Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3228 Human Skin

Zhang Yu always felt that it was so weird when he looked at the woman's face and the white bones separated from flesh and blood.

"The skin in other places is rotten... Even here on the neck, the flesh and blood are rotten. Why is there still skin that is not rotten..." Zhang Yu really couldn't understand.

This time, he couldn't help but feel curious. He raised his hand and reached into the coffin.

His hand touched the edge of the leather on his neck. The leather was very soft and delicate, and felt very smooth.

Zhang Yu pinched the edge of the leather with his fingers. At this moment, he suddenly felt a touch in his heart, that is, he wanted something unconsciously.

That’s right! This thing is nothing but a human skin mask.

Thinking of this, he exerted a little force on his hand, and there was a "swish" sound, and a third of the skin on the skeleton's face was really lifted off by him.

"It's really a human skin mask!" Zhang Yu immediately confirmed this and pressed his hand again.

With a "swipe", this time, the entire face of the skeleton's face was peeled off by Zhang Yu.

When he followed it, he could see the woman's face. This is not bones, but a face made of flesh and blood. It's just that there is only flesh and blood, no skin.

"How could it be like this...this...this..." Zhang Yu was extremely surprised. He never dreamed that after taking off the human skin mask, the woman's face would look like this.

If there are bones under the face, Zhang Yu can accept it. If there is another face underneath, Zhang Yu can also accept it. However, the current situation is really unimaginable.

He was stunned for a while, then picked up the human skin mask and looked at it carefully. This was indeed a piece of human skin, but Zhang Yu couldn't tell what kind of treatment it had undergone. However, it is indeed extraordinary that this human skin can remain intact after all the flesh on the woman's body has festered away, leaving only the bones. What's more important is that there is still a trace of evil in this human skin.

"Evil... How can there be evil on this human skin... Logically speaking, it shouldn't be..." Zhang Yu looked at the sword he held in his other hand again, "This sword has Full of righteousness, the owner of the sword is definitely not an evil heretic. Why would he leave the sword in the coffin of such a woman... Could it be that the sword was not left by him, but by someone who killed him? The man put the sword in the woman's coffin... But with the spiritual energy and righteousness in this sword, what kind of master of the evil sect can kill him... However, things are unpredictable... I can't figure it out, but I still want to It doesn’t make sense…”

Thinking of the end, Zhang Yu couldn't help but shook his head.

After a moment, he looked at the bones in the coffin. The woman's face was bloody and bloody, and it still looked weird.

When a person dies like this, he is already dead and cannot die. Everything else was rotten, so why was this face not rotten?

It was at this moment that the flesh and blood on the woman's face suddenly began to scatter, sliding to all sides, revealing the bones under the flesh and blood.

"It's rotten..." Zhang Yu took a deep breath, and he seemed to understand something vaguely, "Human skin... It's all because of this human skin... If her face didn't have this human skin, I'm afraid it would be... It’s all gone to pieces a long time ago…”

"What on earth is this human skin..." Zhang Yu looked at the human skin in his hand again, and soon another thought flashed in his mind, "Changing face... I understand... I understand. …”

At this moment, Zhang Yu was thinking of nothing else but the perverted murderer, who appeared in a different face every time. This confirmed Zhang Yu's guess that the other party did it with the help of a human skin mask. at this point.

Also, every time the murderer kills someone, she will peel off the skin from the other person's back. That is not because she is a pervert, but because she needs the person's skin to make a human skin mask.

The murderer's targets were all young, all under thirty. Zhang Yu had seen photos of these people, and basically all of them were pretty boys. In other words, the skin on their backs must not be bad.

Of course, it might be better to use women's skin. But the murderer always chooses such a man. There may be a woman in mind, or there may be other reasons.

"It seems that the murderer has really been here...Wu Nannan...her possibility is becoming more and more likely..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart again, "She will definitely not find out that there is another person buried here, but I saw the things in the box... Could the box contain the magic tools for making human skin masks? If so, why didn't the person who buried the body here put the magic tools into the coffin together? But to put it outside... Also, even if Wu Nannan has learned how to make a human skin mask, she is still a weak woman after all. How can she hold a man down in the bathtub and drown him with her bare hands... Is it difficult? No, there are some other cultivation secrets or something..."

Zhang Yu would naturally not guess what was in that box. But now, he has been able to determine a lot. Zhang Yu put the human skin into his arms and looked at the bones in the coffin and the sword in his hand.

He originally planned to put the sword back into the coffin, but now, he gave up the idea. This sword is too precious, and the person in the coffin is probably not a good person. Putting the sword with a woman is an insult to the sword. Moreover, I don’t know if this sword will be used in the future.

"Take it back first..." Zhang Yu jumped up from the coffin with his sword.

With a thought in his mind, the yellow scarf warrior began to work again, closing the coffin lid, and then began to fill it with soil again.

After finishing all this work, Zhang Yu collected the yellow scarf warriors and walked towards the steep slope when he entered with his sword in hand.

He walked up the steep slope and returned to the platform. Standing on the platform, Zhang Yu couldn't see the entrance just now. It seemed that this illusion array was indeed not simple. And Zhang Yu did not intend to destroy the illusory formation here and leave the illusory formation behind. At least no one would casually discover the coffins and buried bones here.

The sky is getting a little bright now, and there is a cliff ahead. If you jump down from here, you can go back to where you came from.

But standing here, Zhang Yu began to wonder again, "Could it be Wu Nannan... If she accidentally fell here, how did she get down even if she got the contents of the box..."

He looked around, and when he faced the mountain wall, he suddenly saw that there were holes on the mountain wall on the right.

The holes, arranged in groups of five, look as if they were made by human fingers.

"Huh?" Seeing these holes, Zhang Yu immediately went around and came to the mountain wall.

He looked carefully and found that it was absolutely correct. These holes were indeed made by someone's hands. Judging from the width of the hole, it is not difficult to tell that 99% of it is a woman's finger.

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