Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3951 Nothing

Kat Cheung Street Patrol Room.

In front of the reception desk in the front hall, Qi Wuyao, the lawyer, the girl in white, and Lu Bai were all standing there. Behind the reception desk, there were two female police officers. Naturally, they came here not for anything else but to pick up Hua Yulong.

However, after the lawyer explained his purpose, the two female police officers looked confused. One of them said: "Guys, these people you are talking about are not in our patrol room."

"No, how could it be possible? It was the people from your patrol room who came to the Shangri-La Hotel and took the person away. I was there at the time." Seeing that the female patrol officer refused to admit her crime, the girl in white immediately shouted angrily.

"Our police officers went to the Shangri-La Hotel to arrest people... I have never heard of this happening..." the female patrol officer said, turning to look at the other female patrol officer and said, "Have you heard about it?"

"No." Another female patrol shook her head and said.

"It was the person from your patrol room. I was also present at the time, and the person you were talking to showed his ID. The reason stated at that time was that Mr. Hua's employee crashed into a car outside the Jixiang Villa area. The other person was driving drunk, and there was an argument between the two parties. , and a fight broke out. When your patrol room received the report, you went and arrested everyone." This time it was Qi Wuyao who spoke.

"This matter is even more non-existent. Have you encountered a fake patrol?" said the female patrol who spoke before.

"Fake patrol..."...

Lu Bai, the girl in white, Qi Wuyao and the lawyer were all stunned for a moment and couldn't help but look at each other.

The female patrol officer continued: "Our patrol office has not received this case at all. You must have misunderstood. The patrol officer who took the person away is either fake or from another unit. You heard it wrong. Anyway, we There is none here.”

"This..." The girl in white was already anxious. She quickly looked at Lu Bai and said, "Mr. Lu, what should you do about this?"

Lu Bai couldn't help but become a little nervous. If something happened to Hua Yulong, he wouldn't be able to escape. The old man in the family would definitely be angry with him, and he might even be buried with him.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "I wonder if I can meet your patrol commander. I want to hear his side of the story. Maybe there is something going on here that you two don't know about."

"How can we, the inspector, be seen by you whenever you ask me to? If I say no, I won't." The female inspector said dissatisfiedly.

Seeing her like this, Qi Wuyao immediately looked at the lawyer and said, "Lawyer Xu."

The lawyer immediately said: "This arresting officer, the person who took Mr. Hua away at that time did indeed claim to be from your patrol house, and he also brought his ID. He was just taken away, and your patrol house now claims that he had no knowledge of it. I'm afraid this is It doesn't make sense. The hotel also has surveillance video. Whether the person is from your patrol room will be known at a glance. Even if we come here to report the crime, your patrol room can't just sit idly by and ignore it. You should always help us find someone. If If you really don’t care, then I will have to go through the judicial process and go to the court to sue you!”

Seeing that what the lawyer said was reasonable, the two female inspectors looked at each other. The female inspector who had a tough attitude before said: "Xiaomei, now go upstairs and tell the inspector to see if the inspector can see them."

"Okay." The female patrol officer named Xiaomei agreed, walked around the reception desk and walked upstairs.

Qi Wuyao and others were waiting in front of the reception desk. After a while, Xiaomei walked down. Behind her, there were two small patrol officers. Xiaomei returned to the reception desk and said seriously: "Our patrol chief said, but there is no such case, let alone Mr. Hua. But since you are here Our patrol office cannot ignore this report, so we will let someone follow you to investigate."

The two patrolmen who came down with Xiaomei were one tall and one short. The taller patrolman followed and said: "Guys, our patrol chief sent us to go with you to check the hotel's surveillance and confirm who it is. . But to be honest, we only have a small number of people in the patrol room. If there is any trouble, the entire patrol room will know about it. We really haven’t heard of this kind of thing."

Seeing the people in the patrol room acting like this, Qi Wuyao, Lu Bai and others frowned. Lu Bai said helplessly: "Then let's go and go to the hotel to confirm first."

"Don't worry. Since you are reporting a crime, you must first make a record according to the procedures. Only after the record is completed can we set off. Please follow me." The tall patrolman said politely.

"Lawyer Xu..." Qi Wuyao looked at the lawyer again.

The lawyer nodded slightly and said: "This is the procedure. Since the case is reported, the patrol room must register it."

"Okay then." Qi Wuyao said angrily.

Immediately, they followed the two young patrol officers into the inquiry room to register. After finishing the transcript, it was already dark, and the two patrolmen followed Qi Wuyao and the others to the Shangri-La Hotel in Zhennan District.

After entering the hotel and calling up the hotel's video surveillance, the two patrol officers made it clear that they did not recognize the five patrol officers who took Hua Yulong away and were definitely not from their patrol room.

Upon hearing this, the girl in white became angry on the spot. She said angrily: "If he's not from your patrol room, who is he?"

"How do we know this?" the tall patrolman said innocently.

Lu Bai, on the other hand, remained calm and said: "Your patrol has road surveillance. Now I hope you can call the surveillance to search for Mr. Hua's car and see where it went."

"Sir, this is Zhennan District. We are from Zhendong District, and we are only patrolmen in the street patrol room. We are not qualified to call for video surveillance in Zhennan District. I think this is the best alternative. You guys go to Zhennan District. Report the case to the main patrol room, or the patrol room in charge of the hotel area, and ask them to call for surveillance." The tall patrol officer said.

"That's right, we really don't have the authority to do this. We still have to go to the patrol room within the jurisdiction to handle it." The short patrol officer continued.

Seeing these two directly abdicating their responsibilities, the girl in white almost died of anger. You know, she was guarding Hua Yulong at that time. If anything happened to Hua Yulong, she would die. She shouted angrily: "According to what you two said, you can just ignore this matter!"

"You really can't control it. Don't you have a lawyer with you? You can just ask the lawyer and you will know." said the tall patrolman.

How could the lawyer not know that these two patrol officers were trying to shirk the blame? To be honest, if these two were really asked to call for surveillance, it would not be impossible, but it would be a bit troublesome and would need to be reported, and then layer by layer. Come. It would indeed be much more convenient if the police within the jurisdiction handle the matter.

So, the lawyer said: "What they said makes sense. It is true that the local police can handle it much faster. However, I hope that the two arresting officers can come with us to the local police station to hand over the case and transfer the case to the local police station." The hotel's surveillance video backup is taken away and handed over to the local patrol room, which saves them from having to look at the surveillance video here again later and waste time."

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