Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3811: Every injustice has its owner and every debt has its owner

"My hero, this injustice has its owner... Your sister's death is not my business..." the man said in a panic.

At this moment, he almost burst into tears.

To be honest, maybe Zhang Yu is not that scary, but the blackness in him can scare a person to death. He could really feel that the tip of Dahei's tongue had reached his cheek. At present, he has become a delicacy on the tip of this monster's tongue.

"It's good that every wrongdoer has an owner, so you have to let me find the real owner... I followed their scent to find him. If you say you don't know, I won't believe it... If you insist on If you don’t admit it, that’s okay. I’ll treat you as the person who killed my sister and ask Dahei to eat you as a memorial to my sister’s soul in heaven. Then I’ll continue to look for you... You know, since I can catch you If you come here, no matter how far they go, they will be found!" Zhang Yu said fiercely with his eyes wide open.

The man looked extremely flustered. In an instant, he felt Dahei's tongue gently licking his cheek. There were hooks on Dahei's tongue, and even the slightest lick was painful. The man knew that what Zhang Yu said was true. If Dahei continued to lick, his face would be licked off.

"That...that...don't let him lick it...I said...I said..." the man stammered.

"Is this right..." Zhang Yu smiled lightly and said, "Dahei, stop..."

After hearing this, Dahei raised his head a little reluctantly, and the sound in his mouth still "crackled" on the man's face.

At this moment, the man couldn't help complaining secretly, saying in his heart, you bastards, even if you are harming others, can't your eyes shine brightly? You are harming everyone. Well, now, messing with such a person is no different than seeking death.

"Okay! You can say it now..." Zhang Yu said calmly again.

"My hero... after what I have said... can you spare my... life... I will definitely not tell anyone..." The man said tremblingly again.

He was also afraid that after he spoke out, Zhang Yu would kill him to silence him. After all, they are here to seek revenge.

"I am a person who has always been clear about grievances and grievances in my life. As long as you hand over the person who killed my sister to me, nothing will happen to you. Not only will I not kill you, I will also give you a sum of money." Zhang Yu said seriously. said.

"No need for long as the hero can spare my life..." the man said nervously.

"Don't worry. I said I won't kill you, but I won't kill you... It can be said that even if you watched me kill the person who killed my sister, I don't think you would dare to report the crime..." Zhang Yu said with a faint smile.

"I definitely don't dare to report the crime..." the man said honestly.

"That's enough...just tell me..." Zhang Yu said.

"The people are hiding in the cellar under the bed in the next room. There are four of them in total..." the man said immediately.

"Be honest, Dahei, come down." Zhang Yu said directly.

"Ouch..." Dahei roared softly, then ran towards the bed and returned to Zhang Yu's side.

The pressure on the man suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, "Huh..."

He felt as if he had been granted amnesty. To be honest, his heart was in his throat when Dahei pressed him like this. In fact, Dahei didn't even have to eat him. Even if he just kept pressing on him, his heart would beat too fast for a long time and he would die of shock.

Zhang Yu looked at him calmly, letting the man relax for ten seconds, and then said: "Stop lying down, get up..."

"Okay, okay..." The man agreed repeatedly, quickly got up from the bed and got off the ground. Right now, he didn't even bother wearing slippers.

"Come on, let's go and take a look. Lead the way." Zhang Yu said calmly again.

"Yes, yes..." The man nodded carefully and walked towards the door first.

Zhang Yu followed him with Dahei behind him. As he walked, Zhang Yu said, "By the way, you said there are four people under the cellar. What weapons do these four people have in their hands?"

"I really don't know this," the man said carefully.

As he said this, he was still muttering in his heart that the people below should have guns in their hands. It's best to kill this kid and this monster.

"Forget it, no matter what weapons they have, they will all die." Zhang Yu said disdainfully.

While they were talking, they left the bedroom and came to the opposite bedroom. After the man entered, he first turned on the light next to the door. The room was filled with light and he could see more clearly.

The bed in the room is a large iron bed, and the sheets almost fall to the ground, which can block the situation under the bed from being seen at a glance.

The man came to stand beside the bed. Zhang Yu followed him, then looked at the man and said in a low voice: "How deep can the cellar below be?"

"Less than three meters." The man said honestly.

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Push the bed away."

"Yes." The man agreed immediately and went to push the bed with both hands.

The area of ​​this bedroom is not small, enough to accommodate two large iron beds, and there are no unnecessary furnishings. Presumably it is just for the convenience of moving the iron beds. Although it is a big iron bed, the iron is hollow, just an iron pipe, not heavy. The man alone pushed the iron bed aside, revealing the square floor underneath.

Zhang Yu lowered his head and took a look, and immediately understood why men would have such large square floors in their homes. With the paving like this, it’s really hard to tell that there is a cellar entrance.

If Zhang Yu looked for it by himself, he would be able to determine the entrance with just a few taps. However, with his master here, why should Zhang Yu find work for himself? He just said: "Open the entrance."

"Yes." The man agreed quickly, then walked to the bedside table beside him, opened the drawer, and took out a small hook from inside.

Zhang Yu didn't care at all about his move, because with his own ability, even if the man took out a gun, he could easily kill the opponent.

Of course, the man really didn't have the courage to resist. After all, Dahei's intimidation was so strong that he was still frightened.

The man took the hook and walked to a square floor. He squatted down and inserted the side of the hook into the small gap in the floor. After the hook was extended, he turned it slightly and then lifted it up. When the floor was lifted up by the hook and was higher than the floor next to it, the man grabbed the floor with his hands and put it aside. Looking below, circular holes have been exposed, and it is pitch black underneath.

Zhang Yu looked at the hole under his eyes, but there was no sound at all, which was obviously abnormal. Under normal circumstances, when people below find that the hole is open, they will inevitably ask questions. It can be seen that the people below must have heard the voices above. After all, the man's screams earlier were quite loud. Moreover, it should be easy to hear the conversation I had with the man after I came in.

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