Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3302 Fang Xinyu

Zhang Yu looked at the content on the wall. While he was reading, he was pondering the taste of it. There were even pictures flashing through his mind. It's like being there and being able to see the scenes described on the walls emerge one after another.

"The painted skin woman... the one who gave the umbrella at the end of the Luhua Bridge... then bumped into the painting skin three times and fought with her. The painting skin showed mercy twice in a row..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, subconsciously turning around and looking at the other stone wall. Four portraits of women.

He thought thoughtfully and muttered again, "There are a total of four images of women in this, which means that these four women are actually one person, that is, painted skin..."

Zhang Yu nodded. He thought his guess was reasonable. But then, his heart trembled again, "From a lawyer to a master trainer, that is to say, the painted-skinned woman had the strength of a lawyer before... Senior Zhang Yihang only subdued the opponent after he reached the master trainer... How can a painting skin be so powerful? Wu Nannan is just like that. He can't even block a round in front of me. The painting skin here is too powerful... Zhang Yihang, the acting headmaster of Tianshi Mansion, is in his early thirties. He became a lawyer, and broke through to the realm of a master in battle... This, this is also too terrifying..."

Zhang Yu knew that master training was basically the highest level of Taoism. Although there is a realm of real people above the level of master training, it seems that only one or two people in all dynasties can reach this realm.

"Zhang Yihang... Qingguan..." Zhang Yu sighed with emotion. He was now even more curious about what happened to Zhang Yihang and Painted Skin.

Zhang Yu turned back, looked at the stone wall in front of him, and continued to watch the next content.

"When I saw her skinless face, I was completely shocked. I asked her loudly why she looked like this. She answered me very calmly that she is a painted skin, and only the skin on a man's back can be used to paint. Draw that beautiful face, otherwise, she will never have a face, and soon she will die. I was very angry and very crazy. I wanted to kill her, but I could never do it. In the end, I decided to help her and restore her original appearance..."

Zhang Yu looked at it very carefully, and the subsequent contents also appeared in Zhang Yu's mind one after another.

Zhang Yihang learned from Huapi that she was originally a rich lady named Fang Xinyu. The appearance when the two met for the first time was actually her true face. Back then, she fell in love with a scholar. Not only did she give her body to the scholar, she even secretly funded the scholar so that he could concentrate on studying and gain fame. Scholars were considered capable. First, they passed the examination, and then went to Beijing to take the examination. They passed the examination and were sent by the imperial court to become county magistrates. The scholar asked people to come to propose marriage to her, and she was naturally very happy. Because the poor scholar became an official, her family agreed and sent people to escort her all the way to the place where the scholar worked. However, on the way, she encountered robbers and was snatched to the mountain by the village owner, where she would inevitably be molested. She resisted desperately, but at the critical moment, the village owner's wife actually broke in. The village owner's wife was a domineering master. The village owner and his wife were very afraid, saying they were seduced by beauty. The village owner's wife definitely couldn't kill her husband, so she pointed the finger at her, scratched her face with her hands, and sent her down the mountain.

Fang Xinyu begged along the road and wandered around, and finally found the county government where the scholar was an official. The scholar who became the county magistrate was shocked when he saw Fang Xinyu's current appearance, with a look of disgust on his face. When he heard that Fang Xinyu was robbed by bandits and taken to the mountain, he simply wrote a letter of divorce and said directly No more Fang Xinyu.

The scholar's behavior made Fang Xinyu so miserable that she decided to commit suicide by jumping into the river. Unexpectedly, after jumping into the river and falling unconscious, he actually floated to the shore and came to a very strange place. Because she was covered in water, she found a cave to take shelter, but saw a bronze mirror in the cave. Fang Xinyu wanted to see what he looked like now, but when he looked in the mirror, his entire face was gone and turned into a bloody mess. But soon, she heard someone talking to her, asking her to peel off the skin from the man's back, paint it into a face, and kill all the unscrupulous people in the world. He also told her that the more human skin she peeled off, the more powerful she would become.

Fang Xinyu, who had no choice but to follow the instructions of the bronze mirror, started to seduce the man and kill him with the help of the first face given to her by the man in the bronze mirror. In this way, she killed and skinned nine men first, which further improved her cultivation. Later, she went to the county town where the scholar lived and found that the scholar not only married another wife, but also often visited the fireworks place with the local gentry. So, Fang Xinyu sneaked into the land of fireworks and was spotted by the scholar at a glance. The two entered the room at night, and Fang Xinyu drowned the scholar directly in the tub and peeled off his skin.

Fang Xinyu committed crimes everywhere, and her cultivation level got higher and higher. In the end, she developed a face that could never be destroyed. Although her face can never be destroyed, if she doesn't kill anyone for a few days, she will feel an inexplicable burning pain on her face, which also prompts Fang Xinyu to continue killing people.

When she saw Zhang Yihang that day, she originally wanted to seduce Zhang Yihang and kill him. The umbrella in her hand was actually thrown away by her on purpose, and with her beauty, she would definitely be able to get Zhang Yihang to take the bait. But she didn't expect that Zhang Yihang just gave her the umbrella and left without even looking at her seduction. Zhang Yihang's behavior was different from other men's behavior, which surprised her, because no man could resist the temptation of beauty, only Zhang Yihang didn't take it seriously.

The next time she committed a murder, Zhang Yihang arrived. Although she injured Zhang Yihang, she couldn't bear the pain and killed him for some reason. It was like this the first time, and it was like this the second time.

After Zhang Yihang learned about her past, he couldn't help but feel pity, and found that the life soul in Fang Xinyu's body was already full of resentment. In Zhang Yihang's view, only by eliminating these grievances can Fang Xinyu become a normal person. Zhang Yihang used all his skills in his life, but he could not clear away the resentment in Fang Xinyu's body. As the days passed, just as Fang Xinyu said, her face began to feel burning, and she had to kill people and skin them. , so that you can no longer suffer.

Zhang Yihang naturally couldn't let Fang Xinyu do this. He tried his best to resolve the resentment in Fang Xinyu's soul, but to no avail. Fang Xinyu was in more and more pain, but at this moment, Fang Xinyu was completely moved by Zhang Yihang and did not intend to continue skinning, so he decided to die. Zhang Yihang couldn't bear to let her die, so he decided to let Fang Xinyu cut off the skin on his back.

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