Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3500 Qi Zhenren

Shangguan Ning glanced sideways at Zhang Yu and muttered dissatisfiedly, "It seems that you are a bystander."

The two of them walked forward a short distance, and Shangguan Ning suddenly saw what seemed to be a corpse lying in front of them. She immediately pointed out her hand and said, "Look... there seems to be a dead body lying there..."

"I saw it too, go over and take a look..." Zhang Yu said.

The two of them continued to move forward, and the further they moved forward, the clearer they could see. There was a person lying in front of him. The person lying on the ground was actually wearing a white Bagua Fairy Clothes. Not only that, this man's hair was already gray and he looked old.

"This is a Taoist priest..." Shangguan Ning said in shock.

"How could there be an experienced person in a place like this..." Zhang Yu was also curious.

The two of them talked, but their footsteps did not stop at all. As they walked, they came to the body of Lao Dao.

Zhang Yu didn't dare to be careless, he raised his leg and hooked it towards the corpse's waist.

There was a soft "pop" sound, and the body was opened directly, face up. This time, the two were able to see the face of the corpse. Immediately afterwards, Shangguan Ning screamed, "Uncle Grand Master!"

"Uncle Taishi..." Zhang Yu turned to look at Shangguan Ning.

He could see Shangguan Ning's face full of surprise. Shangguan Ning was stuttering a little at this moment: "He, he, he is Uncle Qi who disappeared at the scene of the car accident... He... How could he appear in this place..."

It's no wonder that Shangguan Ning is like this. Seeing Master Qi here really surprises her and is simply unimaginable.

"It's him..." After hearing Shangguan Ning's words, Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, and followed him to look at Master Qi carefully.

He soon saw that Qi Zhenren's collar was full of blood, and his mouth and chin were also covered in blood. Apparently a lot of blood spurted out of his mouth before he died.

Zhang Yu casually collected the copper coins surrounding him, then squatted down and reached out to untie Qi Zhenren's Bagua Fairy Clothes and the underwear inside. Another look showed that there were spots on the body. It looked like he had been dead for more than a day or two. There was a ring-shaped bruise on his chest. Zhang Yu reached out and touched it, and all the bones in his chest were broken.

"He had his sternum broken with a magic weapon and died." Zhang Yu stood up and said.

"The bones in the chest were broken with a magic weapon...who could be the murderer...and...Uncle could he come here..." Shangguan Ning said in confusion.

"There should be only two is that he came by himself, and the other is that he was captured..." Zhang Yu said.

"Do it yourself... I don't think there is such a possibility... Could it be that he was caught by a master after the car accident..." Shangguan Ning guessed.

"But...if he was captured...I don't think there is any need to kill him here..." Zhang Yu said.

"This is also... By the way... Grand Master's Uncle appeared here... The Master has also been here... Why didn't he mention a word... Could it be that... Master did not see Grand Master's Uncle..." Shangguan Ning's face showed confusion.

"My previous speculation seemed too simple... Now it seems that things are much more complicated than I thought..." Zhang Yu said slowly.

"You never told me what your speculation was before, and now you say it like this. You've been trying to riddle me for too long..." Shangguan Ning looked at Zhang Yu with a look of eagerness and dissatisfaction on his face. .

Zhang Yu ignored her and just said to himself: "That's true. How can such a large battle be accomplished by just one Yin spirit... Looking at it this way, it seems more reasonable..."

Shangguan Ning saw that Zhang Yu didn't listen to her words, so she simply didn't say anything.

Zhang Yu squatted down again and inspected the scars on Zhenren Qi's chest. He measured it with his hands and said, "This ring is not big. It doesn't look like a circular magic weapon. It looks more like a magic weapon." Bracelet...what do you think..."

Seeing Zhang Yu asking himself this time, Shangguan Ning knelt down and looked at it. After looking at it for a moment, Shangguan Ning said: "This shape and size is indeed more like a bracelet... But, is there any problem..."

"There must be a problem, but I haven't proven it yet..." Zhang Yu stood up, pointed to the green light a few steps ahead, and said, "Let's take a look at this..."

The two of them had seen the green light before, but they didn't pay attention immediately because they were anxious to check the bodies on the ground.

Now when I looked carefully, I immediately discovered that there was a tomb in front of it. There was a pole stuck on the tomb, and there was a flag on the pole. There were strange patterns hanging on the banners, and I couldn't figure out what they were. This green light is emitted from the banner.

After watching carefully for a moment, Shangguan Ning suddenly felt that he was a little uneasy. She quickly shook her head, not daring to stare at the banner anymore, and said: "This thing is so weird... I looked at it for a while, and I felt uneasy, and my heartbeat accelerated..."

"I also feel it...this thing seems to have the effect of disturbing people's minds..." Zhang Yu said.

"Confused people's minds..." Shangguan Ning groaned and said, "What a weird thing... Just now you said... this is the formation eye..."

"That's right." Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Don't you feel that the Yin Qi here is stronger and the breath of the formation is stronger..."

Shangguan Ning hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes... the Yin Qi here is much heavier than before, and the breath of the formation is also stronger... But... I can't figure out... Master is here After passing here, here is the Formation Eye again... Why does this Formation Eye still stay here... What kind of weirdness is there..."

"'s time to ask Master Yuan now..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Ask my master..." Shangguan Ning looked at Zhang Yu in astonishment and said, "What do you mean..."

"You will know then, but I think we have one more thing to solve before leaving here..." Zhang Yu said with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter?" Shangguan Ning said in confusion.

But this time, Zhang Yu did not look at Shangguan Ning, but turned to look at a tree diagonally to the side. With a wave of his left hand, the money sword he had withdrawn earlier shot towards the tree trunk.

"call out!"

With a "pop" sound, the money sword was inserted directly into the tree, and then a group of red shadows suddenly floated out of the tree.

The red shadow did not dare to rush towards Zhang Yu, and immediately floated back. How could Zhang Yu let Hong Ying run away? He turned his left palm and a silver light flashed.

With a "swipe" of the ground, a ray of silver light rushed towards the red shadow.

That's right, this silver light is none other than Zhang Yu's Wudang Lingtu.

"Ah..." A shrill scream sounded, and the red figure was already wrapped in a spiritual diagram. From the image, it could be faintly seen that it was the shape of a person.

Shangguan Ning never expected that such a thing would happen suddenly, and he was already a little bit dumbfounded.

"Who are you? Tell me your name!" Zhang Yu looked at Hong Ying and asked in a deep voice.

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