Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3873 Diamond Tower

Xiaomei was relieved to see that Ye Fenghuang had killed Du Tuo and was safe and sound.

Although she had successfully defeated Du Tuo just now, when Du Tuo jumped up and rushed towards Ye Fenghuang again, she was stunned. She had no magic weapon in her hand, and it was too late to rush to help if she wanted to.

Of course, Xiaomei did not understand how Ye Fenghuang made Du Tuo lie down. Because of the loud noise just now, only Yatoutuo heard it.

This shaking drum is an extremely powerful magic weapon, but it can only perform a single attack, allowing the designated person to hear the shaking drum sound. If it were possible to carry out group attacks, it would be too outrageous. Such an awesome magic weapon would not be allowed to exist in the mortal world.

"Hufufu..." Xiaomei took a few deep breaths, then turned her head and looked away.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was wrapping the wolf-shaped black shadow tightly with the money sword net. The wolf-shaped black shadow rushed hard, but soon, there was a "bang" and the wolf-shaped black shadow suddenly disappeared into nothing.

Ye Jia, who was standing on the tree, was shocked when he saw the wolf totem was broken. At first, he only heard that Zhang Yu was chased and beaten by his senior brother. Because a golden corpse appeared, he did not kill Zhang Yu. On the contrary, he Killed by the golden corpse.

Therefore, Ye Jia believes that he should be able to kill Zhang Yu and avenge his senior brother. But I didn't expect that Zhang Yu was so powerful and could break his own wolf totem. The most terrible thing is that the helpers around Zhang Yu are not simple. They originally planned to join the power of four people to kill Zhang Yu, but the result was bad, and Zhang Yu and I were fighting alone.

Just when she was surprised, Zhang Yu did not hesitate, and already showed the seven-star sword in his left hand, "咻咻咻咻..."

The seven-star sword came out of his hand and turned into seven rays of cold light, shooting at Ye Jia.

Ye Jia didn't even react. The Seven-Star Sword had already arrived, but he heard the sound of "dang-dang-dang-dang", and the Seven-Star Sword seemed to be shot on an iron plate. A small knife bounced back directly.

Even so, the impact of the Seven-Star Knife was really big, and Ye Jia's body fell directly backwards from the branch.

Five-color runes were condensed on Zhang Yu's right hand. Although the Seven-Star Sword failed, Zhang Yu did not hesitate and struck Ye Jia who fell from the tree with a split palm.


Although Ye Jia fell backwards, she adjusted her body and faced Zhang Yu. When she saw the five-color rune palm prints coming towards her, she knew how powerful it was. She didn't dare to let her head catch the Five Thunder Palm, and it was impossible to dodge, so she could only catch it with her body.

With a "bang", the five-color rune palm print hit Ye Jia's chest. Ye Jia's body was suddenly thrown back, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, "Wow!"

There is no doubt that she is wearing a robe. Although the robe can block the Seven-Star Sword without causing any external injuries to her body, when faced with the powerful Five Thunder Palm, this collision cannot be easily blocked. No matter how good the armor is, it can block the stabs of swords and guns, but it will still be too much for a person to be hit by a heavy hammer.

Seeing Ye Jia being thrown backward, he didn't need his killer move this time. He took out the Yuxu Rope, and with just a flick, there was a "whoosh" sound, and the Yuxu Rope swept away without even waiting for Ye Jia to fall. On the ground, Yuxu rope was seen in mid-air, tying her up tightly.

With a "plop", Ye Jia's body fell to the ground, unable to move anymore.

Zhang Yu rushed to Ye Jia's side in a few steps. He stepped on Ye Jia's body and asked, "Who are you?"

At this moment, Ye Jia secretly complained in his heart that he was really unlucky. Originally, he was just waiting for the chance, four against one, but he expected that it would be easy to kill Zhang Yu. In the end, I didn't expect that Zhang Yu would be so powerful, and I was simply not enough to look at in front of him.

"Don't worry about who I am, just kill me!" Ye Jia glared at Zhang Yu and said.

"It's not that easy to die!" Zhang Yu said coldly: "Where are those people who were trapped in the formation by you earlier?"

Zhang Yu and the others have been in the formation for a long time, and he can be sure that this formation is not a formation where no one can see the other. However, after coming in and wandering around for so long, Zhang Yu didn't see even a single person. Therefore, there should be only one answer, and that is that Niu Sanjiang, Pan Yun and others who came in earlier were all arrested. Where the person is, whether he is alive or dead, we still need to get the answer from Ye Jia's mouth.

After saying this, Zhang Yu was actually a little worried, fearing that Ye Jia would bite his tongue and commit suicide like the man in black robe last night.

However, although Ye Jia had a dead face, she didn't seem to have the courage to bite her tongue and commit suicide. She just stared at Zhang Yu and said sternly: "I don't know!"

"I don't know, right! I'll let you know later!" Zhang Yu said, with a thought in his mind, the rope of Yuxu rope immediately wrapped around Ye Jia's mouth. Ye Jia now has no chance even if she wants to bite her tongue and commit suicide.

Zhang Yu then turned around and saw Xiaomei still leaning on the grave, looking towards him. Ye Fenghuang sat on the ground and looked towards him. Beside Ye Fenghuang, there were two corpses. It seemed that their mission had been completed.

Zhang Yu then looked towards Cheng Jue, who saw that Cheng Jue and Wudao were fighting lively. At present, all the Buddhist beads that Cheng Jue played were blocked by Wu Taoist using the Bagua mirror.

Upon seeing this, Cheng Jue took out a small tower from his arms and shouted, "Jingang Tower!"

The small tower directly hit Wudao Ren. Wudao Ren held the Bagua Mirror and did not flinch. He seemed confident that he could block Cheng Jue's Vajra Tower.


In the blink of an eye, the Vajra Tower hit the Bagua Mirror heavily, and then there was a "crack" sound. Wu Taoist's hand trembled obviously, and the Bagua Mirror in his hand turned into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Wu Daoren couldn't help but be shocked. He never expected that his magical weapon would be broken by a small tower. However, after Cheng Jue's Diamond Tower hit the Bagua Mirror, it also flew backwards.

Cheng Jue didn't have time to take care of the Vajra Pagoda. He grabbed the white cassock from his body and threw it over his head.

The white cassock immediately floated above his head, and Cheng Jue clasped his palms together and yelled, "The cassock has the magical power to subdue demons!"

The cassock suspended above his head immediately began to rotate rapidly and swept towards the Wudao people. This cassock is overwhelming and carries great power.

Wu Daoren did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly drew out the long sword on his back, and then passed a piece of talisman paper through the long sword. He spoke plausibly and pointed the tip of the sword directly at the cassock in the air.


A gust of wind surged out of thin air and pounced on the cassock in the air. The momentum of the cassock immediately stopped, making it difficult to move forward any further.

Zhang Yu saw this scene clearly, and he was sure that the talisman inserted into the sword by Wu Taoist should be the violent wind talisman. Using the wind talisman to fight against the cassock seems to be more powerful. This made Zhang Yu couldn't help but nod secretly, and he had learned a trick.

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