Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3100 Open the door

"This stone gate should contain a very powerful formation inside, making it difficult for people to break." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Then, what should we do..." When Xiaomei heard what Zhang Yu said, she couldn't help but pursed her lips.

She knew that she couldn't do anything to help, and she felt a little regretful.

Zhang Yu looked at Xiaomei and suddenly remembered that he was standing in the middle of the mountain and couldn't get down for a long time. At that time, I was running around in a hurry. Strangely enough, as soon as Xiaomei came over, the two of them appeared here together very quickly.

Wanting this level, Zhang Yu immediately came up with an idea and said in his heart: "This is the place of Wuli Village, and it was built by the ancestors of Wuli Village. Before, I could not come down as an outsider, and I needed someone from the village to be present. You can also come down. Does this mean that this stone gate must be opened by someone from Wuli Village..."

Zhang Yu's eyes lit up, he glanced at the Shimen again, and then said: "Xiaomei, I guess I can't open this Shimen... Otherwise, you can try..."

"I..." Xiaomei was stunned for a moment and said, "I can't even push you away, can I push you away..."

"I'm not sure. Maybe you can push me away right away... If I can't push you away, I'll think of other ways..." Zhang Yu said.

"Then, let me try..." Xiaomei nodded.

However, she did not dare to walk there alone.

Seeing that she didn't move, Zhang Yu said, "Let's go there together, don't'll be fine..."


With Zhang Yu following beside her, Xiaomei naturally became more courageous. The two of them walked towards the stone gate together, and soon came to the stone gate again.

Xiaomei slowly raised her arm and placed her hand on the stone door. Before she could push hard, she heard a "click" sound.

I saw that the two stone doors, which were originally tightly closed, actually opened on their own.

Seeing this scene, Xiaomei couldn't help but be stunned. Her mouth opened wide, and after a while she murmured: "This... this... what is going on..."

Zhang Yu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't expect that there was such a clever formation mechanism in the world.

Seeing what Xiaomei said, Zhang Yu said: "This is the place built by your ancestors. Naturally, only his descendants can open all this. Just like that place just now, it was actually a passage. I couldn't get down for half a day. , but as soon as you came, the two of us came in at once."

"It's actually like this... This is a bit... amazing..." Xiaomei said unimaginably.

The stone door in front of me slowly opened, but after it was completely opened, it was completely dark inside and nothing could be seen.

Zhang Yu immediately activated Lingtu and let him go inside first to provide lighting.

As soon as the spiritual map entered, it immediately illuminated the inside of the stone door. The space here was really not small. The current spiritual map was not enlarged to its maximum size, and even the original appearance could not be clearly illuminated.

Zhang Yu simply activated the Lingtu again, making it the size of a blanket. At this moment, everything inside could be seen clearly.

This is a particularly large stone room. There are six huge pillars in the stone room. Looking inside again, there seemed to be something placed at the front, but it was too far away to see clearly.

Xiaomei was obviously a little nervous. She looked at Zhang Yu and said, "Mr. Zhang, where is this place... Why does it look a bit scary..."

Zhang Yu said gently: "I can't be sure of the specific place, so I can only go in and take a look before talking. Don't worry, don't be afraid, I will be by your side to protect you..."

"Yeah." Xiaomei nodded.

Zhang Yu understood that Xiaomei would inevitably be a little nervous about this kind of place, so he comforted her: "Come with me, let's go in together."

After saying that, he stepped in.

With him by his side, Xiaomei felt more courageous. She followed Zhang Yu and walked inside together. Ah Gou followed Zhang Yu through the door.

The two people and the dog were not walking very fast, and Zhang Yu was also careful to avoid any traps.

As he moved forward, he looked left and right, but found nothing. In the large stone room, the surroundings were empty, with nothing placed except for the things placed at the front. Zhang Yu could gradually see some clues. He could tell that something seemed to be enshrined there. Because of the distance, it is still impossible to be completely sure.

After walking forward for a while, we came to the middle of the first pair of stone pillars, and after a while we came to the second pair of stone pillars. Zhang Yu could gradually see the things placed in front of him more clearly. He looked carefully, and at this stall, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body.

This kind of pain comes out of nowhere, as if a thousand knives were stabbing him all at once.

Zhang Yu had never suffered such pain before and couldn't help but cry out in pain, "Ah..."

He collapsed directly to the ground, his body twitching even more. The pain in his body did not stop. He gritted his teeth, but even though he gritted his teeth, he couldn't help but scream again, " hurts..."

"Woof woof woof..." Agou who was following him screamed in fright when he saw Zhang Yu's sudden behavior.

Xiaomei was shocked when she saw Zhang Yu falling to the ground and screaming in pain for no apparent reason. She hurriedly knelt down and said with concern: "Are you okay..."

"It hurts...ah..." Zhang Yu just said in pain.

"Why does it suddenly hurt..." Xiaomei was puzzled, then reached out and grabbed Zhang Yu's arm, and said nervously: "Otherwise, let's get out of here quickly... I'm so scared..."

But strangely enough, when Xiaomei's hands hugged Zhang Yu's arms, the pain on Zhang Yu's body disappeared instantly.

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment and said in astonishment: "My body doesn't hurt anymore..."

"It doesn't hurt anymore...that's great...I'll help you up..." Xiaomei said happily.

With her help, Zhang Yu stood up. When Xiaomei saw him getting up and found that there was no pain on Zhang Yu's face, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It really scared me to death..."

After saying that, she let go of Zhang Yu's arms with both hands.

Oddly enough, as soon as she let go of Zhang Yu's arm, the feeling of being struck by a thousand cuts instantly broke out on Zhang Yu's body again.

"Ah..." Zhang Yu cried out again in pain. Fortunately, this time, he didn't fall down immediately, but his body kept shaking.

When Xiaomei saw this, she was startled again. She hurriedly stretched out her hand to support Zhang Yu and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

One of her hands was holding Zhang Yu's arm, and the other was supporting Zhang Yu's waist. After the two came into contact, the pain on Zhang Yu's body disappeared again.

"I...I don't feel pain anymore..." Zhang Yu said inexplicably.

"Why doesn't it hurt anymore..." Xiaomei said in confusion.

"This..." Zhang Yu looked at Xiaomei beside him and saw Xiaomei's hand grabbing his arm.

He then thought that his body suddenly stopped hurting just now, as if Xiaomei had grabbed his arm.

At this moment, Zhang Yu immediately realized the reason why he didn't feel pain.

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