Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3592 Impersonation

Jiangnan Axle Factory.

The area of ​​this axle factory is not small, covering several acres. As soon as you enter the courtyard, there is a two-story office building. Behind the office building, there are workshops, factories and warehouses. However, the houses are very old and have not been renovated.

It was already six o'clock in the evening, and there was no movement at all in the yard, which looked very depressed. That is, in the duty room at the door, you can see an old man sitting in it.

There were no people in the office building, except for three people sitting in the financial room on the second floor.

The three of them are all important figures in Jiangnan Axle Factory, including Director Ma of the Sales Department, Director Tian of the Finance Department, and Director Li in charge of the warehouse.

At this moment, Director Ma said with a serious face: "I have found the buyer, and the buyer has decided to pick up the goods tonight."

Tian Fengjiao, who was in charge of finance, was nearly fifty. When she heard this, she immediately became energetic and said, "Are you bringing cash?"

"Even if it's not cash, it has to be a cash check. I've already told the other party that we don't accept credit. You get what you pay for." Director Ma said.

"That's good...that's good..." Tian Fengjiao nodded repeatedly.

Director Li was the oldest, about fifty years old. He couldn't help but frown slightly and said: "Old Ma, let's secretly sell everything from the axle to the axle. How can this be done... I think, or else we can sell it." Give some of the money to everyone in the factory, and don’t put it all into the pockets of the three of us..."

"Old Li, you must be an old fool..." Tian Fengjiao immediately curled her lips and said: "Our factory has about two hundred people. If we all share it together, how much money can one person get? These three melons and two jujubes are enough Watch something!”

"That's it, the key point is... we sold so many chassis sets privately, and when the workers turned around and found that the items were missing, they had to fight us... Moreover, this is a bit unkind... ..." Director Li said still a little worried.

"Can you blame us... If Yang He, that bastard, hadn't run away with his sister-in-law, would we have been reduced to where we are today... Not to mention that the factory now owes us two months' wages. Yang He asked us to No one else joined us, and we were the only ones who were defrauded of 200,000 yuan... Nowadays, creditors come looking for people every day, and the money we invested in the shares must have been wasted... It can be said that if everyone hadn't stopped us together, we would have probably lost our money. All the places have to be moved... We just want to get our money back now. How can we take care of other things... Anyway, there is still equipment in the factory. Let them sell the equipment when the time comes... As for, if When asked where these chassis suits went, they said that Yang He suddenly came back and took them away..." Tian Fengjiao said.

"Isn't that right? Each of us was defrauded of 200,000 yuan. We must get this money back." Director Ma said carelessly: "Old Li, there is another thing, which is loading the car. No one can know about this, otherwise we will be doomed."

"Don't worry, I've already asked two apprentices to help. The three of us will drive the forklift together. These 100 sets of chassis will be installed in a while." Director Li said confidently.

"That's okay..." Director Ma nodded, but then said: "By the way, I forgot one thing, that is Mr. Lu from Yamato Automobile Factory, who wants to see our boss."

"This boss has run away... Where can I find him..." Tian Fengjiao said.

"No matter what, we have to get one... You have to know that we are selling things secretly. If someone sees the flaw and knows the truth, who will buy it... Therefore, the boss must Be here." Director Ma said.

"That's what I said...but where is the boss..." Director Li said with a frown.

"This..." Director Ma looked at Tian Fengjiao, then at Director Li, and then said: "Old Li, I think this is the case, why not let you pretend to be Yang He..."

"I..." Director Li frowned even more and said, "Yang He can speak well, but I can't... Besides, I have to drive a forklift to load the goods later... Have you ever seen the boss who drives a forklift? What..."

"This... is also..." Director Ma nodded, then looked at Tian Fengjiao and said: "Director Tian, ​​otherwise you come and pretend to be Yang He..."

"Yang He is a can I pretend to be..." Tian Fengjiao frowned and said.

"Only people in our factory know that Yang He is a boy, and no outsiders know. Mr. Lu has only seen me, not Yang He, so it's okay..." Director Ma said.

"But..." Tian Fengjiao was still hesitating. After all, the matter was very important. If she was found out, her business would definitely be ruined.

At this moment, Director Ma's cell phone rang in his pocket, "Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

Director Ma took out his cell phone and saw that it was Brother BOSS's phone number. He quickly made a silent phone call for the two of them, and then put it to his ear to answer.

"Hey, Mr. Lu."

"It's me." Brother BOSS's voice rang on the phone, "I'm not far from your axle factory. I guess another ten-eighth guy will be able to get there."

"Okay, okay...I'll go downstairs to pick you up right now..." Director Ma said, "We'll meet at the door later..."

"Okay, see you later." Brother BOSS said carelessly.

Director Ma hung up the phone and immediately looked at Tian Fengjiao and said: "The people will be here soon. Now we want to find someone to impersonate Yang He, but it's too late. I'll leave the matter of impersonating Yang He to you... Lao Li, you go downstairs to the warehouse right now. As soon as I call and ask you to load the car, you can load the car immediately without any delay..."

"Okay, leave this matter to me." Director Li agreed, stood up, and walked outside.

Director Ma looked at Tian Fengjiao again and said: "Anyway, there is no one in the factory now. You go to Yang He's office and wait. I will go downstairs to wait for Mr. Lu. When the time comes, you must be calm and don't be caught. See the flaw.”

"Okay!" Tian Fengjiao had no choice but to nod her head.

She left the office of the Finance Department and headed to the general manager's office. Director Ma went directly downstairs and waited at the entrance of the factory.

After only waiting for a few minutes, I saw a Mercedes-Benz business car driving over. This is Xiao Jiejie's car. Zhang Yu and Brother BOSS are both sitting in the car.

Seeing the Mercedes-Benz coming to the door, Director Ma quickly took the person to the downstairs of the office building and parked it. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu and the others got out of the car. Director Ma had only seen Brother BOSS, and thought Zhang Yu and Xiao Jiejie were Brother BOSS's secretaries and bodyguards.

"Mr. Lu, you're here. Come upstairs quickly. We, Mr. Yang, are waiting for you upstairs." Director Ma said with a smile.

Brother BOSS looked at Zhang Yu, who nodded, but then realized something was wrong. He said, "There seems to be no one in your company..."

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