large number of people, If we fight to the death with Zhang Yu, I'm afraid Black Gloves will take advantage of us."

"I don't need you to remind me! Tell Zhang Yu now to prepare his coffin and wait until he dies!" After saying this, the elder hung up the phone directly.

It was daytime in Zhenhai at the moment, while it was late at night in England.

In a luxurious villa, a spirited elder sat on the sofa in the large living room. The elder was holding a mobile phone in his hand, with a look of anger on his face.

Sitting on the sofas on the left and right sides are a young man and a middle-aged man. The young man's name is Hua Yuchong, and he is the third eldest son of the Hua family. The middle-aged man's name is Xiao Jinfeng, a cousin of the old man of the Hua family, and also a member of the Hua family. think tank.

"Father, what's wrong?" "Cousin, what did you say on the phone?" Hua Yuchong and Xiao Jinfeng asked eagerly when they saw the old man hung up the phone angrily.

Something happened in Zhenhai, so they stayed up most of the night, waiting for the outcome of the negotiation between Hua Yunong and Zhang Yu.

"Yunong has already finished talking with Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu's condition is that we give up the Qi family's property and ask Qi Wuyao to transfer the Qi family's property to Qi Wuxuan. He even said that he doesn't mind following the bright sword and bright gun. Let’s fight, it’s so arrogant!” the elder said angrily.

"This Zhang Yu is indeed a bit lawless!" Hua Yuchong said.

Xiao Jinfeng said: "Cousin, what do you mean?"

"I will order all the troops to go to Zhenhai and directly destroy his Wudang Taoist Temple!" the elder said angrily.

"Father, I don't think it's appropriate to do this. If Zhang Yu dares to say this, he must be prepared. He is from the Zhengyi Sect. He might join forces with the Tianshi Mansion. Once we mobilize a large number of people to Zhenhai, there is a high probability that they will We fell into his trap. Besides, isn't it that Black Gloves has already set its sights on us? A decisive battle with Zhang Yu at this time would not give Black Gloves an opportunity to reap the benefits." Hua Yuchong said quickly.

In fact, these words were not what Hua Yuchong thought of, but Hua Yunong was worried that his father would really propose a fight to the death with Zhang Yu, so he warned his brother in advance that if his father said this, you would dissuade him like this.

Xiao Jinfeng also said quickly: "Yu Chong is right. This Zhang Yu is nothing, but he is a member of the Zhengyi Sect after all. There are black gloves over Zhenhai, and we can't act rashly."

"I know it too, but this kid Zhang Yu is really too much! If I don't show him some color, how can I dispel the hatred in my heart? Especially since he wants me to spit out the fat meat in my mouth. Go, how can such a good thing happen!" the elder said bitterly.

"Cousin, in fact, the Qi family's property is nothing, how can it be compared with Yulong's life. Also, if you really think of this, I don't think you need to mobilize a large team of people to Zhenhai, you only need one Just people." Xiao Jinfeng said slowly.

"What do you mean..." The elder stared at Xiao Jinfeng, deliberately not finishing his sentence.

"Please ask the great shaman to go to Zhenhai and meet with Zhang Yu for a while. See what masters are in charge of Wudang Taoist Temple. If there are really masters behind Zhang Yu, then we will agree to his conditions. Otherwise , if Zhang Yu is just pretending, and there is no other master in the Taoist temple besides him, or there is no master who can compare with the great shaman, then just capture Zhang Yu. Once Zhang Yu is in our hands, we can still Are you afraid that they won't let Yulong go?" Xiao Jinfeng said slowly again.

The elder nodded slightly and said: "This is a good idea. Although I have never wanted to ask the Great Shaman to take action personally, but this time, Zhang Yu really forced me to have to ask the Great Shaman to take action. Okay, you Go and invite the great shaman over, I want to see him in person."

"Yes, cousin." Xiao Jinfeng agreed, stood up, turned and left.

Seeing Xiao Jinfeng leave like this, Hua Yuchong couldn't help but feel his heart pounding. After all, everyone knew the strength of the great shaman, it was simply unfathomable. If Zhang Yu didn't have an expert behind him, he would probably die. You know, Zhang Yu had fought against Mr. Su, the great shaman's disciple, before at Sixiang Mountain, and he was no match at all. Now that his master is taking action, Zhang Yu will definitely be wasting his efforts even more.

There is no Taoist temple.

After seeing Hua Yunong off, Zhang Yu returned to the Taoist temple for dinner. After lunch, he went to the Jingxin Hall to meditate and circulate Qi.

This afternoon, Zhang Yu was like this. When it was time for dinner, he planned to go to the dining hall to eat. As soon as he stood up, the cell phone in his arms rang, "Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was the phone number used by Hua Yunong in the morning. It was expected to be the final reply from the Hua family. Zhang Yu answered directly and said: "Hello, hello."

"Zhang Yu, it's me." Hua Yunong's voice sounded on the phone.

"How is it? What did your father say?" Zhang Yu said.

"My father is really angry. He just called me and said that he will send the Great Shaman to Zhenhai to meet you in person. If you really have a master in the Wudang Taoist Temple, then let's fight the Great Shaman. . As long as he can defeat the great shaman, then he will agree to your terms. On the other hand, if no one on your side can defeat the great shaman, then I will take you down and exchange you for my eldest brother." Hua Yunong said.

"The great shaman..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this, and then said: "That's Mr. Su's master in Sixiang Mountain."

"Yes, that's him. You have also seen Mr. Su's strength. The strength of the great shaman is countless times higher than that of his apprentice. Zhang Yu, do you really have a master who can fight the great shaman... ...If not, I hope you contact Tianshi Mansion quickly and ask experts from Tianshi Mansion to come and help..." Hua Yunong said very worriedly.

"I understand. Thank you for your reminder. When will the great shaman arrive in Zhenhai?" Zhang Yu said gratefully.

"We'll arrive tomorrow morning. I'll let you know where to meet then," Hua Yunong said.

"Okay. I'll wait for you to be careful." Zhang Yu said.

Hua Yunong gave Zhang Yu a few more instructions before hanging up the phone. At this moment, Zhang Yu had no intention of going to the dining hall to eat anymore. He quickly walked out of the Jingxin Hall and walked towards the back.

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