Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3729 Mobile Phone

"Where is the door?" Bao Jiayin stood up and looked around. However, it's so dark here that you really can't see anything. For a moment, she subconsciously touched her body, dug into her pocket, and found her cell phone.

"The phone has not been stolen!" The moment she touched the phone, Bao Jiayin couldn't help but feel excited.

You know, these days, as long as you have a mobile phone, you can solve many, many problems.

Bao Jiayin took out the phone directly from his pocket, pressed the switch, and the phone screen flashed. She first carefully looked around, but did not dare to use the flashlight function.

Regardless of the lack of light, it was basically enough. Bao Jiayin could vaguely see that this was a small room with nothing else in it except a few boxes. Not only that, there wasn't even a door, and it was surrounded by walls. She looked up and saw that there seemed to be a door above, but there was no ladder and there was no way to go up. Of course, even if she could go up now, she would not dare to climb up.

"This seems to be a basement... I said why is it so dark... No matter, report the crime first..." Bao Jiayin said in his heart.

Taking her mobile phone, she was about to dial the police report number, but she hesitated. It would definitely be very troublesome to call to report the crime. In an instant, she thought of someone. This person was none other than Zhang Yu.

"Yes! Looking for Zhang Yu..." Bao Jiayin then dialed Zhang Yu's phone number.

The call was quickly connected, and Zhang Yu's voice rang, "Hello, any good news?"

"Zhang Yu, it's me. Save me quickly." Bao Jiayin said urgently.

Her voice was not loud and she sounded very nervous.

Zhang Yu immediately realized something was wrong and asked quickly: "What's going on? What happened?"

"I was kidnapped." Bao Jiayin whispered.

"Kidnapping..." Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, then said: "Do you want a ransom? Let the kidnapper talk to me."

"The current situation is like this..." Bao Jiayin immediately explained briefly and concisely how she smelled the fragrance in the cave and knew nothing about it, as well as her current situation.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then said: "I am in Nandu now. I can't quench my thirst with water for a while, but fortunately the other party was careless and left your mobile phone. In this way... I am now Contact Inspector Song Feng of the Crime Unit immediately and ask him to call you. He will definitely be able to find your location and rescue you by then..."

"Okay... okay... contact me quickly..." Bao Jiayin said nervously.

The two of them didn't say much, and Bao Jiayin immediately hung up the phone. Although he was worried and scared, Bao Jiayin was still calm. She then put her phone into silent mode and stared at it so as not to miss the call.

Probably less than two minutes later, her phone lit up. It was an unfamiliar phone number.

Bao Jiayin answered immediately and whispered: "Hello."

A man's voice rang on the phone, "Is this lawyer Bao Jiayin? I'm Zhang Yu's friend, Inspector Song Feng of the Major Crime Team of the Zhennan District Patrol Office."

In this matter, the main reason why Zhang Yu chose to ask Song Feng for help was because Song Feng was a detective and did not need to ask for instructions when handling the case, so he was the most efficient. Although Pan Yun is similar, he is still a little worse than Song Feng.

"Hello, Inspector Song, Zhang Yu has told you about my situation. Can you locate my location immediately?" Bao Jiayin said eagerly.

"The call between you and me has been connected to the device. It only takes ten seconds to connect and I will be able to completely determine your location. So, please don't worry." Song Feng said.

"Okay... okay..." Bao Jiayin breathed a sigh of relief when Song Feng said this.

In the blink of an eye, Song Feng said again: "Lawyer Bao, the location has been determined. You are now at the intersection of Xiayun Road in Zhenbei District. There seems to be a warehouse there. In this way, we will dispatch immediately. If anything happens ,contacting via phone."

"No problem...Thank you, Inspector Song..." Bao Jiayin said gratefully.

She then hung up the phone and called Zhang Yu again, telling her what Song Feng had already contacted her.

Zhang Yu's heart was now half relieved. Now that he knew the location, if the police patrol came out, they would definitely be able to find Bao Jiayin.

But the key is whether the kidnappers will make any move when Song Feng arrives. However, no matter how powerful Zhang Yu is, he is still not Sun Wukong, who can travel thousands of miles in one go. Therefore, we can only wait for the results from Song Feng.

He told Bao Jiayin that if the kidnapper shows up, he must not let the kidnapper see his phone. In addition, no matter what kind of request the kidnapper makes, you can agree to it, but you should try to find ways to delay it.

Bao Jiayin also knew this. There was a box in the basement. Bao Jiayin leaned against the box and waited while raising his head. If there was any movement above, he would quickly hide his phone behind the box.

Just as Song Feng said, Bao Jiayin's location is at the intersection of Xiayun Road in Zhenbei District. It was an early industrial park with many factories and warehouses. However, they are all very old, and some factories are empty of people.

The warehouse at the intersection is not small. At the moment, four guys are playing mahjong at the concierge.

At this time, a large truck drove over and stopped at the entrance of the courtyard. Then, the car whistled three times in a row.


Hearing the sound of the whistle, the four people playing mahjong stopped. One of them, a forty-year-old man, said: "Okay, the people are here, please deliver the goods first. Wait until they leave before continuing."

After saying that, he stood up and walked outside first.

The other three men also got up and went out. After arriving at the courtyard gate, it is an old-fashioned large iron gate with the lock on the inside. The leading man opened the door, and the large truck drove in.

The truck was very big. The door opened and five people got out first. Then someone went to open the container at the back, and eight more people jumped out from the container.

"Boss Cui, we meet again." The leading man said with a smile.

As he spoke, he walked up to a middle-aged man who got off the passenger seat.

With a smile on his face, the middle-aged man shook hands with the man and said, "You are really efficient. You have collected the goods in such a short time."

"Isn't it that you are more efficient? In such a short time, all the goods from last time were sold." The leading man said with a smile.

"The main thing is that the quality of your work is good enough. The goods this time must be genuine." Boss Cui said.

"You can rest assured. We have been in this business for many years and we are all based on credibility. All the goods are genuine products shipped from the island country, and there are no fakes at all." The leading man said, patting his chest.

"I can trust this. Well, let's order the goods first, and before loading the truck, I'll have someone transfer the payment to your boss's account," Boss Cui said.

"No problem. Boss Cui is a regular customer. You can do whatever you want." The leading man said with a smile.

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