Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3812 Show mercy

Since there was no movement under the black hole and it had been discovered, Zhang Yu didn't care anymore. He said directly: "Is there someone down there?"

"Yes." The man said honestly.

"Is there a light down there?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Yes, but the switch is below." The man said.

"That doesn't matter." Zhang Yu smiled faintly, turned to look at Dahei, and said, "I'll leave this matter to you, but remember, don't be too harsh."

Dahei squatted beside Zhang Yu's legs and nodded gently.

It seems that Zhang Yu asked him to take action, which made him very excited at the moment, and he wanted to pounce directly.

Zhang Yu seemed unhurried. In his eyes, these people below were already the turtles in the urn. It's not a problem to go down and deal with these people in person. However, if the darkness goes down, the effect will definitely be better and the deterrent effect will definitely be stronger.

You know, if it weren't for Dahei's intimidating power when he was questioning the man next to him, even if the man would still say it in the end, he would never be so happy. Dahei's fangs are more frightening than any headache curse.

Zhang Yu glanced at the man again and said, "You go out first."

"Really?" The man couldn't believe his ears.

"Of course. Nothing will happen without you. I always tell the truth." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"Thank you, hero, thank you hero..." the man said excitedly.

Seeing what he meant, Zhang Yu almost knelt down.

Zhang Yu waved his hand gently, indicating that he could leave. Of course, it is impossible to really let people go, because there are still Song Feng and Tai Wannian outside. Based on the abilities of these two people, if you can't win over this guy, just stop being a patrolman and just resign.

When the man saw that Zhang Yu asked him to leave, what were he waiting for? It was better to leave first. The man quickly walked out of the room. As if he was afraid that Zhang Yu would regret it, he didn't even put on his coat and walked directly towards the door.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the house with one foot, his shoulders were directly pressed from the left and right sides. Before he could react, he felt pain in the bend of his knee. He couldn't help but kneel forward and exclaimed: "Ouch!"

The people who took action were naturally Song Feng and Tai Wannian. The conversation between Zhang Yu and the man inside could be heard clearly. The two of them understood that when Zhang Yu asked the man to come out, he definitely didn't mean to let him go, but to let them capture him. The two of them only needed to exchange a glance to understand each other, and even the moves were exactly the same.

The man knelt on the ground and was about to ask, but his mouth was immediately blocked by Tai Wannian behind him. Tai Wannian whispered in a threatening tone: "Don't say anything, or I'll kill you!"

Song Feng was not idle either. He immediately took out the handcuffs and cuffed the man's hands from behind.

As soon as he was handcuffed, the man felt a chill in his heart. Now he completely understood that Zhang Yu was not avenging his sister at all, but was actually on patrol. Letting him out doesn't mean letting him go, that means letting the patrol outside catch him. As a result, it is conceivable that his home has been completely surrounded by police patrols.

Let's talk about Zhang Yu in the room. After the man went out, he walked to the entrance of the cave, glanced down, and then took out a talisman from his pocket. With a "pop" sound, the talisman ignited and turned into a fireball. . He threw it down with his hand, and the fireball fell to the ground below, forming a fire and lighting up the place below.

Taking another look, it was true as the man said, the depth of the cellar below should be less than three meters.

Zhang Yu took two steps to the side, turned to look at Dahei, and said, "Come on, Pikachu!"

With a "swipe" of the ground, Dahei's originally huge body suddenly shrank and turned into a little pug. Immediately afterwards, the little thing rushed directly into the cave entrance.

Zhang Yu didn't tell Dahei how to act, he just told him to be gentle. Because now, Dahei's body is really made of copper skin and iron bones, and bullets can't do anything to it. But even so, Dahei still played a trick, which shows how strong the animal's instinct is. No matter what opponent you face, you will not take it lightly and use your own abilities as much as possible to ensure that there are no mistakes.

As soon as Dahei got down, Zhang Yu above heard a gunshot, "Bang!"

The sound of the gunshot was not loud, and it was obviously equipped with a silencer. But immediately afterwards, he heard frightened screams, "Ah..." "Ah..." "What!" "There's a monster!" "Oh my god!" "We surrender!" "We surrender. !"...

From the scream to the cry of terror to the sound of surrender, it basically takes less than five seconds. Such efficiency shows how powerful Agou is.

Zhang Yu didn't hesitate and followed him into the cellar.

Through the firelight below, he could clearly see two people lying on the ground. Their bodies were dripping with blood. A gun fell not far from one of them.

Over there in the corner, two men were crouched. Both men were frightened, trembling all over, and their faces were pale. Judging from their looks, they were obviously frightened. There were knives beside the two of them. They were probably frightened and did not dare to pick them up again.

But this is normal. Dahei's head is pointing at them, fangs bared, looking at them with eagerness. Those two guys covered in blood were clearly role models. If these two men still dared to resist, they would end up like their companions.

The two men also saw Zhang Yu coming down. They had indeed heard the conversation between Zhang Yu and the man above, and they both said quickly: "We surrender, heroes, please spare our lives!" "We surrender, heroes, spare our lives!"

"My hero, have mercy!" "My hero, have mercy!" The other two guys who were covered in blood were not dead either. They were both trembling and said feebly.

Zhang Yu slowly walked to where the pistol was, took out a handkerchief, picked up the gun, and put it in his pocket. Then he walked over to the injured two guys and looked at them.

Of these two people, one looks to be in his fifties and the other looks to be in his twenties. The two of them were now livid, obviously frightened. On the right shoulder of the man in his fifties, a piece of flesh was torn off. It must have been bitten off by Dahei. Zhang Yu was almost certain that the person holding the gun was probably this guy.

The clothes on the other young man's chest were torn by claws and were a bloody mess. Zhang Yu could conclude that he had been hit by Da Hei's claws. Not far from this kid, there was also a short knife.

It can be said that if he hadn't deliberately told Dahei to be merciful, both of these guys would probably be dead by now. After all, that's how wild beasts are, they rush for their vital points when they strike, and either you die or I live.

"Hero... have mercy on me..." the man in his fifties said with a grimace.

Looking at him, he almost cried. Being bitten like this by Dahei, even if his life is saved, it will be uncomfortable. It is probably very painful now.

Zhang Yu looked at the man in his fifties and then glanced at the other three. He was basically sure that the leader must be the oldest. Because the gun was in this guy's hand before.

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