Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3590 Zhang Yu’s deterrence

Longhu Villa.

In the pavilion of the artificial lake, a man is sitting in the pavilion, holding a fishing rod in his hand and fishing quietly.

The man was none other than Qi Wuxuan. He was hit hard by the last defeat, but he has recovered now. Today, he looks very calm and calm, as if he is fishing for snow in the cold river alone.

At this moment, footsteps sounded from the side and behind. They were the footsteps of women's high heels. Although he heard the sound, Qi Wuxuan did not turn his head to look, and still stared at the water.

Finally, the footsteps stopped beside him, and a woman's voice followed, "Mr. Qi."

"Hai Rong...what do you want from me..." Qi Wuxuan said calmly.

"Today Weisen took me to the auto show at the Olympic Sports Center to look for BOSS. Unexpectedly, I met Zhang Yu." Gao Hairong said.

"Zhang Yu!" Qi Wuxuan, who had always been very calm, trembled when he heard Zhang Yu's name. He immediately turned to look at Gao Hairong and said, "Which Zhang Yu!"

"It's Zhang Yu from the Wudang Group..." Gao Hairong naturally discovered that Qi Wuxuan was abnormal and said quickly and carefully.

" did he go there..." Qi Wuxuan said a little puzzled.

"Zhang Yu has now become the chairman of Dahe Motors, and BOSS is now working for Zhang Yu. When we found BOSS, Zhang Yu was also there. At that time, I invited BOSS to join the team, but he refused, and Zhang Yu even threatened, I also want to participate in this world obstacle rally." Gao Hairong said.

"He also wants to compete..." Qi Wuxuan was inevitably startled for a moment. It was obvious that even though times had changed, he still had lingering fears for Zhang Yu. After all, the strength displayed by Zhang Yu is really amazing. Not only did something happen to the great astrologer Pisano, but his carefully laid plan was easily broken by Zhang Yu, making him a big joke.

Therefore, when he heard that Zhang Yu was also going to participate in the competition, it inevitably made him a little nervous. But soon, Qi Wuxuan calmed down and said in a calm tone: "What car did he say he was using to compete?"

"It's the Dahe cars they produce." Gao Hairong said.

"Dahe Automobile...Have you seen that car at the auto show...How do you feel..." Qi Wuxuan asked slowly.

"That car is just an assembled car. Anyone who knows the car can tell at a glance that it is not affordable at all. Normally, if this car sells for 100,000 yuan, no one might buy it, but they actually put the price at 175,000 yuan, so that it doesn't even exist. No one cares." Gao Hairong said truthfully.

"They dare to take out such a car to compete..." Qi Wuxuan frowned slightly.

"Zhang Yu did say that at the time..." Gao Hairong said.

"This guy is really haunting. You can meet him everywhere..." Qi Wuxuan said angrily, and then said: "Ask someone to go to the event center and keep an eye on that Dahe car." Really sign up.”

"Yes, boss." Gao Hairong nodded immediately and said.

"Also, how are the arrangements for the participating drivers?" Qi Wuxuan asked again.

"Boss, please rest assured. Mike Jones and Schmaz have agreed to join our team and have arrived in Nandu. In addition, Wesson has also helped contact well-known drivers in Zhenhai. Together with our club's own drivers, we can say that we are strong. Mike Jones After test driving our car with Schumaz, we felt that the quality of the car was very good and its performance was very superior. Schumaz assured us that we would definitely be able to get the top three," said Gao Hairong.

"Don't take it lightly..." Qi Wuxuan said seriously: "I must win this competition, and I will never allow failure!"

"Yes!" Gao Hairong nodded solemnly in agreement.

Qi Wuxuan nodded slightly, and then said in an encouraging tone: "I feel more at ease when you do things. Okay, now go back and rest."

"Yes, boss, I'll leave first," Gao Hairong said.

After saying this, she turned and left. Qi Wuxuan was left alone in the pavilion again.

Qi Wuxuan didn't look at Gao Hairong too much, and his eyes fell on the water again, but at this moment, his heart could no longer be calm, and it had made waves inexplicably.

This is Zhang Yu's intimidating power, which is quite frightening. He seemed to have infinite magic power, and it seemed that any word he said would make his opponents nervous. Especially this opponent, who has suffered losses from him more than once.

"Zhang Yu also wants to participate...he...what will he take to participate..." Qi Wuxuan muttered in confusion.

To be honest, Qi Wuxuan had never heard of this so-called Dahe Automobile before. He expected it to be a small automobile assembly plant.

Now Zhang Yu wants to rely on the cars produced by this factory to participate in the World Automobile Obstacle Rally. Isn't that a joke? He will not be humiliating himself by then.

If it were Qi Wuyao, he would definitely feel that Zhang Yu was overestimating his capabilities, and even laughed it off now.

But Qi Wuxuan didn't dare to take it lightly, but he really couldn't figure out what car Zhang Yu would take to compete. You must know that the competition has rules. The cars used by major manufacturers must be cars produced by their own companies and must not be modified.

In other words, this competition is a competition of the hard power of one's own cars, and driving skills are only one aspect. On Zhang Yu's side, even if BOSS's driving skills are good, he can't be better than Mac Jones and Schmaz. As for the performance of the car, it is even more on a different level. How many years has Qihu Automobile been in business and how much money has been spent on brand research and development? Especially for this competition, Qi Wuxuan spent a lot of money, hoping to make Qihu Motors' influence in one fell swoop.

After pondering for a while, Qi Wuxuan really couldn't think of anything Zhang Yu and Dahe Automobile, the boss brother, could come up with to fight him.

But he still didn't dare to be too careless. After a while, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a phone number.

The call was quickly connected, and a middle-aged man's voice sounded, "Hello, boss."

"I have something to ask you to do." Qi Wuxuan said bluntly.

"Please give me your instructions, boss," the middle-aged man said.

"Go and investigate for me. There is a company called Dahe Automobile. Find out where this car factory comes from, and what the quality and performance of the cars it produces are like. Not only that, but you must also keep giving me Keep an eye on the company's trends and tell me immediately if there is any trouble." Qi Wuxuan said.

"Yes, boss." The middle-aged man agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Wuxuan still couldn't calm down. At this moment, he no longer thought about fishing, and all he could think about was Zhang Yu.

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