Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3730 Transaction

"Then let's take a look at the goods." Boss Cui said with a smile.

"It's easy to talk, let's take a look at the goods..." The leading man smiled, then turned to look at the other three men and said: "Open the door of warehouse No. 1 and ask Boss Cui to inspect the goods."

The yard of the warehouse is not small. In addition to the gatehouse, there are three other warehouses, namely the middle, the left and the right.

The warehouse in the middle is the largest and has a number on it, written "1", the number on the left is written "2", and the one on the right is written "3".

"Okay."... The three men agreed, and then ran towards Warehouse No. 1 at the back.

Good guy, there are two big locks on the door of this warehouse. Two men took out keys from their pockets and opened a lock respectively. Then the three of them pushed open the two large iron doors.

The leading man and Boss Cui walked towards the warehouse together, and the people who got off the bus with Boss Cui also followed.

Before everyone arrived at the warehouse, they saw large cardboard boxes placed inside the warehouse. The leading man made an invitation gesture to Boss Cui and said: "Boss Cui, these are all... whether you choose to inspect them individually or inspect every box, it's all up to you..."

"I am assured of your family's reputation. Let's do this. I will have ten boxes of goods taken out for inspection. If there is no problem, I will pay for it and put it on the truck." Boss Cui said cheerfully.

"Then Boss Cui takes your pick," the leading man said carelessly.

"Inspection!" Boss Cui waved his hand forward, and the people standing behind him walked towards the warehouse.

The warehouse was full of large cardboard boxes, but they didn't seem to weigh much. These men didn't just pick the items placed on the top. They selected items from the top, middle, and bottom, and the distances were not close, so they were very scattered.

It can be seen that they are experienced and have done this kind of thing often. After a while, they moved the large cardboard boxes over one after another. Then, the people moving the boxes took out wallpaper knives from their pockets and cut the tape seal on the box.

The boxes were then opened one by one, revealing neat packaging inside.

The leading man then said: "Boss Cui, this box contains SK2 ex-boyfriend facial mask, this box contains Lancôme lotion, this box contains SK2 fairy water, this box contains Estee Lauder small brown bottle... …”

Good guy, such a big man knows a lot about high-end cosmetics, and he seems to know every one of them. As soon as he opened the box and saw the packaging inside, he could call out the name directly.

Boss Cui's people opened the packaging inside again and inspected it. After reading it, they all nodded to Boss Cui, "Boss, no problem." "Boss, no problem."...

Boss Cui laughed and said with satisfaction, "Okay, I'll ask someone to pay."

After saying that, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected, and Boss Cui said: "Lingzi, the goods have been inspected and there are no problems. You can just transfer money to the other party's account. I will start here..."

He originally wanted to say, "I'm starting to load the car here," but before he could finish his words, he suddenly heard the movement of a car outside. Moreover, the movement was very loud, and it was obvious that it rushed directly into the yard.

Boss Cui was stunned and quickly turned around to look. Sure enough, four cars had stopped in the yard.

"What's going on?" Boss Cui immediately looked at the leading man.

The leading man was also stunned, and immediately walked forward, and the other three men also followed.

The doors of the four cars that came in quickly opened, and more than ten people rushed out from inside. Not only that, there were chaotic footsteps even outside the yard.

"Who are you?" The leading man pointed at the people coming.

The people who arrived were naturally none other than the police officers headed by Song Feng. Song Feng was the first to get out of the car. He took out his pistol and shouted loudly: "Patrol! Take them all down!"

The police officers who came with him rushed forward in unison. At this time, the patrol officers outside also rushed in. Seeing that Song Feng had ordered the arrest, they were not polite and just rushed into the warehouse.

When the leading man saw so many police officers rushing towards him, he was immediately dumbfounded. He subconsciously looked at Boss Cui and shouted, "What do you mean?"

After all, as soon as Boss Cui made a phone call, the patrol officer entered the hospital. It was a coincidence.

"You asked me, and I'm asking you!" Boss Cui was also confused, but he reacted quickly, and then shouted to the phone: "Stop calling money, patrol officer, run away!"

After saying that, he smashed the phone on the ground.

Of course, what Boss Cui meant by fast was not to let his men run away, but to let the person on the other side of the phone run. After all, even a fool can see where they are going in this situation. How many patrol officers are there? Forty or fifty at least.

In the blink of an eye, the four leading men were restrained by eight patrolmen. Boss Cui and others were all blocked in the warehouse. They did not dare to resist and could not resist. Everyone quickly raised their hands.

After all, everyone here is a porter, and they are not drug dealers or anything like that, they are not desperadoes. Just like that, Boss Cui and his party were all held down by the patrol officers and handcuffed one by one.

As soon as Song Feng saw that everyone at the scene was under control, he immediately shouted: "Who among you has the final say?"

"It's him!" Boss Cui immediately looked towards where the leading man was.

Song Feng looked at Boss Cui, and then walked up to the leading man, because it was this guy who shouted when he got off the car.

When the leading man saw Song Feng coming in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and said tremblingly: "Captain, what are you doing... We didn't do anything..."

"You haven't done anything, why are you so nervous!" Song Feng said with wide eyes.

"I...I...I'm a little scared when I see such a large formation like yours...Actually, no one is nervous when they see so many people rushing over..." the leader said carefully.

"You are quite poor!" Song Feng said angrily: "Tell me, where are the people you kidnapped being kept?"

"Kidnapping, kidnapping..." The leading man was stunned immediately, and then said innocently: "Captain... are you kidding me... when did we kidnap someone..."

"How dare you deny it! Did you know that I followed the location to find you? If you don't tell me honestly, don't blame me for being rude!" Song Feng said harshly.

"What do I admit...I have never done this at all..." the leading man said innocently again.

"Okay! Just wait for me and watch me search out the person so that you can look good!" After Song Feng said this, he waved his hand and shouted: "Search for me! The person is locked up in the basement, and I'm afraid they are still there If you have an accomplice, don’t be careless!”

"Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!"... The patrols didn't scream and immediately launched a search.

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