Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3313 Broken Mirror

Wu Nannan's words reminded Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu immediately looked at Wu Nannan's face. Wu Nannan's current appearance is exactly what she originally looked like. This girl is a little chubby, but her appearance is quite cute. Not pretty, but certainly not ugly.

Zhang Yu looked at it carefully, and Wu Nannan lowered her head in embarrassment when he stared at it like this.

Zhang Yu ignored her shyness and immediately touched Wu Nannan's face. As soon as his hand touched Wu Nannan's face, Wu Nannan felt relieved and ran around, with an indescribable nervousness and shyness. Zhang Yu's hand touched Wu Nannan's cheek to chin. Zhang Yu knew a lot about human skin masks.

After touching it for a while, he was able to confirm that there was no human skin mask on Wu Nannan's face, but a complete face with the skin on her neck.

"It's okay! It's okay! You're back to normal! Your face is no longer painted!" Zhang Yu said excitedly again.

"Really!" After hearing this, Wu Nannan couldn't restrain her inner excitement and raised her hands to touch her face.

After all, she was once a painter, and if she stretched out her hand and touched it, she could probably get some clues. Soon, Wu Nannan was able to confirm that her skin was really not attached to it, but was truly connected to her face.

"I am no longer a painter! I am no longer a painter!" At this moment, Wu Nannan was so excited that tears burst into her eyes again.

She really should be excited, because this feeling is no different from being a human being in another life.

"Okay!" "She's no longer a painting!" "The problem is finally solved!"... Others became excited after hearing this.

Everyone has been busy for so long and finally has some results. How can it not be exciting? The hardships of so many days were not in vain.

Just as everyone was excited, Leng Lingxue, who was standing behind Zhang Yu, unconsciously touched her face. She whispered, "Is my face okay?"

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at Leng Lingxue. Zhang Yu also turned around and looked at her. Isn't it right? Wu Nannan's problem has been solved. Leng Lingxue, who also encountered the same situation, still doesn't know the situation.

Everyone just looked at it, and their hearts trembled, because Leng Lingxue's face was still the same bloody mess as before, and it had not recovered like Wu Nannan.

Leng Lingxue's hands also touched her face, and she could immediately feel that her hands were not touching the smooth skin before, but only flesh.

"I... my face..." Leng Lingxue's eyes showed fear. She looked straight at Zhang Yu and said nervously: "Zhang Yu... what happened to me... my face... Has it returned to normal..."

Zhang Yu frowned, but then he said: "Lawyer Leng, don't worry, even if you haven't recovered yet, I will definitely let you recover! Wu Nannan has recovered, and you will definitely be able to recover too!"

"Yeah." After hearing this, Leng Lingxue nodded pitifully, with sadness in her eyes.

Yes, now Wu Nannan has returned to normal, but she is still the same as before, which makes people sad.

The other people couldn't help but frown, wondering what was going on.

The little girl couldn't help but said: "Zhang Yu, why hasn't Lawyer Leng recovered? Didn't you say that the problem has been solved?"

"This..." Zhang Yu didn't know how to answer. Even he couldn't tell what other connections there were.

After a moment's hesitation, Zhang Yu said, "Where's that bronze mirror?"

"The bronze mirror... I just dropped it..." Wu Nannan said immediately.

It turned out that just after she looked in the mirror and painted her face, a red mist came out of the bronze mirror. This frightened Wu Nannan so much that as soon as she let go, the bronze mirror fell to the ground.

Everyone immediately lowered their heads to look for it, and soon saw the bronze mirror on the ground.

However, the current bronze mirror is no longer the same as before. This bronze mirror was actually torn into pieces.

Zhang Yu came to the bronze mirror in two steps and picked up the broken bronze mirror from the ground. This time, Zhang Yu could truly feel that there was no resentment or evil on this bronze mirror. This bronze mirror has nothing to do with ordinary bronze mirrors.

"This... this..." Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment.

If there is any problem with the bronze mirror, then as long as the problem is solved, Leng Lingxue can basically restore her appearance. Fortunately, Wu Nannan has regained her appearance, and Leng Lingxue is still the same as before. What can we do now?

"The mirror is broken..." the little girl said worriedly.

Zhenren Zhang asked: "Fellow Taoist, what's wrong with this mirror?"

"All the evil spirits and resentment on the mirror are gone. It's just an ordinary bronze mirror." Zhang Yu said with a frown.

"It turned into an ordinary bronze mirror... Doesn't that mean that the problem has been completely solved..." Zhang Zhenren said, subconsciously looking at Leng Lingxue.

Leng Lingxue's face was still bloody and bloody.

"Then what should we do now?" "Yes, Leng...should also recover..."... Tai Wannian, Zhao Gang, Mu Siwei and Zhang Yingling also looked at Leng Lingxue worriedly.

Being looked at by everyone like this, Leng Lingxue couldn't help but feel a death wish. She lowered her head and shed tears.

Looking at Leng Lingxue's appearance, Wu Nannan felt a sense of guilt. She lowered her head and said apologetically: "I'm's's all my fault..."

It can be said that in the eyes of everyone, if the bronze mirror is broken, Leng Lingxue will always look like this.

Leng Lingxue's current appearance was caused by Wu Nannan. Now Wu Nannan has returned to normal, but Leng Lingxue is still like this. How can she not make Wu Nannan feel guilty. Especially this kind of guilt made her want to sacrifice her life to Wu Nannan.

Comparatively speaking, the calmest person at this time was Mr. Zhang. Master Zhang came to Leng Lingxue's side in two steps and said, "Let me take your pulse and see how it goes?"

After saying this, he grabbed Leng Lingxue's wrist.

Zhang Yu reacted immediately and followed Leng Lingxue. He believed in Zhang Zhenren's ability, so he didn't grab Leng Lingxue's wrist.

Master Zhang opened his eyes at first, and then closed them. Zhang Yu knew that Master Zhang was observing with his inner eye.

After waiting for a while, when Master Zhang opened his eyes, Zhang Yu asked: "Brother Dao, how is Lawyer Leng's situation?"

"Her body is still the same as before. The yang is strong and the yin is weak, and the yin energy in the body is extremely depleted. I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on for long. Now it seems that I can only treat her with yin-nourishing drugs first. Maybe she can Reach the balance of yin and yang and save her life. As for her face..." At this point, Zhang Zhenren didn't know what to say. Because he knew that it might not be difficult to save Leng Lingxue's life with medicine, but he really had no idea how to restore Leng Lingxue's appearance. Maybe, there is nothing we can do in this world.

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