Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3227 Zhang Yihang

Zhang Yu was stunned when he saw what was in the coffin. It turned out that inside the coffin lay a pair of bones.

Zhang Yu had seen skeletons a lot, so it wasn't anything unusual. But this skeleton was different from what he had seen before.

The body of this skeleton has turned into bones, but the face is still a complete face. This is a woman's face. The skin is like white jade, the eyes are tightly closed, and the nose and mouth are extremely delicate.


It's really beautiful without any flaws.

If you look at this face alone, no one will believe that it is a dead face.

"What's going on..." Zhang Yu was puzzled. This woman's body had been reduced to bones, so how could her face be so intact?

Women's hair is extremely long and falls on the sides. It has long been scientifically proven that even if a person dies, the hair will not die and will continue to grow.

The hair was also too long. Zhang Yu looked at it for a while and then discovered that there seemed to be something golden on the right side of the skeleton.

Zhang Yu thought, and the yellow scarf warrior standing next to the coffin immediately put his hand in and grabbed a long sword.

The scabbard of this sword is golden, but the light does not shine. I don't know if it is because there is not enough light in the cave.

The yellow scarf warrior threw the sword to Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu took it and put it in his hand first, then looked at the scabbard and hilt.

The golden scabbard is indeed plain and simple, and there are also simple patterns carved on it. The hilt of the sword is also golden with a red tassel, which looks very beautiful.

Not only that, but more importantly, this golden sword was actually filled with spiritual energy. The spiritual energy was so rich that it even surpassed the sword he found in the coffin in the mine in Wuli Village.

This was the first time Zhang Yu had seen such a rich aura, which was a bit unimaginable. In addition to spiritual energy, there is even a vast amount of righteousness on the sword. Zhang Yu is absolutely sure that this sword is definitely the sword of an upright decision-maker.

"What's going on...Why is there such a sword here..." Looking at the sword, Zhang Yu became more and more confused.

He unconsciously looked at the bones lying in the coffin, looked at the face of the peerless beauty, and murmured in his heart, "Could this sword belong to this woman... Then who could have buried her here?" ...What is the connection between the box outside and the contents in the box and this woman..."

Zhang Yu naturally couldn't explain these questions. He looked at the sword in his hand again, and with a slight exertion, he heard a "choking" sound, and the sword was pulled out directly by him.

Zhang Yu looked at the sword again. When the sword entered the autumn water, there was no cold light, but there was a vast righteousness flowing from the sword body.

The sword had no patterns on it and was very simple, but Zhang Yu could immediately see that there were three traditional Chinese characters engraved on the sword - Zhang Yihang.

"Zhang Yihang..." Zhang Yu muttered, "There is a name engraved on the sword. It must be the name of the sword's owner. Zhang Yihang... This seems to be a man's name... It doesn't look like a woman's name... This What does Zhang Yihang do..."

For a moment, Zhang Yu became even more curious.

Such a sword has a man's name engraved on it, but lying in the coffin is the skeleton of a woman.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu suddenly came up with an idea, "Could this woman be the beloved woman of senior Zhang Yihang? Because of the death of his beloved woman, senior was heartbroken, so he buried his sword with him... It can be used Such a magical weapon was buried with him, which shows the senior's love for this woman..."

In Zhang Yu's heart, he unconsciously called the owner of this sword "senior".

After all, he knew that anyone worthy of this sword was destined to be a peerless master.

He looked at the sword again and saw nothing else, let alone any runes. But this is normal. Unless it is a special long sword weapon, it is rare to have runes on it. Generally speaking, it is driven by one's own infuriating energy.

Zhang Yu unconsciously activated his true energy and penetrated into the long sword. As soon as the true energy penetrated, Zhang Yu felt a surge of spiritual energy coming over him, and the spiritual energy that had penetrated into his sword was pushed out in an instant.

This surging spiritual energy is naturally much more powerful than the sword in Wuli Village.

"Awesome..." Zhang Yu took a deep breath and immediately felt relieved. Naturally, such a magical weapon was not something he could control with his strength.

Zhang Yu returned the sword and its scabbard, looked at the sword in his hand, and then at the woman in the coffin. Zhang Yu said in his heart: "This senior and this woman must be a perfect match... This sword , let’s leave it to her..."

Thinking of this, he planned to hand the sword to the Yellow Turban Warrior and send it back to the coffin.

But then, his mind moved again, and he thought of the previous question again, "That's not right... Since the person who buried this woman should be the owner of the sword, what is the meaning of the box placed on it? ...and what is in the box...what could it be...and here...this evil the same as the last time I smelled it, it smells of evil..."

"There is definitely a certain connection between them... I have to find out..." Zhang Yu's face became serious. This time, he did not command the yellow scarf warriors, but jumped down and stood next to the coffin. .

Now that the distance was closer, Zhang Yu could see more clearly.

The woman's face was as white as jade, without any blood color, but it was very different from the face of a normal dead person. It was no different from that of a living person, except that there was no blood color. After a person dies, his body only festers but his face does not. It is really puzzling.

"What's going on with her face..." Zhang Yu was full of curiosity and couldn't help but raise his hand, wanting to touch it.

After raising his hand, he quickly put it down. Doing so was somewhat disrespectful to the deceased.

Although he raised and lowered his hands, his eyes never left the woman's face. It was a bit far away when I stood on it before, and due to the angle, it was inevitable that I couldn't see clearly enough. At this moment, the distance was close and the angle was good. Zhang Yu could see much more clearly than before.

"Eh..." Suddenly, Zhang Yu suddenly discovered that although there was hair on the top of the woman's head, her head and neck were also turned into white bones.

"What's going on... The head is also rotten... Why is only the face not rotten..." Zhang Yu lowered his head unconsciously and measured it carefully. He wanted to see the skin on the woman's face. How are they connected to the bones? What is rotten is gone and what is not rotten.

After looking at it for a moment, Zhang Yu saw the clues. Under the woman's cheek, there were bones all over. Where the cheek and neck bones meet, there is actually a layer of skin. This leather edge is integrated with the woman's entire face, but after seeing this, it makes people feel extremely weird.

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