Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3952 Collusion

When the two patrol officers saw what the lawyer said and what they said made sense, they could only nod in agreement and accompanied Qi Wuyao, Lu Bai and others to the patrol room closest to the hotel.

When they arrived at the place, the two police officers identified themselves and explained their purpose of coming, then handed the case over to the local police station, then said goodbye and left.

The patrol officer in the local patrol room received Qi Wuyao and others. He first watched the hotel's surveillance video, and then said that he would go to the monitoring center of the patrol room to check, and asked Qi Wuyao and others to wait for news in the patrol room.

Qi Wuyao and the others would like to go with them to patrol the main room, and even want to see the road surveillance with their own eyes, but they don't have this right. Even lawyers can't let you enter the surveillance center. Therefore, they could only wait in the patrol room.

The patrol officer responsible for handling the case rushed to the main patrol room in the south of the town, handled the case in accordance with the procedures, and retrieved the video surveillance from the monitoring center. They quickly found the patrol car that took Hua Yulong away, and after tracking it, they chased it all the way to the patrol house in the east of the town. Seeing this scene, the patrol officer handling the case was immediately confused. It was obvious that the person who arrested the person was not a fake patrol officer at all, but a real patrol officer.

After discovering this, the patrol officer handling the case did not dare to make the decision himself, and directly told Qi Wuyao and others about the situation. They studied it and finally decided to report it to the inspector of their patrol room, who would make the decision.

The inspector received the call and after hearing about it, he also did not dare to make a decision and asked his subordinates to wait for the news. He quickly called Chief Inspector Lin from the patrol house for advice.

After hearing this, Chief Inspector Lin asked the inspector to wait, and then called Lu Weichen from the Zhendong Patrol Office to ask what was going on. Lawrence Lu didn't know about this yet, so he had to call the crime squad to find out the situation. The crime team said that this was a secret arrest and they should not tell the people around Hua Yulong. They also told the other party about the kidnapping of Zhang Yu's family. After Lu Weichen learned the details, he replied to Chief Inspector Lin, who then informed his subordinates.

As a result, in the end, the police officer who handled the case received a reply that they would not tell Qi Wuyao and the others, but just said that they had not found it.

The patrol officer handling the case waited for a long time. When the leader said this, he knew what to do. They called their colleagues in the patrol room and asked them to tell Qi Wuyao that they could not find him after tracking him on the surveillance video for a while. Let Qi Wuyao and the others go back first, and I will continue to look for him. I will notify you after I find the person.

After making this call, the patrol officer handling the case went home directly to sleep.

Qi Wuyao and others were waiting in the patrol room, but they were naturally dissatisfied when they received such news. However, the patrol officer said so, and it was already late at night, so he couldn't wait for any news, so he had no choice but to leave.

Lu Bai asked Qi Wuyao and the lawyer to go back first. He took the girl in white to meet Tong Baixian and Tong Baihou who had been staying in the car, and told them the news from the patrol room.

After the two listened, Tong Baihou said: "Mr. Lu, I think there is something fishy about this matter."

"How do you say it?" Lu Bai said.

"I don't believe the so-called fake police officer who took Mr. Hua away. It must be true. Now I suspect that the police officer is deliberately playing tricks on us." Tong Baihou said.

"These bastards, or else let me rush into the patrol room and find out!" Tong Baixian shouted angrily.

"No, no, no... this is absolutely impossible..." Lu Bai quickly stopped him and said, "If it is true as Mr. Tong said, then if we do this, Mr. Hua will be in danger."

"But now, it's still dangerous if you can't see people alive and you can't see dead bodies." Tong Baixian said angrily.

"There is no airtight wall in the world, and there is nothing that cannot be done with money. I think so, if I ask Qi Wuyao to spend money to investigate, I will definitely be able to find out the information." Lu Bai said.

"This is a good idea. This is the only way for now." Tong Baihou nodded and said.

"I'm going to call Qi Wuyao right now." Lu Bai took out his cell phone, dialed Qi Wuyao's phone number, and asked him to quickly send people to the patrol headquarters in the east and south of the town to make inquiries. No expense was spared, and he must inquire about Hua Hua. News from Uryū.

After instructing Qi Wuyao for a while, Lu Bai hung up the phone. Then he looked at Tong Baihou and said, "Now that Mr. Hua is missing, should I call the boss and ask him for an idea?"

"Yes, fight quickly." Tong Baixian said immediately.

"Wait..." Tong Baihou shook his head and said, "I don't think we can fight now."

"Brother, why? Mr. Hua has been arrested. How can such a big thing be done without notifying the boss now?" Tong Baixian said in confusion.

"If we inform the boss now, we are all in trouble. We are responsible for protecting Mr. Hua, but in the end, everyone was lost and we don't know where they were taken. Once the boss finds out, he can spare us lightly. Furthermore, This incident will highlight Mr. Hua's decision-making errors and make the boss mistakenly think that Mr. Hua is incompetent, and it will be difficult for him to be reused in the future." Tong Baihou said seriously.

After hearing this, the girl in white immediately said: "I agree with Mr. Tong, we can't inform the boss now."

She was with Hua Yulong at that time. If Hua Yulong's father knew about this, she would still be alive.

Lu Bai said: "That's what I said, but Mr. Hua has been arrested. If we don't notify the boss now, we will all be in trouble when the boss finds out."

"Mr. Lu, don't be anxious, just listen to me." Tong Baihou said: "Didn't we ask Qi Wuyao to inquire about Mr. Hua? Even if we want to inform the boss, we have to know where Mr. Hua is before informing him. If we don’t even know Mr. Hua’s whereabouts, we still have to be scolded. In addition, if we know Mr. Hua’s whereabouts, we can also find a way to rescue him first. If we can rescue him, we don’t need to notify the boss. I think even if he is Mr. Hua, who made the profit, probably also hopes that we don’t notify the boss first, but find a way to save him first.”

"That's true..." Lu Bai nodded and said, "Then let's go back to the hotel first and wait for news about Qi Wuyao."

They took the car back to the hotel and went back to their rooms to rest.

After Lu Bai entered his room, he immediately got into the bathroom, then took out a pocket phone and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected, and Hua Yunong's voice sounded, "Hello, hello."

"Miss Hua, something big happened." Lu Bai said.

"Big deal, what's the matter?" Hua Yunong said doubtfully.

"Mr. Hua was caught..." Lu Bai said in a low voice.

"What... my brother was arrested..." Hua Yunong couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and said in surprise: "How could it be possible? Who was he arrested by?"

"I'm not sure who was arrested specifically, but this is what happened..." At that moment, Lu Bai truthfully told the story of how Hua Yulong was taken away by the police.

"My brother is too careless, and something like this can happen..." Hua Yunong said with emotion.

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