Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3402 Falling into the trap

Seeing the eight-sided golden cymbals sweeping towards him, how could Zhang Yu fail to see that these eight-sided golden cymbals actually formed a formation. He did not dare to be careless at all, and immediately showed his money sword. The money sword immediately turned into 108 copper coins, arranged according to the big four elephant town, and rushed towards the eight-sided golden cymbal.

While making the move, Zhang Yu also glanced at the other two foreigners who were taking a roundabout way to the coffin. Although "Tian Yi Mi Tu" was more important than his life, it could not be said that he could be taken away so easily.

As he followed, he discovered that when they were approaching the golden coffin, the two foreigners had stopped moving and were just staring at him.

When Zhang Yu saw the other party acting like this, he became even more cautious. He had a feeling that these two guys came here in a roundabout way, perhaps not necessarily wanting to take the brocade box directly from the golden coffin.

"Choke choke choke choke..."

"Buzz buzz..."

At this moment, Zhang Yu's copper coin formation had collided with the formation composed of eight-sided golden cymbals. Although they collided, they did not completely touch each other. The distance between the two parties was probably still twenty centimeters.

The formations on both sides rotated at high speed, making sounds each. Zhang Yu's true energy and mind were connected with the formation. Within a moment, he could feel that the pressure on the formation doubled. Although he had experienced this feeling before, to feel such a huge pressure so quickly was obviously the first time. Second-rate.

He is fully aware that the formation of these four guys is not simple, and the combined strength of the four people is definitely difficult to deal with.

Zhang Yu can naturally continue to use his strength, but if he does so, he will inevitably fall into a fight. Zhang Yu can even realize that even if he continues to activate the formation, he will probably not be able to defeat the four of them together.

Therefore, the best way is obviously not to compete with the opponent's formation, but to kill the four people who set up the formation.

After making up his mind, Zhang Yu moved and rushed forward. He is confident that as long as he kills one person on the opposite side, the formation can be broken directly. But when he moved here, the two foreigners who were standing motionless on the other side of the coffin suddenly started to move.

The place they moved was not the coffin, but behind Zhang Yu. The two of them looked very ordinary before, just holding a staff in their hands, but now, they have a crystal ball in their left hands.

"Brush!" "Brush!"

The two crystal balls hit Zhang Yu's back almost at the same time.

How could Zhang Yu not hear the footsteps of the two of them? He hurriedly turned around and saw two crystal balls hitting him. Zhang Yu didn't dare to neglect, he took out the Underworld Token with his left hand, and smacked the five-color runes just condensed in his right hand towards a crystal ball.



The Underworld Order hit a crystal ball in the middle. The power of this crystal ball was obviously limited. As soon as the Underworld Order hit the crystal ball, it immediately shattered the crystal ball. Not only that, Huang Quanling's momentum continued, and he attacked the foreign devil.

However, when the Five Thunder Palm hit another crystal ball, the crystal ball only trembled for a moment, and when the five-color rune palm prints dissipated, it shot towards Zhang Yu again. However, after being blocked by the Five Thunder Palms, the speed of the crystal ball was greatly reduced. Zhang Yu moved his body and dodged it easily.


Huang Quan Ling, who had hit him, was in front of the foreigner in a blink of an eye. The foreign guy hurriedly avoided it, but he didn't expect that Huang Quan Ling spun around in the air and came from behind, hitting him in the back of the head.

With a "pop" sound, it was like a million peach blossoms blooming.

Almost at the same time, the crystal ball passing by Zhang Yu also hit the back of Zhang Yu's head in a roundabout way. Zhang Yu's reaction, coupled with the divine walking vest, he was already fast. He threw forward, and the crystal ball slid over his back with a "whoosh".

Zhang Yu's right hand is now holding the Seven-Star Sword, and he is shooting at the remaining foreigners over there, "Swish, swish, swish..."

Seven rays of cold light flashed, and the foreigner couldn't escape in time.


Six holes were directly opened in his body, and blood spurted out. There was only a small knife left on the chest.

The gringo's crystal ball was still in the air, lost control, and soon fell to the ground.

Zhang Yu jumped up and immediately took back the Seven-Star Sword and the Underworld Order. But before he could take back the two magic weapons, he heard a "pop" in the air. When he looked up, the 108 copper coins had scattered in all directions.

The eight-sided golden cymbals just fell from the sky and swept over them. The speed of the golden cymbal was extremely fast, and Zhang Yu was still thinking about retrieving the Seven-Star Sword and the Underworld Token. When he saw the golden cymbal coming, it was already too late to dodge.

You know, one side of these eight-sided golden cymbals is one meter in size. If the eight sides are surrounded by a circle, how big is the area? Even if Zhang Yu could move a step or two to the side, he still couldn't avoid the golden cymbals. Zhang Yu quickly twisted his waist, fearing that the golden cymbal would hit his head.

With a "dang" sound, the golden cymbal hit Zhang Yu's back. This time, Zhang Yu's back was sore from the impact. If he hadn't been wearing chainmail, he would have been crushed to death on the spot.

Seeing that Zhang Yu was hit by a golden cymbal but his body was intact, the four men in black robes were obviously stunned for a moment. It seemed that they had never seen such a situation before. The four people stretched their fingers forward together, and the golden cymbal continued to rotate on Zhang Yu's body.

"Chi chi chi chi..."

Under the high pressure, Zhang Yu fell directly to the ground. The Bagua Fairy Clothes on his back was forcibly cut open, and the chain armor on his back rubbed against the golden cymbals, spattering sparks.

Zhang Yu screamed in his heart. At this moment, Zhang Yu finally understood what was going on. The two foreigners just now were not going to get the "Tianyi Mystery Picture" at all, but were protecting themselves in the diagonal stab, fearing that Zhang Yu would deal with it. Four men in black robes. If Zhang Yu wanted to attack the men in black robes, the two of them would attack behind him to buy time for the four men in black robes.

Zhang Yu could really see how powerful this golden cymbal formation was. I'm afraid that this formation was not prepared for him, Zhang Yu, but for Shangguan Di.

Helplessly, Shangguan Di was directly trapped by the "Holy Lesson", and then it happened to him Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu secretly rejoiced that he had chain mail on him, otherwise, he would have been cut into two pieces by now.

Even if he was not dead, Zhang Yu's life would not be easy. The eight-sided golden cymbal was extremely heavy, and it was impossible for Zhang Yu to move out from under the golden cymbal. He could only let the golden cymbals rub against the chainmail.

On top of the friction, Zhang Yu's back was burning, and he had a bad feeling. If this continued, the chainmail would most likely be broken by the golden cymbals. In desperation, he suddenly wanted something - the Doumu Heart Seal.

"I can only rely on you..." Wanting to get here, Zhang Yu slowly reached into his arms, wanting to take out Dou Mu's heart seal.

Before he could touch Doumu's heart seal, two screams suddenly broke out in the distance.

"Ah..." "Ah..."

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