Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3346 The feeling of familiarity

The pontoon bridge in front of us is indeed scary. It is made entirely of wooden boards. There are no guardrails on both sides of the pontoon bridge, not even a rope, just bare wooden boards. Not only that, there was also a layer of snow on the wooden plank, which was definitely extremely dangerous. You can't even see the bottom of the valley under the floating bridge. You can imagine that if you lose your footing and fall, you will definitely die.

"This... this pontoon bridge... can you pass people..." the female driver said nervously.

She stood here, looking at the pontoon, her eyes were a little dizzy and her head was confused.

Zhang Yu also frowned slightly. It was indeed difficult to walk on such a pontoon bridge, and he might easily fall off. However, after thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu made a calculation. Although it would be very dangerous to walk over and it would be easy to fall, he had the strong wind talisman and the Jade Void Rope. Even if he really lost his footing and fell, he would still be able to come up. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu felt at ease. But he quickly looked at the female driver again. It was easy for him to pass, but how could the female driver pass? Judging from the look of the female driver, she probably didn't have to walk up, her legs were weak.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment. If he left the female driver here, he might be able to scare her to death. She would probably be just like the officers and soldiers who stayed here to provide support. But if we take her with us, how will we take her?

Immediately afterwards, the two discovered that there were six things in front of the bridge, which looked like sticks. Six sticks of different lengths stood there. Both of them were very curious and walked to the stick in a few steps.

They could tell at a glance that the stick was made of iron and was stained with rust. Also, there are six sticks, in groups of three, facing the pontoon. The lengths of the three sticks are different. The one at the front is the shortest, the one in the middle is the second, and the one at the back is the tallest.

Looking at the six sticks, the driver couldn't help but said curiously: "What is this? It seems to be nailed to the ground."

Zhang Yu lowered his head and looked carefully. It was absolutely correct. The iron rod was indeed nailed into the stone layer. Zhang Yu looked at the floating bridge in front of him again, his heart suddenly moved, and he said, "Do I know what's going on?"

"What's going on?" the female driver asked immediately.

"This is used to fix the guardrail..." Zhang Yu pointed to the pontoon bridge in front and said: "This pontoon bridge is difficult to pass. Even an expert may not be able to pass it steadily. It will be even more difficult for those with slightly inferior strength. The best way was to install guardrails, but it was obviously not feasible to install guardrails on such a wide and narrow bridge deck. So, they nailed six iron rods to both sides of the pontoon bridge and tied ropes to them. If my guess is correct, there must be six iron rods like this on the opposite side of the pontoon."

"It makes sense..." The female driver nodded, and then said a little doubtfully: "But... why is there no rope here..."

"It's been so many years, and everything has rotted away. Once such a long rope is rotten, most of it will fall directly into the deep valley. When the end of the rope tied to the iron rod rots, it will immediately fall into the deep valley. ." Zhang Yu said.

"That's true..." The female driver nodded, looked at the snow on the pontoon, and said, "Do you think the snow here is real?"

Although the female driver was afraid of heights, she still pretended to be brave and came to the bridge. She squatted down and reached out to grab a handful of snow on the bridge.

Immediately afterwards, the female driver said in astonishment: "It's really snow... This, where did this snow come from... Aren't we in the mountains..."

When she raised her head, she couldn't see any rocks on it, but only slowly falling snowflakes.

Zhang Yu walked to the female driver's side and said: "The snow must be real snow... It's really unimaginable that someone has such great ability and can ask for snow here..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yu felt a little emotional. To be honest, he also has the ability to ask for snow, but this is in the middle of the mountain, how can he do this.

It is said that this is a formation. Zhang Yu has not yet felt the breath of the formation. Zhang Yu is not sure whether it will be the same as the formation in Wuli Village.

However, standing here, Zhang Yu suddenly had a feeling that this place seemed a bit familiar.

"Haimen Mountain Heaven Bridge... Rouge Mountain Tianxing Cui Pavilion..." Zhang Yu murmured in his heart, "These two places are so similar to here... They are both in the middle of the mountain, with a special cave... "Tian Yi Mi Tu", here Could it be the place where the "Tian Yi Mi Tu" is hidden..."

"It must be..." Zhang Yu gave an affirmative answer, but then he shook his head slightly, "Even if the "Tianyi Mystery Picture" was really hidden here before, it must have been taken away... According to rumors , "Tianyi Mi Tu" contains great luck. The previous dynasty was able to win the world, presumably because of the luck of "Tian Yi Mi Tu"... Didn't she also say that in the legend, only the Taizu of the previous dynasty entered the world? Arriving here and leaving alive... If it's correct, Nurhachi must have found the "Tian Yi Mi Tu" here, which means that this is the real entrance to find the "Tian Yi Mi Tu"..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu immediately had another doubt, "Since Nurhaci has taken away the "Tianyi Mi Tu", why will there be officers and soldiers coming here after that... Read the content of the letter, Dutong is an official position of the previous dynasty, which means that the people coming should be generals of the previous dynasty, not people who want to overthrow the previous dynasty... What is their purpose of coming here..."

"What kind of wood is this? It looks quite strong!" Suddenly, the female driver shouted.

Zhang Yu lowered his head and saw that the female driver had already cleared away all the snow on the nearest bridge deck. The bridge deck was all brown, and Zhang Yu could recognize it at a glance. It was peach wood.

"It's peach wood." Zhang Yu said: "In this place, everything will rot over time, so the materials must be of the highest quality. You go aside first, and I will take a closer look."

The female driver immediately took a few steps back to the side. Zhang Yu came to the bridge, squatted down, and reached out to touch the bridge board. That's right, the bridge board is indeed made of peach wood, Zhang Yu can still feel that there is a trace of spiritual energy on the bridge board. It was obviously a piece of wood struck by lightning.

Of course, the entire floating bridge cannot be a piece of thunder-cracked wood. It is just pieces of thunder-cracked wood connected together with chains. If the bridge was simply made of lightning-struck wood, it would still be easier to walk on, but with snow on it, it would not be that easy. If you want to clear the snow, who can say how dangerous it is to squat down and clean it every time you take a step forward.

After just thinking about it, another idea came to Zhang Yu's mind, "Yeah... wouldn't it be easier if we do this..."

After making up his mind, he immediately took out a violent wind talisman from his arms, pinched the violent wind talisman with his fingers, and with a "pop" sound, the violent wind talisman ignited directly in Zhang Yu's palm.


A strong wind instantly blew up in front of Zhang Yu, blowing the snow on the wooden planks into the deep valley, exposing the bridge planks below.

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