Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3626 Major Cooperation

"I just heard someone say that." Qi Wuxuan just said calmly.

This time, he didn't ask the other party's purpose. Because he knew that if the other party wanted to say it, he would definitely say it. If the other party didn't want to say it, it would be in vain for him to ask.

"It's not very convenient to talk about some things on the phone, and I'm afraid I can't explain them clearly in a few words. Well, my car has already arrived at the entrance of Longfor Villa. I wonder if Mr. Qi can come out and pick it up." The man on the phone Said so.

"Your Excellency is really fast. Okay, I'll go greet you right away." Qi Wuxuan said immediately.

"Then I will wait outside for Mr. Qi to arrive," the man said.

"Your Excellency, you're welcome." Qi Wuxuan said.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Wuxuan immediately stood up and left the pavilion.

He called a battery sightseeing car and drove towards the entrance of Longhu Villa.

When you come outside the gate, you can see an inconspicuous off-road vehicle parked sideways in the parking lot.

Longhu Villa is open to the public, and the visitors who come are all rich or expensive, so they will naturally abide by the rules when parking.

This off-road vehicle was lying there, obviously deliberately attracting people's attention. Qi Wuxuan got off the battery car and walked directly over. The door of the off-road vehicle opened at this moment, and two people walked out from the passenger seat and the back seat.

The co-pilot got out of the car was a young man. The young man was very strong and looked like he was a Lian Jiazi. Coming down from behind was a stronger man. There was an air of domineering about the man, and he could tell at first glance that he was no ordinary man.

Qi Wuxuan was also shocked by the aura of the man after seeing him.

The man walked in front, and the young man followed behind, walking towards Qi Wuxuan together. Qi Wuxuan came up to meet him. When they met twice, Qi Wuxuan reached out his hand without any humility and said, "You are the colonel who just called me."

"Exactly." The colonel reached out and held Qi Wuxuan's hand.

If Zhang Yu were present at this moment, he would definitely be able to recognize the colonel. Because this Colonel Shen was none other than Captain Shen who originally asked Pan Yun to go undercover and fight to the death with Qiu Jianyue at the Tangniushan Ancient Tomb.

The two shook hands, and the colonel immediately took out his ID from his pocket, handed it to Qi Wuxuan, and said, "Here is my ID."

Even though the colonel's identity is special, Qi Wuxuan is not an ordinary person after all, so he needs to let the other party confirm his identity.

Qi Wuxuan took the certificate, opened it, and was stunned. It turned out that what was written above was - Shen Ruifeng, the captain of the Shenlong anti-terrorist special team.

The colonel was really a colonel before, the colonel captain of the Kamikaze Anti-drug Special Forces. However, after the case of King Jade was solved, the colonel was promoted to senior colonel and transferred to the more dangerous Shenlong anti-terrorist special team as the captain.

However, after Qi Wuxuan was stunned, he said in confusion: "It turns out to be Captain Shen, hello... aren't you a senior colonel? Why do you call yourself a colonel..."

"I used to be the captain of the colonel. Colonel is also my code name and I have always used it." The colonel said calmly.

He stretched out his hand, and Qi Wuxuan naturally understood and quickly returned the certificate to the colonel. Qi Wuxuan then said: "Captain Shen, this is not the place to talk. Please come with me."

The colonel nodded slightly and immediately followed Qi Wuxuan towards the gate of Longhu Villa.

They got on the battery car at the door and followed them into Longhu Villa. Longhu Villa is extremely large. Qi Wuxuan asked the driver to drive to the private banquet hall. The Qi family's private banquet hall is not for casual reception of guests, but Captain Shen's status is definitely enough.

The car came to a stop outside the banquet hall. This banquet hall has three floors. There is a lobby at the entrance and various private rooms upstairs. It can hold various parties and is enough to entertain hundreds of people.

Qi Wuxuan invited the colonel to sit in the private room on the second floor. A waiter came in to entertain him. Qi Wuxuan was about to order food, but the colonel said directly: "There is no need to eat. Just drink some tea."

Qi Wuxuan immediately nodded and said to the waiter: "Make the best Tieguanyin."

"Yes." The waiter agreed and went out immediately.

The colonel didn't speak, just waited quietly. Qi Wuxuan saw that he was silent and did not speak.

The young people who followed the colonel followed the rules. They didn't dare to sit next to the colonel. They just stood to the side and behind the colonel.

After a while, the waiter brought the teapot and poured tea for the colonel, Qi Wuxuan, and the young people.

The two waitresses were young and beautiful, so they had to stand behind Qi Wuxuan and the colonel, waiting at all times. But Qi Wuxuan also knew that it was a big deal for the colonel to find him, so how could he keep a waiter?

He waved his hand gently, indicating that the waiter could leave.

The two waiters went out and closed the door. At this time, Qi Wuxuan said: "Captain Shen, I don't know why you came to Longhu Villa to see me this time."

"The current international situation is grim. Therefore, the requirements for equipment are getting higher and higher. In the past, vehicles were imported, but the vehicles exported to the country by foreigners are not real technologies and require us to make modifications. At present, many domestic vehicles have become obsolete and are in urgent need of a batch of fresh blood. In the past few years, Qihu Motors has become bigger and stronger. It is rumored that Qihu Motors' new model will participate in the World Automobile Obstacle Rally. The vehicles have reached international standards. After visiting, we thought they were really good, so we decided to purchase a batch first, preferably for long-term cooperation. Qihu Motors will provide special vehicles for the Office Guard Corps," the colonel said very seriously.

After hearing this, Qi Wuxuan's heart trembled, followed by ecstasy.

You know, if you can cooperate with the Guard Corps, it will be a semi-war industrial enterprise. Moreover, the escort team has always been happy to give money, and it can also increase the popularity of Qihu Motors in the country.

The special vehicles of the escort corps all use Qihu cars, so it goes without saying that the common people's choice is.

The domestic SUV market is dominated by imported cars and joint venture cars, and the competitiveness of domestic brands is very weak. If this cooperation is successful, Qi Wuxuan believes that it will definitely be a blockbuster advertisement. At least in the domestic market, Qihu Automobile can occupy a larger share.

"It is an honor for my Qi family and even more so for Qihu Motors to be able to cooperate with the Guard Corps. Captain Shen, please rest assured that no matter how many vehicles the Guard Corps requires, our Qihu Motors will deliver them on time. Moreover, in terms of quality, absolutely There's nothing to say." Qi Wuxuan said seriously.

"We initially plan to order 10,000 special vehicles, with different models, some big and some small. In terms of color, although camouflage is the main color, we also need ordinary colors for work. In terms of contracts, we have already drawn up... "The colonel said, turning to look at the young people accompanying him.

The young man immediately met, opened the backpack he was carrying, took out a document bag, walked to Qi Wuxuan's side, and put the document bag on the table.

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