Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3634 Comfort

The production scale of Dahe Automobile is simply incomparable with Qihu Automobile. Qihu Automobile can have a car off the assembly line in two minutes. This speed even makes Qi Wuxuan find it too slow. As for Dahe Automobile, it takes 12 minutes for a car to come off the production line, which means that it takes five cars an hour to come off the production line. Calculated based on an eight-hour working day, only forty units can be produced in one day.

To meet the registration requirements for the World Automobile Obstacle Rally, there must be at least one hundred vehicles off the production line.

Now that the deadline for registration is getting closer, Brother BOSS must complete the target as soon as possible. Therefore, since we have started working today, we must not work less. He specifically ordered that he would work overtime tonight and complete at least sixty cars. Try to complete the task within two days.

Everyone is working, the factory is extremely busy, and no one can care about anyone else. Even those who are smart have to personally supervise the operation. If the workers are overwhelmed and need to go to the toilet or something, they have to go up and lend a hand to help. There must not be a minute's delay.

While everyone was busy working, He Sheng was called into the general manager's office by BOSS. Everyone in the adjustment workshop thought that Brother BOSS would reprimand He Sheng again, or give him a warning. But how did they know that this was just a show.

After He Sheng entered the general manager's office, he saw Brother BOSS and a man with a beard sitting on the sofa. He Sheng closed the door, then walked to the sofa and said politely: "Mr. Lu, you have something to do with me."

"You did a good job today. It's just that your squad leader was removed. I really feel wronged to you." Brother BOSS said gently.

He then pointed to the sofa on one side and asked He Sheng to sit down.

The play is now over, but He Sheng has been removed from the position of squad leader. Brother BOSS is also worried about what He Sheng has in mind, so he naturally wants to comfort him at this moment.

He Sheng went over to sit down and said carelessly: "Boss, you're being polite just to say that. What's the point of grievance... The other party wants to harm the company, and I can't just sit back and ignore it... Anyway, I will do whatever you ask me to do." do what……"

"I have removed you from your position as squad leader, but you don't have to take it to heart. After a while, I will promote you again. You can be said to have suffered a lot of grievances for the company this time. When the time comes, I will definitely make an exception and promote you." Brother BOSS said solemnly.

"It doesn't matter whether I'm promoted or not...I may not be able to do other jobs...just driving is a job that suits me..." He Sheng said with a grin.

"You..." Brother BOSS also grinned and said: "After this time, our company will make great progress... In the future, you should try not to drink. When the time comes, you can find a girlfriend to get married. Don't do it again." Continue to be single..."

"I...haha..." He Sheng grinned and said: "The conditions in my family are not good, and I am not very good at talking. How can any girl be willing to follow me..."

"You can't say that... Let's do this. After I finish the things at hand, I'll ask someone to help you look for someone... Hahahaha..." Brother BOSS said and also laughed.

They chatted for a while. He Sheng was actually very curious about the man with the mustache and didn't know what this new inspector was about. Because the car he hit had passed through the hands of this inspector before. He didn't seem to do anything, but Brother BOSS ordered him to hit the car handled by this inspector.

He Sheng didn't know why. After chatting for a while, Brother BOSS asked him to leave. He also told me to look pitiful and make people think that I was being scolded again.

He Sheng understood immediately, pretended to be resentful, and left the general manager's office.

When he went out and the door closed, Brother BOSS looked at Zhang Yu and said, "Chairman, now that the car has hit me, I don't know what the other party will think. What should we do next?"

"Naturally, the next step is to prepare for the competition. After all the cars are produced, in addition to signing up, you also have to test the car. However...Qi Wuxuan's people are already staring at us. During the test, we must avoid them... ..." Zhang Yu said.

"Avoid them..." Brother BOSS hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I'm afraid it's not easy. As far as I know, before the competition, you have to go to the track to test the car. At this time, each other can see each other's posture vehicles. If we don’t go, we will definitely not understand the conditions of the track, and we will definitely suffer a loss during the competition.”

"That's true..." Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said, "I have an idea. When the time comes, just go to the track and test the car..."

"Method..." Brother BOSS was confused after hearing this. What method is needed? Brother BOSS said in confusion: "Chairman, why do I feel that you are so mysterious about this matter? What is going on..."

"Hahahaha..." Zhang Yu immediately smiled and said: "You will know in two days... Don't worry, I guarantee that with your skills, you will get good results in this competition..."

"I..." Brother BOSS hesitated again and said, "Can our car be successful... and also, don't you want to participate..."

Zhang Yu secretly said to himself, I may not know what kind of competition I am participating in. It may be windy or rainy, but I haven’t counted how many bowls of rice I can eat in one meal.

This competition is no different from the last time I raced at Xiaoqiu Mingshan. At Xiaoqiu Mingshan, you can cheat without being noticed. But participating in this kind of competition relies on real strength. You must know that the entire competition must be broadcast live. As a rookie who doesn't even have a driver's license, how can he cheat in front of everyone?

"I won't participate. We all depend on you." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"That...that's good..." Seeing Zhang Yu say this, Brother BOSS could only nod.

In his opinion, Zhang Yu's skills are better than his, and if he participates in the competition, he may be able to achieve good results. But if Zhang Yu doesn't participate, he can only rely on himself to do his best and obey fate. After all, Brother BOSS has also seen the quality of this car. If it crashes into a bear like shape, it will definitely be in vain if it goes on an obstacle course.

Brother BOSS also knows that with Zhang Yu's status as the chairman of the group, how can he lower his status to participate in such a competition. Of course, this is just what Brother BOSS thinks. If Zhang Yu really has that skill, he will definitely participate.

"You have to have confidence in yourself and your car. We will definitely achieve an impressive record this time. Why I say that, you will know when the time comes. Well, that's it for today... …The other people will stay with you and continue to act as inspectors for the time being. I won’t be coming over tomorrow. I have other things to do..." Zhang Yu said.

He came here today disguised as an inspector, and he was not the only one traveling with him, but also six people, all of whom were bodyguards from Brother Da Biao who knew how to drive. After all, it would be too abrupt to come here alone pretending to be an inspector.

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