Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3403 Traitor

Zhang Yu couldn't help but be startled by the two sudden screams, but he was being pressed by the golden cymbals and couldn't see what was going on for a while.

However, the four guys in black robes and Milov couldn't help but look back. The five people couldn't help but be shocked at just one look. It turned out that where Hua Yunong was standing at the back, the person responsible for guarding Hua Yunong had fallen down, and was replaced by a man wearing a black mask.

Immediately afterwards, a series of people wearing masks roared up and rushed to Hua Yunong's side.


As soon as Hua Yunong saw these people arriving, he immediately shouted loudly.

When she was detained before, her expression was very calm, but at this moment, she showed a look of solemnity.

After listening to her instructions, those people wearing black masks immediately divided into two groups and rushed towards the left and right sides. Although Hua Yunong's men were being guarded on both sides, these people wearing masks didn't seem to take them seriously during the day. Perhaps in their hearts, the only person they need to worry about is Hua Yunong, and the others are nothing to worry about.

Their lack of scruple immediately caused the person in charge of custody to lose their control, and they could only rise up to fight. The two sides immediately fought together.

"Bang bang bang bang..." "Bang bang bang bang..." "Puff puff puff..." "Bang bang bang bang..." "Ah..." "Ah..." "Ah... I'm dead... …”…

The sound of gunshots, the sound of magic weapons, and screams all came one after another, resounding continuously.

The five Milovs were a little confused when they saw this, and wanted to go back to help. However, Shangguan Di and Zhang Yu here have not yet solved the problem, whether they go back or stay here.

Just as they were hesitating, they suddenly heard a "pop" sound. The location of the sound was exactly where Shangguan Di was trapped by the Holy Lesson. They hurriedly took a look, and soon they saw that the red "Holy Lesson" had flown out.

"It's my turn now!" Shangguan Di, who had just escaped from the trap, roared suddenly and rushed towards Milov.

He was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of Milov in one step. He raised his hand and stabbed Milov straight in the chest with his sword. Milov hurriedly activated the crystal ball, but this time, the power of the crystal ball was obviously not as powerful as before.

The white light only blocked it for three seconds, and then with a "chi" sound, the tip of the sword penetrated into the white light and poured into Milov's chest.


A scream came from Milov's mouth, and the white light on his body disappeared immediately. Shangguan Di drew his sword outward, and Milov's body rushed forward. With a "plop", he fell to the ground and made no more noise.

Shangguan Di immediately turned around and rushed towards the nearest man in black. When the man in black saw Shangguan Di rushing over, he hurriedly took out a shiny object from his arms and hit Shangguan Di. Shangguan Di just flicked his left hand and shot out a cold light.


The cold lights on both sides hit one place and fell to the ground together. At this moment, Shangguan Di was already closer to the man in black. He swiped the long sword in his hand, and a sword glow was like a shooting star chasing the moon. When the man in black saw this, he ran away in a hurry, trying to escape to his other companions. However, with Shangguan Dihe's speed, how could he let him run away.


In the blink of an eye, Shangguan Di got behind the man in black, raised his hand and struck out with his sword. A beam of sword light was like a crescent moon, and it struck directly on the vest of the man in black.

"Ah..." The man in black screamed, and his body was forcibly divided into two parts by the sword light.

As soon as the man in black died, Zhang Yu, who was lying on the ground, heard a "click" and the pressure on his back suddenly disappeared. He turned his head to look, and then discovered that the eight-sided golden cymbal that had been rubbing against him just now had begun to spread out.

Although he didn't see the man in black die, he still knew very well what he needed to do at this juncture.

Zhang Yu jumped up from the ground, five-color runes condensed in his palms, but at this moment, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have lost his opponent.

He watched helplessly as Shangguan Di was chopping melons and vegetables, killing all the other three men in black. The sound of the battle in the distance ahead is getting smaller and smaller, and it is estimated that it will be over soon.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu simply took the opportunity to take back his magic weapon. After finishing what they were doing, the fierce battle ahead was over, and no more fighting or screaming could be heard.

Shangguan Digen came to the coffin and took out the brocade box inside. He walked to Zhang Yu, looked at Zhang Yu, smiled on his face, and said, "Thank you just now..."

"You're welcome..." Zhang Yu said with a slight smile.

"Let's go." Shangguan Di said with another smile.

Zhang Yu nodded. Now all the people with black gloves have been eliminated, and Hua Yunong seems to have been saved. As for what happened, because of the distance and Zhang Yu who had been lying on the ground before, he couldn't see clearly.

He made a gesture of invitation and walked forward with Guan Di. Soon, the two came to the group of people on the opposite side. Zhang Yu looked carefully this time and saw that Hua Yunong had indeed been rescued. Next to Hua Yunong, there were also female drivers and a group of black men wearing masks. Clothes man.

As soon as he saw this group of men in black, Zhang Yu immediately recognized them. They were the same group of people he had seen behind the Suzaku Hall before.

"Miss, I've got the things." Shangguan Di came to Hua Yunong with the brocade box and handed the brocade box to Hua Yunong.

"Thank you, Mr. Shangguan." Hua Yunong nodded, but did not pick up the brocade box.

She turned around and walked towards Bai Tianfang, who was standing not far away from him, with Lu Bai and other arrested people. However, in the fierce battle just now, probably half of their people were killed by random gunfire.

When Fangyi saw Hua Yunong walking over during the day, he immediately said respectfully, "Miss."


Hua Yunong didn't say anything. He raised his hand and slapped Tianfang's face hard.

Tian Fang was not prepared at all. In fact, even if he was prepared, he would not dare to dodge. With one mouthful, blood instantly flowed from the corner of his mouth. Tian Fang was stunned for a moment, and then said in a hurry: "Miss... I... what happened to me... why did you hit me..."

"Why did I hit you..." Hua Yu raised his thick eyebrows and said coldly: "Our operation this time is so secret. How could Black Gloves find out the information so easily? There must be a traitor!"

"Traitor..." Tian Tianfang said eagerly: "The traitor can't be me..."

"Impossible..." Hua Yunong said with a sneer: "Nothing is impossible in this world... The people with black gloves can know our location in such detail. It is simply because someone among our people has carried their tracking. Instruments... As a result, our coordinates and orientation are all within the control of the other party... If you leave it during the day, you should be aware that other people need to conduct strict inspections and hand over their mobile phones before setting off for action... …Only you and a few others are exempt from surrender and inspection…”

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