Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3978 Not Afraid

Wu Dao and Ye Jia both knew very well about the affairs of the Hua family, especially Hua Yunong's words, which really caused ripples in their hearts. That's right. This time Hua Yulong collapsed in Zhenhai and suffered heavy losses. Even he himself was caught. Even if he could be released, he would be disgraced after returning and would probably never get the attention of the old man again.

On the contrary, although Hua Yunong is a female member of the family, she has shown great talents and has made many contributions. What's more, the third youngest member of the Hua family has grown up and is gradually beginning to break the dominance of the Hua Yulong family. Especially this time, Hua Yulong is very likely to completely fall out of favor.

Ye Jia and Wu Daoren looked at each other. Although they did not speak, they were still communicating with their eyes. Whether they should surrender to Hua Yunong or not. After all, for the two of them, as Hua Yunong said, whether they are following Hua Yulong or Hua Yunong, they are all working for the Hua family, and there is no essential difference.

How scheming Hua Yunong is is beyond the comparison of Ye Jia and Wu Daoren. She has already seen the looseness and tendencies in their hearts. Hua Yunong then said openly: "You two, in fact, the eldest brother's men were wiped out this time. The report my father received was that the black gloves were responsible, and related clues were found at the scene. Therefore, my father, Lu Bai, and the Tong family Brothers are now convinced that it was Black Gloves, so they anxiously sent me to negotiate with Zhang Yu. Even if father knew that you two told Zhang Yu where the eldest brother's men were hiding, he probably wouldn't treat you badly. How are you doing? Of course, I won’t tell my father. After all, now is the time to employ people. As a person with the surname Hua, you must consider the overall situation and not consume it internally. How do you two decide? It’s all voluntary!"

After saying this, Hua Yunong stepped forward, first patted Ye Jia on the shoulder, and then went over and patted Wudaoren on the shoulder.

After hearing these words, Ye Jia couldn't help but feel warm in her heart. In addition, she realized that Hua Yulong could not succeed, so she directly bowed and said: "Ye Jia is willing to submit to Miss and work for Miss. There is no second intention!"

Seeing Ye Jia's behavior, Wudao man considered that his status was not as good as Ye Jia's, and what Hua Yunong said before was correct, so he quickly bowed and said: "Pindao is willing to submit to the young lady and serve the young lady, absolutely. No second thoughts!”

"Okay! Okay!" Hua Yunong was overjoyed. First he stretched out his hand to lift up Ye Jia, and then he lifted up Wu Taoist, and said solemnly: "With the help of the two of you, Yunong will definitely be able to do things more smoothly in the future. From now on. , let’s make contributions to the Hua family together!”

"I'd like to be driven by the young lady!" "I'm willing to be driven by the young lady!" Wu Taoist and Ye Jia also said solemnly.

All of this is within Hua Yunong's calculations. The addition of two masters out of thin air will definitely greatly enhance the strength of his side.

She continued: "But for now, I have to aggrieve you two and stay here for a day or two. I will go back and report to my father to see what he decides."

"Yes, miss." "Yes, miss." The two said with fists clasped.

At that moment, Hua Yunong took the two of them out of the side hall. She greeted Zhang Yu and left. Zhang Yu asked Ye Jia and Wu Daoren to return to Sun Zhaoyi's room. How dare they disobey and enter Sun Zhaoyi's room obediently.

Afterwards, Zhang Yu sent Hua Yunong away from the back door and down the hillside.

With Zhang Yu's ability, he could clearly hear the conversation between Hua Yunong, Wu Daoren, and Ye Jia in the side hall. When he came down the mountain, Zhang Yu not only smiled and said: "Awesome! You are really awesome! With just a few words, you conquered two powerful generals in one go."

"Isn't this all dependent on your cooperation? Without your help, how could the two of them be so happy?" Hua Yunong also said with a smile.

Although his words were modest, he was somewhat proud of himself.

"What should we do next?" Zhang Yu asked with a smile.

"The next step depends on my father's decision. If he gives up the Qi family directly, I don't think he will agree happily." Hua Yunong said.

"That's for sure. No one will spit out the meat that has been swallowed in his mouth easily. It's just that his people are in my hands, and even your brother. I don't believe in your brother's life. It’s not the Qi family’s property.” Zhang Yu said carelessly.

"That's true. My father is willing to sue for peace this time, firstly because of the intervention of Black Gloves, and more importantly, because my eldest brother fell into your hands. Therefore, although your conditions will make him angry , but he will also consider it carefully, and I believe he will agree to you in the end." Hua Yunong said.

The two of them chatted while going down the mountain. Zhang Yu sent Hua Yunong to the foot of the mountain, and then they parted ways. Hua Yunong left alone, and Zhang Yu went up the mountain again alone.

Hua Yunong came to the parking lot, where the female driver was waiting. This time Hua Yunong came alone with the female driver.

The female driver knew the purpose of Hua Yunong's trip, but after meeting, she just said hello, opened the door and asked Hua Yunong to get in the car, without asking any more questions.

Hua Yunong asked the female driver to drive to the Tianzi Hotel. After arriving, he took the elevator directly to his suite. The female driver lived in the room next to Hua Yunong and returned to her room on her own.

Entering the room, Hua Yunong took out his cell phone and dialed a number. The call was quickly connected, and an elder's voice came from inside, "Hey, is the rain heavy?"

"Father, it's me." Hua Yunong said immediately.

"Have you met Zhang Yu? What did he say?" the elder said.

"Zhang Yu agreed to peace and was willing to release my eldest brother and the arrested people, but he put forward a condition." Hua Yunong said.

"I know it's impossible for him to release her directly. Let's talk about the conditions." The elder said calmly.

"He...his condition is to let Qi Wuyao transfer the Qi family's property to Qi Wuxuan..." Hua Yunong said deliberately and carefully.

"What! He has such a loud tone!" The elder immediately became furious and shouted sternly: "This time, we suffered heavy losses in order to obtain the Qi family's property. Even your eldest brother got involved! If you want me to give up, you have swallowed The fat that goes into your mouth is just a pipe dream!”

"Father, Zhang Yu's conditions are indeed excessive, but the eldest brother is in his hands, and we are being targeted by the black gloves again this time. It is really not suitable for us to have more entanglements with Zhang Yu." Hua Yunong said carefully again.

"This Zhang Yu!" the elder said angrily: "Isn't he afraid? I will send a large team of troops over to directly destroy his Wudang Taoist Temple!"

"Father...this...Zhang Yu's statement is..." Hua Yunong said hesitantly.

"What did he say?" the elder asked in a deep voice.

"He said... he really doesn't mind showing off... and confronting our family openly... so that you can give up on this idea..." Hua Yunong said cautiously.

Zhang Yu had said this to Hua Yunong before, saying that he was not afraid of the Hua family at all, since he came to fight with clear swords and clear weapons.

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