Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3501 Mr. Death

"Ah...ah...let me go...let me go..." Hong Ying was wrapped in the spirit diagram and made an extremely painful sound, but did not immediately answer Zhang Yu's words.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Zhang Yu was not in a hurry and just looked at him quietly.

Soon, Hongying made another painful sound, "Ah...ah...ah...who are you...ah...ah..."

"Am I qualified to ask who was caught by whom between the two of us?" Zhang Yu said coldly.

" name is Wei San...I'm just a little Yin spirit..." Hong Ying said painfully.

"What are you doing here..." Zhang Yu asked calmly.

"I...I...just passed by..." Hongying said hesitantly.

"Passing by..." Zhang Yu smiled coldly and said: "What you said is really light... Okay, since you are passing by, I guess you don't have anything valuable on you... Okay, you can Just fend for yourself like this..."

After saying this, Zhang Yu deliberately stretched, looked at Shangguan Ning and said, "After his soul is gone, we will leave... soon..."

"Yeah." Shangguan Ning nodded lightly and said, "Don't worry, actually looking at his current appearance, it's quite fun..."

After listening to the two singing and harmonizing, the red shadow quickly said aggrievedly and painfully: "What do you want to know...I said...I said it's not okay...uh...ah..."

"Why do you appear here... Judging from the yin energy in you, it's not very light... You shouldn't be an ordinary little yin spirit... How long have you been practicing to become like this..." Zhang Yu said slowly said.

"I have been practicing here... uh... I have been practicing for almost ten years... I, I am practicing with a man named Mr. Death... He taught me how to practice..." Hongying laughed bitterly. said.

"Mr. Death... What is the name of this Mr. Death... What is his background..." Zhang Yu asked again.

"I don't know any of this. He just told me that if I don't want to lose my soul and want to stay in this world, I can only practice with him... He also told me that as long as I listen to him and do things according to his wishes, I My parents and son will be taken care of... When I saw him saying this, I agreed..." Hong Ying said honestly.

"Oh? There is such a thing..." Zhang Yu pondered, and then said: "Then I want to ask you, what kind of things has this dead gentleman asked you to do?"

"Mr. Death taught me the art of body seizing. He asked me to go to Nandu Wandong Real Estate Company some time ago and seize the body of Liu Wandong, the boss there...Mr. Death asked me to use Liu Wandong's body to control Wandong Real Estate according to his wishes. The company..." Hongying said painfully.

"Then what did you do?" Zhang Yu asked next.

"First... let people first ask the monks from Faye Temple in Nandu to go to the Mei Family Courtyard to perform rituals... and then ask people to go to Zhenhai to find people from Baimei Palace to go to the Mei Family Courtyard to solve the problem..." Hongying said honestly.

"It's like this..." After hearing this, Shangguan Ning raised his eyebrows with a look of hatred on his face.

At this moment, everyone could clearly understand that the reason why they came to Wangmei Village was not a coincidence at all, but that they fell into the trap of their opponents. All of this is done at the mercy of the other party.

Zhang Yu looked very calm and said: "Liu Wandong is dead now. You should know how he died."

"Yes... Mr. Death suddenly came to Nandu and directly wiped out his soul..." Hongying said honestly.

"After wiping out Liu Wandong's soul, did Mr. Death do anything else to Liu Wandong?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"I really don't know this...but I saw Mr. Death grabbing Liu Wandong's hand and holding it for a long time. I don't know what he was doing..." Hong Ying said.

Zhang Yu nodded, and he already knew in his heart that this must be the mechanism left by Mr. Death at that time, specifically used to plot against Zhang Yu. As for how it was done, I guess Wei San, a little Yin spirit, must have no idea.

Zhang Yu then asked: "By the way, is this dead gentleman a human being or a ghost?"

"He, he is a ghost..." Hongying said.

"What does he look like?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"I can't see his appearance..." Hong Ying said honestly.

Shangguan Ning, who was listening on the side, couldn't help but wonder at this moment. He really didn't expect that this dead gentleman was also a ghost.

"When you came back here, did you see a woman?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"No." Hongying said, "I just came back tonight. When I came back here, I only saw the body of the veteran in front of me."

"I just came back what have you been doing in the past two days..." Zhang Yu said.

"Mr. Death asked me to go to Zhenhai. He said he was going to Junfayuan Community in Zhennan District to find a man named Qi Shouzu. He asked me to seize his body and then jump off the building to commit suicide." Hongying said.

"Qi Shouzu... what grudge does he have against Mr. Death?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I don't know. Mr. Death just said that this kid owes someone else his life, and now it's time to pay it back." Hong Ying said.

"So, you killed him after you went to Zhenhai..." Zhang Yu said.

"It's not that easy. This kid is wearing something like an amulet around his neck. I can't get on him at all. So I can only follow him. Fortunately, last night, he did that thing with a woman, that The woman thought the amulet around his neck was in the way, so she asked Qi Shouzu to take it off... I saw the thing taken off, so I took the opportunity to seize it, dumped the woman, and jumped off the building somewhere else..." Hong Ying said truthfully. .

"There is such a thing... Do you know who Qi Shouzu is?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"I don't know the specifics, but he spends money lavishly. He looks like a rich second generation." Hongying said.

"Oh." Zhang Yu nodded, expecting that Hongying really didn't know the identity of Qi Shouzu. He then pointed to the green-lighting flag in front of him and said, "Then what is this thing?"

Hong Ying turned his head and glanced, then turned back and said: "Mr. Death said that this is a very powerful treasure... but Yin spirits who have not practiced enough must not get close, or even look at it, otherwise , it is possible to be taken in... In fact, I am lucky..."

At this point, he suddenly stopped talking.

But Zhang Yu could tell that he seemed to be hiding something. Zhang Yu immediately said: "Finish what you said, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you..."

"Because... I followed Mr. Death because of me, otherwise, I would have been taken over by this thing... I have followed Mr. Death to many barren mountains, mass graves and other places... there are all There were some Yin spirits, so Mr. Death threw this thing away, and those Yin spirits were all taken into the banner one by one, and their souls flew away... He also said, if I hadn't practiced with him for a period of time before, I'm afraid, This baby can take me in easily..." Hong Ying said with lingering fear.

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