"What...what is this...why is there such a strong wind all of a sudden..." The female driver stood behind Zhang Yu and saw that the strong wind had blown away the snow on the bridge deck. She was immediately confused. It was dumbfounded.

This was the first time she had seen such a scene.

From where she was, she couldn't feel the strong wind at all. She could only hear the "whirring" of the wind and watch the strong wind blow the snow into the abyss.

Where did the sudden strong wind come from? It was obviously Zhang Yu who did it. After all, she saw with her own eyes that Zhang Yu lit a piece of talisman paper. Just after the talisman was lit, a strong wind appeared.

She had seen with her own eyes that Zhang Yu could shoot lightning with one palm. She never expected that Zhang Yu could have such an ability to control wind and rain. She couldn't help but murmur in her heart, no wonder Miss Hua valued Zhang Yu so much, Zhang Yu really had incredible abilities.

After a while, the strong wind finally stopped. At a glance, it can be seen that everything on the bridge is clean and the brown side is exposed. However, snowflakes are still falling from the sky, and some snowflakes will fall on the bridge deck.

"The snow is still falling, let's not delay, let's get over it now. Mr. Zhang, I know that my abilities are limited, and I may not be able to survive. But I will not back down. If I die, I hope you will find the lady!" At that moment, the female driver came to Zhang Yu and said solemnly.

"Although you can reach out well, it's almost impossible to just walk over. How about this, I'll carry you over." Zhang Yu said immediately.

"Carry me over there..." The female driver was startled. She never expected that Zhang Yu would say this. Are you kidding me? It's just a pontoon bridge. If you walk on it normally, you may not be able to walk across it, let alone carrying a person on your back.

"Don't worry, I'm sure of it." Zhang Yu said seriously.

As for certainty, Zhang Yu didn't have much confidence. After all, if he walked forward, he might not be able to pass easily. But in Zhang Yu's opinion, carrying the female driver there was the only way.

The reason is very simple. Firstly, Zhang Yu cannot hold the female driver while walking, and secondly, he cannot carry her on his back. Because whether he is holding it or carrying it on his back, both of his hands will be occupied. If he is really in danger, he will have no time to use other tricks. Carrying the female driver can free up one hand for yourself. This hand can use the Wind Talisman or the Jade Void Rope, at least it can deal with unexpected events.

Of course the female driver didn't know where Zhang Yu's confidence came from, but she knew in her heart that if she was allowed to go by herself, she would have no confidence at all.

"W-will I hurt you..." the female driver said worriedly.

"I know you won't stay here, so we have to do this. It's a waste of time, the snow is still falling, let's go..."

After saying this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but bend down and immediately hugged the female driver's buttocks with his right hand. Then with a strong force, he picked up the female driver and carried her on his shoulders.

The female driver's heart tightened, but she didn't resist. She also understands that this is all she can do now, she can only rely on this man, hoping that this man can bring miracles.

Zhang Yu picked up the female driver and walked to the bridge. Looking at the bridge in front, Zhang Yu couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"I hope I can go there directly!" Zhang Yu said in his heart.

Carrying one person on his back, even if Zhang Yu had backup, it would still be very difficult if something went wrong. He might be fine, but could the female driver being carried by him be in danger?

Zhang Yu's palms were sweating unconsciously. He calmed down and stepped forward.

The pontoon bridge is made of wooden boards connected by iron chains. As soon as you step on it, the bridge board immediately trembles and shakes. Zhang Yu's heart tightened, and he didn't even dare to step on with his other foot. He waited for a moment, until the bridge stopped shaking, and then slowly stepped on with his other foot.

Both feet stepped on the bridge, and the bridge began to tremble slightly. Zhang Yu could feel the vibration of the bridge board, and the female driver who was holding her on her shoulders could also feel it. The trembling of the bridge made her heart lift to her throat. The most terrible thing was that because she was being carried by Zhang Yu, her head was facing down and she could really see the abyss below.

This frightened her so much that she quickly closed her eyes and her body began to tremble unconsciously.

The bridge finally stopped, and Zhang Yu took another step forward. The second bridge still trembled, and Zhang Yu slowed down for a moment before taking another step. Standing on the second bridge, he waited for the bridge to stop before taking another step. He immediately discovered that the distance between the second bridge and the third bridge was obviously longer than the first bridge. The distance to the second bridge plate is wide.

Zhang Yu did not dare to move forward because he realized that it would be very easy to be in danger if he went this way. He could feel the trembling of the female driver's body. This tension seemed to be contagious, making Zhang Yu more and more nervous.

You know, this is just the beginning. Zhang Yu can completely predict that the further forward, the more violent the bridge will tremble.

While he was nervous, a thought suddenly came to Zhang Yu's mind, "That's not right... Even if we can build a pontoon bridge, someone must be able to walk across it first... There are six ropes in total. What kind of person can be sure of it so easily?" Back and forth... is there any trick here..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu unconsciously observed the bridge in front. The distance between the third bridge and the fourth bridge was also different. The distance between the fourth bridge and the fifth bridge was also the same. Not the same either.

The gaps between each bridge plate are either wide or narrow. The bridge board is made of peach wood. It is conceivable that the person who built the bridge board must be a Taoist master. Normally, the distance between bridge plates should be the same, not different.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Zhang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally discovered the problem.

"That's right... Gang Steps... This is the distance between Gang Steps..." Zhang Yu's face showed joy, "I understand... It turns out that you have to walk on Gang Steps to get there..."

Seeing the clues, he immediately walked forward without hesitation. The analysis with Zhang Yu was absolutely correct. According to the distance between the steps, every step Zhang Yu took was just right. Although the board trembled slightly, it was not serious.

Gangbu is all about doing it in one go, so Zhang Yu's steps didn't pause at all. He followed the distance between each step, and in a short time, he had reached the middle of the floating bridge.

The female driver lay on Zhang Yu's back, and she could feel Zhang Yu's constant movement. Feeling this, she couldn't help but be a little surprised. Could Zhang Yu really walk so fast?

She opened her eyes unconsciously, and while opening her eyes, she could feel Zhang Yu continuing to move forward. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Zhang Yu walking quickly on the wooden board, and below was the bottomless abyss.

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