Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3303 Desolation

Seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel moved. Zhang Yu had a feeling that Zhang Yihang's decision to let Fang Xinyu cut off his skin was definitely not perfunctory, but sincere.

Whether Fang Xinyu will cut off Zhang Yihang's skin is really curious. Zhang Yu wants to know more and more, what was the outcome of this matter back then? Also, why did Zhang Yihang leave the bronze mirror in the cliff tomb instead of somewhere else, or even destroy it?

He continued to watch, and the content below was probably like this.

Zhang Yihang offered to use his own skin to relieve the pain on Fang Xinyu's face. True to his word, he took off his shirt and lay on the table, letting Fang Xinyu do it. At that time, Fang Xinyu, with trembling hands, cut the skin on Zhang Yihang's back with his nails.

The blood flowed out directly, but Zhang Yihang didn't say a word. But Fang Xinyu's tears had flowed down unconsciously and landed on Zhang Yihang's back. When the nails cut about five centimeters of skin on Zhang Yihang's back, Fang Xinyu could no longer do it. She threw herself on Zhang Yihang's back and cried bitterly.

Perhaps in her opinion, a man who is willing to let her cut off his skin and stick it on his face in order to save her is definitely true love. If Zhang Yihang could treat her like this, how could Fang Xinyu do it to her.

Hearing Fang Xinyu's cry, Zhang Yihang told her to hurry up and don't worry, he didn't feel any pain at all. How could Fang Xinyu believe this. She picked up Zhang Yihang and kissed Zhang Yihang's mouth. Zhang Yihang refused at first, fearing that he could not resist Fang Xinyu's passion. More importantly, Zhang Yihang already had this woman in his heart.

In this way, the two people had a relationship. But when he woke up, Zhang Yihang unexpectedly discovered that Fang Xinyu was dead. Fang Xinyu committed suicide, and she used Zhang Yihang's Tianshi sword to kill herself. And left a note for Zhang Yihang with one sentence written on it - I will be your woman in the next life.

Looking at Fang Xinyu's body, Zhang Yihang was extremely sad, so he dug a cliff tomb for Fang Xinyu in Phoenix Mountain and buried Fang Xinyu in the tomb. Not only that, he even gave Fang Xinyu his headmaster's sword as a burial gift.

Of course, in Zhang Yihang's view, that bronze mirror was an ominous object, and he had the intention to destroy it, but he found that he could not destroy it at all. When Zhang Yihang left the cliff tomb, he originally wanted to take the bronze mirror away so that the bronze mirror would never come out and could no longer be used to harm others.

Just after Zhang Yihang left the cliff tomb, he unexpectedly discovered that something was wrong. A powerful resentment entangled his life and soul, making it impossible for him to get rid of it. This made Zhang Yihang very anxious. It had never been like this before. Why did it happen to him as soon as he came out of the cliff tomb?

Zhang Yihang turned around and returned to the cliff tomb. This time, something unexpected happened again. That is, the resentment lingering around his soul left his body and went to an unknown place. Zhang Yihang tried several times. As soon as he left the cliff tomb, resentment would cling to his soul. As soon as he entered the cliff tomb, the resentment would disappear. He finally discovered that the reason was on the bronze mirror. If he didn't take the bronze mirror away from the cave, there would be no resentment following him. As long as he took the bronze mirror away, resentment would be the soul of his life. .

This powerful resentment was almost as strong as the resentment in Fang Xinyu's body, and Zhang Yihang could not resolve it at all. With no other choice, Zhang Yihang had no choice but to leave the bronze mirror in the cave and seal the box with the talisman. However, he did not put the bronze mirror into Fang Xinyu's coffin because he was worried that the bronze mirror would cause harm to Fang Xinyu.

Since then, Zhang Yihang has not returned to the Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain and has been staying at Phoenix Peak on Phoenix Mountain. Every day he would go to the cliff tomb to visit Fang Xinyu and talk to Fang Xinyu.

It was the inseparable attachment that made Zhang Yihang sketch these four portraits and write down these past events.

After reading this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but be moved. This is simply a very poignant love story. Its beginning may be a mistake in itself, and its ending may be even more of a mistake.

No one knows whether Zhang Yihang and Fang Xinyu will have an afterlife, and if so, whether they will be together. However, Zhang Yu hopes that this pair of fateful mandarin ducks can have an afterlife and truly realize their long-cherished wish to be together.

Zhang Yu stood there for a long time without moving. After a while, he walked around the cave again. He wanted to find if Zhang Yihang had left any relics, but he found nothing. For a moment, Zhang Yu couldn't help but frown. The purpose of coming here this time was actually to find the relics left by Zhang Yihang, or something valuable about the painting. The result was great, I just knew the love story between Zhang Yihang and Fang Xinyu.

Although the story is sad enough, it does not help solve the problem of the bronze mirror. Zhang Yu even had a feeling that there was no way to solve the problem between Tongjing, Leng Lingxue and Wu Nannan. You need to know what kind of strength Zhang Yu and the others have, and Zhang Yihang has the cultivation level of a master. Even the dignified masters couldn't solve it, so wouldn't it be even more in vain for them?

Zhang Yu was even a little bit lucky. If Wu Nannan had cut off ninety-nine and eighty-one pieces of human skin, it would not be so easy to catch her. If he doesn't do it right, he might even lose his life.

However, right now, I still have no way to do it. I can only go up first and talk about it later. In Zhang Yu's hand, he was still holding the Yuxu rope, because the formation at the door was very strange. From the outside, you couldn't see inside. It looked like a normal mountain wall. From the inside, you couldn't see outside, it was just darkness. Zhang Yu walked to the entrance of the cave holding the Yuxu rope, and took a step towards the darkness. It was just one step, and his eyes suddenly opened up, but he was beside the cliff, with his feet in the air. That is to say, he is holding the Yuxu rope in his hand. The Yuxu rope is tied to the black scissors, otherwise, it will fall directly.

Zhang Yu held the Yuxu rope in his hand and came to the rope that he just came down from. He grabbed the rope, put away the black scissors, and climbed up along the rope.

As soon as he climbed up, Zhang Yu saw Zhao Gang, Zhang Zhenren, Zhang Yinling and others standing on the edge of the cliff waiting. Seeing him coming up, everyone immediately asked, "Did you find anything?" "Second brother, you just disappeared. Where have you been?" "I'm really anxious. You are finally back. Did you gain anything?" ?”…

The rope suddenly slackened, and there was no weight underneath. The person in charge of the rope naturally noticed it. In everyone's opinion, Zhang Yu would be fine under normal circumstances. This must be something he discovered.

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Yes, I found a cave down there. Senior Zhang Yihang does live here."

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