Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3314 Emergency treatment

Zhang Yu also understood what Master Zhang meant. No matter what, it was important to save Leng Lingxue's life first.

However, medicines that nourish yin are different from medicines that nourish yang. Although there are many medicines in the world that can nourish yin energy in the body, the important effects of the medicines do not come so quickly. Unless it is a natural treasure that can have an immediate effect, other medicines will take a period of time.

Just like Zhang Yihang's prescription for cultivating yang energy, it seems to be very good, but it cannot achieve immediate results. Therefore, among the medicines, the Five Thunder Talisman must be used as the medicine guide to increase the yang energy in the body in the shortest time.

Then the question arises. You can use the Five Thunder Talisman to increase the yang energy in the body, but what can you use to increase the yin energy in the body?

The Five Thunder Methods are extremely strong and Yang. Although the Five Thunder Methods can be used to treat diseases, it does not mean that all diseases can be cured. In a situation like Leng Lingxue's body where yang is strong and yin is weak, there will be no therapeutic effect.

Zhang Yu also frowned secretly in his heart. He was also illuminated by the bronze mirror. Whether it was Fang Xinyu back then or Wu Nannan now, the yin was rising and the yang was declining. Because according to Zhang Yihang's records, Fang Xinyu means that Yin is strong and Yang is weak, otherwise, this prescription cannot be listed.

Leng Lingxue was hurt by the bronze mirror. She had never seen the beautiful woman in the bronze mirror, she had not received the inheritance, and she had no resentment in her body. Therefore, Leng Lingxue is not a painting, but the product of being hurt by the bronze mirror.

Now that the bronze mirror is destroyed, if Leng Lingxue can be cured, it will become a big problem. Even if he wanted to use yin-nourishing drugs to save his life, Zhang Yu found it a big problem.

Zhang Yu looked at Master Zhang and said, "Brother Taoist, what kind of medicine do you think is better..."

"This..." Zhang Zhenren hesitated for a moment and then said: "I'm afraid the medicinal materials in the market may not have any effect for a while... If it really doesn't work, how about taking the person to the Tianshi Mansion..."

Master Zhang himself knew that it would be too late to get some medicinal materials on the market to treat Leng Lingxue's illness. The only way now may be to return to Tianshi Mansion. After all, there are needed medicinal materials in Tianshi Mansion, including many yin-nourishing drugs that have been refined into elixirs, which are definitely more effective than those in ordinary pharmacies.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "Okay, let's go to Tianshi Mansion now..."

When he heard that Zhang Yu and Zhenren Zhang were taking Leng Lingxue to the Tianshi Mansion, Wu Nannan couldn't help but said, "What about me... Do you want to go with them..."

Deep down in her heart, she wanted to follow Zhang Yu all the time. Zhang Yu's move on her was indelible.

Zhang Yu looked at Wu Nannan. Wu Nannan's problem had been solved and she had become a truly ordinary person. Regarding Leng Lingxue's matter, even if Wu Nannan followed, she probably wouldn't be able to help much. But Zhang Yu could see that Wu Nannan's face was full of guilt, and it seemed that she really wanted to do something to help.

But before Zhang Yu could speak, Zhao Gang said first, "Wu Nannan, your matter and the bronze mirror matter have been resolved, but right now, you can't leave the investigation bureau."

"Why?" Wu Nannan's heart couldn't help but tighten.

"This case needs to be filed. Although you have been allowed to plead guilty and meritorious services, you are still required to make a detailed record of the relevant case. In addition, the meaning above is that I hope you can forget the experience of being a painter and become a true person. A real ordinary person." Zhao Gang said seriously.

"Forget this experience... then... how can you forget..." Wu Nannan said a little surprised.

"Don't worry, we have a solution." Zhao Gang said seriously.

Then, he looked at Zhang Yu and said: "Daozhang Zhang, the task of our Confidential Investigation Department has now been completed. Regarding this...Lawyer Leng...I am afraid there is nothing we can do to help...I think so, if you still If you have anything to ask Wu Nannan, you can ask now. After a while, I will take her to register."

Wu Nannan immediately looked at Zhang Yu, with a look of pity on her face. Anyone can see that she has a attachment to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu understood Wu Nannan's feelings and thought that the reason why the bronze mirror was destroyed was also because of Wu Nannan's feelings. Only then did he get rid of the resentment in the bronze mirror. But helping Wu Nannan was actually just a promise. Zhang Yu also knew what Zhao Gang meant by asking Wu Nannan to forget this memory. There are amnesia drugs in this world that can make people forget a memory. Of course, the Confidential Investigation Bureau may not have this medicine, but Zhang Yu believed that the Confidential Investigation Bureau would have other ways to make Wu Nannan forget this past incident.

If you want to save Leng Lingxue, placing your hope in Tianshi Mansion may not work. Zhang Yu always believed that to untie a bell, one must tie the bell. Now that Wu Nannan is no longer a painter, it's really not sure whether she can help.

Zhang Yu still put his hope in Wu Nannan, and he said: "Wu Nannan, I must save Lawyer Leng like this. You should have been the only one to take a look at this bronze mirror before, and it became the skin of the painting." After you took a photo of her, she didn't become a painted skin, she just became like this. With your understanding of painted skins and bronze mirrors, is there nothing you can do about it?"

"I..." Wu Nannan didn't expect that this was what Zhang Yu was going to say to her. She glanced at the disfigured Leng Lingxue, feeling guilty again in her heart. Wu Nannan immediately recalled it, hoping to think of some clues to help Leng Lingxue.

After recalling it for a long time, Wu Nannan shook his head and said: "There is really no explanation about this. I just did it on a whim. In fact, I don't know much about bronze mirrors, and I don't know that I can't drink alcohol at all." , If it hadn’t been for the sudden ulceration of the skin on my face after drinking alcohol, I wouldn’t have been able to meet Zhu Jiuzhen..."

At the end of the sentence, Wu Nannan lowered her head in grievance. She felt really guilty and didn't dare to face Zhang Yu and Leng Lingxue again.

"Drink..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but groan. He had heard Wu Nannan talk about this before, but he didn't think much of it. Now that Wu Nannan mentioned it again, Zhang Yu's heart moved.

You know, the skin on a painted face cannot be destroyed easily. The skin on Wu Nannan's face rotted due to drinking. There must be a reason for this.

As the saying goes, all things are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, an idea suddenly came to Zhang Yu's mind.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu said: "Otherwise, let's try drinking."

"Drink!" "Try drinking." "What does this mean?"... Zhang Yinling, Tai Wannian and others all said in astonishment.

I really don’t understand what Zhang Yu’s logic is.

Zhang Yu said helplessly: "I don't know why, but I have a feeling that the thing that can restrain the painting skin may be wine. Of course, I can't guarantee whether it will work or not. At the moment, Leng Lingxue If it's already like this, then we have no choice but to seek medical treatment urgently. Perhaps, there may be unexpected gains."

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