Longhu Villa.

Qi Wuxuan was sitting in the pavilion next to the artificial lake fishing as usual. He had not rested well in the past two days, and his face was a little haggard. He actually fell asleep sitting down.

"Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket rang, and the ringing woke Qi Wuxuan. He opened his eyes, took out his mobile phone, glanced at the caller ID, and put it to his ear to answer.


"Boss, it's me." The middle-aged man's voice rang on the phone.

"What's the news today?" Qi Wuxuan said.

In the past two days, the middle-aged people would report news to Qi Wuxuan, but it was all insignificant news. Even so, Qi Wuxuan's attitude was very serious when he received the call from the middle-aged man this time.

"I just received news that Dahe Automobile Factory has stamped out a new car casing. This is a new model and it looks very high-end and majestic. According to the news from the people we contacted, it is said that this car casing has been stamped before. It has been produced, but it has never been able to be molded. Today, BOSS set off firecrackers at twelve o'clock, saying it was an auspicious day. The result was great, not to mention that it was molded in one go, and after cooling, there were no flaws. According to previous statements , Firstly, the quality of the steel is not enough, but the technology is not up to standard. But this time, a world-class car shell was stamped out." said the middle-aged man.

"There is such a thing..." After hearing this, Qi Wuxuan took a breath and said, "Looking at it this way, Zhang Yu plans to use this new model to participate in the competition."

"It should be like this..." the middle-aged man said.

"They have a new model, what about accessories?" Qi Wuxuan asked again.

"The chassis kit looks like it will use axles and frames produced by the Jiangnan Axle Factory. According to reports from people watching the Jiangnan Axle Factory, at 12 o'clock today, the Jiangnan Axle Factory also set off firecrackers. However, the produced axles and frames have the same shape as before, and there is no change. As for other accessories, it seems that they need to be purchased from outside, but right now, they have not been officially purchased." said the middle-aged man.

"What kind of mystery is this Zhang Yu doing..." Qi Wuxuan groaned, and then said: "Find a way to fully understand the performance and quality of the new car after the car is rolled off the assembly line. Tell the person who was bribed that it is best to Just hit the car against the wall and see how it is, like the quality. As for money, it's not an issue."

"Understood." The middle-aged man said immediately.

"If there is any news, please notify me as soon as possible." Qi Wuxuan said.

"Yes, boss." the middle-aged man said.

Qi Wuxuan warned the middle-aged man again before hanging up the phone.

At this moment, his brows were deeply furrowed. In his opinion, Zhang Yu was definitely a formidable opponent. There was no big move before, but it already made people's hearts beat. Now there is a move, and it's shocking news. How can Qi Wuxuan not be worried?

"Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

At this moment, the cell phone in Qi Wuxuan's pocket rang again.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Gao Hairong's phone number.

Gao Hairong has returned to Nandu. Now that she suddenly called, she must have some important news.

Qi Wuxuan answered immediately and said, "Hello, hello."

"Hello boss, it's me." Gao Hairong's voice rang on the phone.

"Hai Rong, what do you want from me?" Qi Wuxuan said calmly.

"Suddenly someone from the escort team came to me just now and said they wanted to visit our participating vehicles." Gao Hairong said.

"Guard team members, what do you mean? Why do you want to visit our participating vehicles?" Qi Wuxuan asked a little surprised.

"The other party didn't say anything, but we all know the senior officials of the Nandu Office who came out with the escort, so we can definitely confirm the other party's identity." Gao Hairong said.

"It seems that there is no problem with the identity. Then did you show it to them?" Qi Wuxuan said gently.

"At that time, I couldn't tolerate not showing it to them... I originally proposed to inform you first, but they didn't allow it at all and wanted to visit immediately..." Gao Hairong said cautiously.

Qi Wuxuan understood that he must have seen it before.

However, the escort team has always been tough when doing things, not to mention Gao Hairong, even if he was present, he probably wouldn't be able to stop him.

Therefore, Qi Wuxuan did not mean to blame, but said gently: "What did they say after seeing it?"

"I didn't say anything and just left. I didn't understand what they meant, so I called you quickly... By the way... a person from the escort asked me where you are now. I told them the truth..." Gao Hairong said.

"I understand..." Qi Wuxuan said calmly again: "That's all..."

"That's all." Gao Hairong said.

"This is really interesting. You should contact the officials of the office who are accompanying the escort team to visit and find out what the escort team means." Qi Wuxuan said.

"Yes, boss." Gao Hairong agreed immediately.

"Okay, let me know as soon as you find out." Qi Wuxuan said.

"Definitely." Gao Hairong said.

Qi Wuxuan told Gao Hairong again not to be too direct when understanding the situation.

After making arrangements, I hung up the phone.

Zhang Yu gave Qi Wuxuan a headache, and now such a thing suddenly appeared, which really confused Qi Wuxuan.

"The people from the escort team... want to visit my competition vehicle... what do they mean..." Qi Wuxuan muttered in his heart. After pondering for a long time, he couldn't think of a reason.

Just as he was thinking about it, his cell phone rang again, "Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

Qi Wuxuan picked up the phone and took a look. This time it was an unfamiliar phone number.

He answered immediately and said, "Hello, hello."

"Hello, hello. Is this Mr. Qi Wuxuan?" A man's voice rang on the phone.

"It's me, who are you?" Qi Wuxuan asked a little doubtfully.

The events that happened one after another today were enough to confuse him, and now suddenly another unfamiliar number came calling, calling him by name. You know, not everyone knows his phone number.

"My surname is Shen, and they all call me colonel. This time I am looking for you on behalf of the Supreme People's Office Guard Corps. I have something I want to discuss with you," the man on the phone said.

Qi Wuxuan was stunned for a moment. He never expected that just after Gao Hairong's call came, the people following the escort called him.

Although he was puzzled, Qi Wuxuan still remained calm and said calmly: "I don't know what you want to discuss with me."

"Our escort has previously visited the vehicles used by Qihu Motors to participate in the World Automobile Obstacle Rally. Presumably, Mr. Qi already knows about this." The other party did not say anything directly, but asked a question. .

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