Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3101 Ancestors

Xiaomei saw Zhang Yu looking at her hands and never shifting his gaze. She said in confusion: "Why are you always looking at my there something wrong..."

As he spoke, he was about to let go of his hand.

As soon as Zhang Yu saw that she was about to let go, he pressed her hand with his other hand and said eagerly: "There's nothing wrong..."

Xiaomei's hand was pressed on her arm by him. She was confused again and said in confusion: "What the hell is going on with you..."

Zhang Yu said sincerely: "Xiaomei, didn't you find something wrong?"

"The thing that's you..." Xiaomei said seriously: "You suddenly fell down in pain, and suddenly nothing happened...I was confused by you..."

"This... haha..." Zhang Yu smiled bitterly and said truthfully: "When I walked here, my body hurt as if it was chopped with a knife and an axe. The pain was so painful that I couldn't bear it. But when you When you touch me, the pain stops immediately... Speaking of which, I really can’t understand..."

"There is such a thing... How is this possible..." Xiao Mei said in astonishment.

"It's really unbelievable... But the fact is like this, and people have to believe it..." Zhang Yu said solemnly: "Xiaomei, it's like the stone door here. I tried my best to open it, but I can't open it... But As for you, it opens with just a touch of your hand... Isn't it weird..."

"This... is indeed weird..." Xiaomei nodded, and then said: "But what you are talking about now is even weirder..."

"That's right..." Zhang Yu said seriously: "I suspect that this place was deliberately designed by your ancestors. Only people from your village can come in. If others come in, they will suffer immense pain, and even Die... But why is it said that as long as the two of us are in contact, I will not be in pain? I really don't understand this... Maybe this is a loophole in this formation. Maybe, when the formation was originally arranged, It’s arranged like this…”

"Then, tell should we do now..." Xiaomei was a little panicked now.

There were so many unbelievable things that she, a little girl from the countryside, couldn't bear.

After all, she had lived in the village since she was a child. Although it was hard work, she had not experienced any storms.

Especially the current strong winds and waves were something she had never seen before.

Zhang Yu was able to maintain his composure. He smiled and said, "Don't worry. In this place, even if I have my shortcomings, I believe you will not be in any danger."

"I don't want you to have any shortcomings..." Xiaomei said eagerly.

Zhang Yu immediately smiled and said, "As long as you are here, I should be fine."

After saying that, Zhang Yu took Xiaomei's hand. After all, in this place, he felt that he could not leave Xiaomei, otherwise he would be in trouble.

Then, Zhang Yu continued: "I think there should be something left by your ancestors here, or a way for outsiders to escape. Let's go and have a look."

For Zhang Yu, it is indeed curious what the ancestors of Wuli Village will leave here. But Zhang Yu has no covetous intentions. After all, for Zhang Yu, the inheritance of Wudang Taoist Temple is enough for him to study for a lifetime. The magic weapon on his body is already powerful enough. Even if he encounters a powerful magic weapon, it can easily surpass the Seven-Star Sword and Yuxu Rope.

The reason why the Seven-Star Sword cannot kill with one strike when encountering a strong enemy is not a problem with the Seven-Star Sword, but because of Zhang Yu's insufficient cultivation. In this world, the more powerful the magical weapon is, the more powerful it needs to be supported.

"Okay." Xiaomei didn't have any clues now. Naturally, she would do whatever Zhang Yu said.

Of course, the two held hands and walked forward together.

Ah Gou was with him. Although Zhang Yu had been in excruciating pain twice before, Ah Gou was fine. This may be because Agou is not a human being.

The two of them and the dog continued to move forward. When they reached the third pair of stone pillars, Zhang Yu could see clearly what was placed directly in front of them.

In front of this is clearly a mourning hall, with a memorial tablet on it, and behind the tablet, there is a coffin.

Zhang Yu saw it clearly, and Xiao Mei also saw it. Xiao Mei said in surprise: "Here, can there be a coffin..."

"I don't know for sure, but I estimate that when we get closer, we should be able to see the clues." Zhang Yu said seriously: "There is a spiritual tablet on it, and the name will naturally be written on the spiritual tablet."

"Yes." Xiaomei nodded. However, encountering a memorial tablet and a coffin in a place like this really made a girl feel nervous.

The two of them continued to move forward. As they got closer and closer to the altar table, they could clearly see what was written on the spiritual tablet on the altar table.

I saw a row of words written on it - the thirty-fifth generation descendant of Jiuyao Clan, the spiritual position of Cheng Zhiyuan, the Holy Lord of Haoran.

"Cheng Zhiyuan..." As soon as Zhang Yu saw the words Cheng Zhiyuan, he immediately thought that the owner of the largest tomb on the mountain was not named Cheng Zhiyuan.

"You also know my ancestor..." Xiaomei looked at Zhang Yu in surprise.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "I have seen the tomb of ancestor Ling on the mountain, and the name on it is Cheng Zhiyuan."

"Yes, this is the name of our ancestor...and we have to go up the mountain every year to sweep the tombs...Although other people's graves are so old that we may not care about them, but according to the ancestral teachings, the ancestors must be worshiped...but, but Why is this place enshrined in the spirit tablets of our ancestors..." At the end of Xiaomei's words, she looked incredulous again.

"Because, when I was in front of your ancestor's tomb, I unexpectedly discovered that there were no bones at all in the tomb of your ancestor. In other words, your ancestor was not buried under that tomb at all." Zhang Yu said seriously.

In fact, the tomb has been dug up and taken directly into the mountain. There must be no bones.

And behind the coffin, there is a coffin. But Zhang Yu didn't feel whether there were bones in the coffin. Because this coffin does not seem to be an ordinary coffin. Although it is not far away, it is really difficult to determine whether there are bones in it.

"You, you said... there are no bones in the tombs of our ancestors... then, how is that possible..." Xiaomei said in surprise.

Although I also know that what Zhang Yu said may be true. But this matter is really too hard to accept. After all, since she was a child, she has followed her family, or to be precise, the whole village, to visit the tombs of her ancestors on the mountain every year.

"But you should be able to see that what is enshrined here is the spiritual tablet of our ancestors. Moreover, behind the spiritual tablet, there are coffins. If your ancestors are buried in the ancestral graves, then what does it mean here..." Zhang Yu said slowly.

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