Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3635 Senior wage earner

It cannot be said that Zhang Yu stayed at the automobile factory all the time and left in the afternoon. The production work at the automobile factory continued. After Zhang Yu left, Brother BOSS simply came to the production line and personally supervised the workers' work.

He not only supervises the assembly workshop, but also travels to other workshops from time to time. The workers will definitely have to work overtime today. When eating in the evening, it is impossible to eat in the canteen. The meals are sent to the production line.

The assembly line cannot be stopped, which will affect work efficiency. Therefore, my brother's team took turns to eat. When the workers went up to eat, Brother BOSS would personally lead the top brass in the factory to the front line to take over the work of the workers to ensure that the work could be completed on time.

It has to be said that none of the bosses in the factory sit in offices every day. They all worked on the front line of production in their early years and can basically do any job. The same goes for Brother BOSS. They all know exactly where each screw should be screwed in and how many turns it should be.

Everyone worked together, and finally at a little past midnight, all sixty cars were rolled off the assembly line.

After the car was completed, Brother BOSS breathed a sigh of relief. There are no commuter buses in the factory. Fortunately, Zhang Yu knew that they needed to work overtime, so he specially took four buses from Wudang Group to take the workers to get off work.

He also said that these four buses will be the commuter buses of Dahe Automobile Factory from now on. Starting tomorrow morning, they will be dedicated to picking up workers to work.

This is the first time workers have enjoyed such treatment, which makes the workers who are easily satisfied extremely happy.

Brother BOSS was almost the last one to leave the factory. His home is in a Western-style community in the city. The buildings in the community are all four-story bungalows, which are very elegant.

Basically, casual parking is not allowed in the community, and the owners' cars must be parked in the underground garage. After Brother BOSS parked his car in the underground garage, he walked towards the building where he lived.

When he came downstairs, he suddenly saw a Maybach parked on the road next to him. There are many wealthy people in the Western-style community, and there are many who can afford a Maybach. However, there was never a Maybach parked downstairs at my house.

But Brother BOSS had never seen any kind of car before, so he didn't take this Maybach to heart. He just took a look at it and walked towards the corridor.

But at this moment, the door of the Maybach suddenly opened, and a man in his thirties walked out of the car. This man was wearing a white suit, very conspicuous. Although he was not particularly handsome, he was very energetic. Especially a pair of eyes, full of wisdom.

Seeing this person suddenly getting out of the car, Brother BOSS subconsciously stopped and glanced at him. He had never seen this person before, and when he saw that he didn't recognize him, he wanted to leave.

But before he could leave, the other party said directly: "You are Brother BOSS, the general manager of Dahe Automobile Factory."

"You know me." Brother BOSS was stunned for a moment when the other party pointed out his name.

"Who doesn't know the car god of Xiaoqiu Mingshan? By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Qi Wuxuan, and I am the chairman of Qihu Automobile Group." That's right, the person who got out of the Maybach is not someone else. , officially Qi Wuxuan.

Qi Wuxuan wanted to see Brother BOSS. With his strength, it was naturally not a problem to find Brother BOSS's residence. After finding out that Brother BOSS lived here, Qi Wuxuan came over and waited in person.

"You are... the chairman of Qihu Automobile Group... Qi, Qi Wuxuan..." Brother BOSS was even more surprised after hearing the other party's name. He really didn't expect that Qi Wuxuan would be waiting here. he.

"That's right." Qi Wuxuan smiled slightly and said calmly: "I heard that your factory worked overtime today, and you personally stayed on the production line until all the cars came off the assembly line. There are not many people in the world who are as dedicated as you are. So I think you’re worth waiting for.”

"You are here specifically to wait for me...but what are you waiting for me for..." Brother BOSS said warily.

He had heard Zhang Yu say before that the boss behind the man who bribed He Sheng was most likely Qi Wuxuan.

"Because I think you are a talent, I came here to meet you in person. When I met you today, you are indeed more famous than meeting me. I am really lucky. I don't like to beat around the bush. If I have anything to say, I will say it directly... ..." Qi Wuxuan said sincerely: "You are someone I admire. I came to invite you personally this time because I hope Brother BOSS can join our Qihu Automobile Group. I am willing to provide you with the position of vice president of the group, and This vice president is definitely not a false position, he is a real vice president in charge of production, design, and technology. Not only that, you can make whatever salary you want."

Vice President of Qihu Automobile Group!

This position is basically one person below ten thousand people. You know, the chairman and president of the group are both Qi Wuxuan, and the vice president is almost the second or third person. Moreover, Qihu Automobile Group is also well-known in the country. Being able to become the vice president of Qihu Automobile Group is definitely an honor. Especially in terms of salary, Qi Wuxuan's slogan is to give it casually, which shows how much he values ​​BOSS brother.

If an ordinary person were to encounter this kind of treatment, they would probably nod in agreement immediately. After all, in today's society, job-hopping is the norm. People with skills will naturally go to bigger platforms and companies to get higher salaries. Especially in the automobile industry, even though Qi Wuxuan is not currently the leader in the domestic automobile field, he is still ranked high.

However, Brother BOSS just smiled and said: "Thank you Mr. Qi for your support, but Dahe Motors is my father's hard work, so I can't leave Dahe Motors. In my lifetime, I have only one goal, and that is to make Dahe Motors bigger Be stronger. Let Dahe Automobile have a place in the domestic market."

He didn't dare to be as crazy as Qi Wuxuan, whose goal was to make Qihu Motors the dominant player in domestically produced cars. Of course, everyone has this idea, but this goal is still very unrealistic for Dahe Motors. It is already very good to have a place in the domestic automobile field.

You know, at this auto show, apart from friendly orders, Dahe Motors did not have any orders.

"It's good that you have this ambition. Normally, knowing your ambition, I shouldn't say any more. After all, I'd rather be a chicken than a cow. However, as far as I know, your Dahe car, 51% of the shares were in the hands of the Wudang Group, which means that the real boss of Dahe Motors is Zhang Yu. You are just a senior wage earner under him."

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