Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3874 King Kong Body Protection

Zhang Yu thought Wudaoren's tricks were good. The battle at this moment was between Cheng Jue and Wudaoren.

Zhang Yu stepped forward to help, and Cheng Jue himself was not far behind now, and even broke one of Wudaoren's magic weapons. If you go up there yourself, you'll probably be able to resolve the battle right away. But doing this is a bit inappropriate after all. It seems that he is pretending to be 13 and has lost Cheng Jue's face. What's more, Zhang Yu actually wanted to see what Cheng Jue's cultivation was like.

The Wu Dao man in front of him is not weak and is definitely a master. Zhang Yu also knows that Cheng Jue is also a master, but how strong he is cannot be seen without taking action.

So, Zhang Yu simply went to pick up his magic weapon, but his eyes would pay attention to the battle situation on Chengjue's side from time to time. If Cheng Jue was in trouble, he would have to take action immediately. He must not let Cheng Jue suffer. After all, they were here to help.

Cheng Jue seemed to have felt the pressure brought by Wu Daoist on him now. He bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood mist towards the cassock in mid-air, "Pfft!"

His original white cassock emitted silver light when he used the magical power of cassock to subdue demons. As soon as the blood sprayed up, the silver light immediately turned into a red-silver light.

Chengjue's mouth began to keep chanting, "Namo Amitabha... Namo Amitabha... Namo Amitabha... Namo Amitabha..."

Along with the words in his mouth, the cassock, which had been blocked by the strong wind and unable to move at all, finally continued to press forward.

Seeing this, the Wudao people couldn't help but change color on their faces. The momentum of the strong wind had been suppressed, and the wind force was getting smaller and smaller. Soon, the cassock, emitting red and silver light, came to the head of Wudao Ren.

Everyone knows that as long as the cassock is down, the Wudao people will be doomed. Wu Daoren gritted his teeth suddenly and shouted: "Bald donkey! I will fight with you!"

He put his left hand into his arms, then took out a round ball as big as a child's fist, and hit Chengjue with his bare hands.

Cheng Jue didn't know what this thing was, but he expected that this thing should be very powerful, otherwise, it would be impossible for Wudao people to use it in critical moments. He hurriedly ran to the side and avoided the ball.

Unexpectedly, when the ball reached the position where he just stood, it made a loud noise, "Boom!"

Good guy, the ball exploded, and eight fireballs were emitted in an instant. The fireballs were extremely colorful and shot out in all directions. Cheng Jue just dodged to the side, but he was still very close to where he was standing just now. The gorgeous fireball shot out so fast that Cheng Jue couldn't dodge it.

With a "pop", a fireball hit Cheng Jue directly.

"Be careful!" Cheng Jue and Wu Daoren were fighting, Zhang Yu could see clearly not far away. Seeing the ball exploding into a fireball, Zhang Yu couldn't help shouting, and then rushed towards Cheng Jue.

"Vajra body protection!" However, just when the fireball hit Chengjue and started to burn, Chengjue suddenly clasped his palms together and shouted loudly.

The fireball kept burning and seemed extremely powerful, but Cheng Jue remained motionless. In just a moment, the monk's robes on Chengjue's upper body were burned to the ground, but the flames were extinguished, revealing his solid muscles.

Zhang Yu came to Cheng Jue's side and was a little confused when he saw this. Good guy, this move is so awesome. I really didn’t expect Cheng Jue to be able to do this.

Of course, Zhang Yu has seen the world, and he still remembers that the blind monk Tatsuno he met in the Thunder Division also used such tricks. However, the blind monk Tatsuno used the Great Sun Tathagata Curse, which was more powerful. He still remembered that his indestructible drill was directly blocked by the golden light emanating from the old monk's body, and he could no longer move forward at all, and was even more blocked. Avoid nails with bare hands.

It can be said that the blind monk Tatsuno is the strongest master he has ever seen. He has no power to fight back in front of the great monk. The Great Protector and Charles he met later were also strong men, but compared to the blind monk Tatsuno, Zhang Yu couldn't say who was stronger or weaker.

Even though Zhang Yu had seen more powerful moves, Cheng Jue's move really made Zhang Yu look at him with admiration. It is also certain that Cheng Jue is also a first-rate master.

At this moment, Zhang Yu heard a "swipe" sound in front of him and looked over quickly. At this moment, the shadow of Wudao Ren can no longer be seen, only the white cassock has fallen, with a person wrapped in it. Needless to say, Wu Daoren was already covered by his cassock.

"Amitabha!" Chengjue also saw that Wu Taoist was covered, and he was still struggling, but he could not escape the shackles of the cassock. Chengjue announced the Buddha's name, and then walked towards Wu Taoist.

He came to Wu Daoren in a few steps, made some gestures with his fingers, and with a thought, the cassock suddenly locked tightly, and Wu Daoren's body fell to the ground, motionless, as if he had no strength to even break free. .

Chengjue knelt down, tugged on the cassock, and released Wudao Ren's head from the cassock. Wu Daoren gasped twice, and then shouted angrily: "Kill me!"

"Amitabha, that's good, that's good..." Chengjue stood up and said with his hands clasped together.

Zhang Yu followed and came to Cheng Jue's side. He looked down at Wu Taoist and said, "Did you arrange the Five Immortals Formation here?"

"You are so powerful, you actually know my Five Immortals Formation!" Wu Taoist said angrily.

"You can set up the Five Immortals Formation, which shows that you are also a master. We have never met before. Who asked you to lead me here with the intention of killing me?" Zhang Yu said in a deep voice.

Before this, Zhang Yu believed that the people who lured him here were 100% Han Guang and his group. But when he saw Ye Jia, he somewhat rejected the idea.

Because Ye Jia is obviously a shaman, and masters like shaman are not found everywhere, generally only in Liaodong. Shaman masters are related to the Hua family. The first shaman Zhang Yu met was from the Hua family.

In addition, the Wu Dao man in front of him and the two unknown people killed by Ye Fenghuang all had different moves.

Thinking again about Han Guang and the man in black robes who he killed, both of them were evil cultivators. Although Zhang Yu had never done anything with Han Guang, through the magic weapon, Zhang Yu could generally determine the cultivation level of the two. Most likely it's the same.

In this case, the problem arises. Han Guang Group may all be masters of the same sect, otherwise the man in black robe would not call him master. If Han Guang's people were ambushing here, these people should all have the same cultivation level and should not be so complicated.

The only people who can have shamans, Taoist priests, and all kinds of masters at the same time, but still have a grudge against me, are the Hua family. Furthermore, Hua Yunong had informed him in advance that the Hua family's goal was not only to get the Qi family, but also to kill Zhang Yu.

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